does any body assure about dubai visit visa requirments?

does any body know how to apply dubai visit visa for one month for a lady and her two children, they are holding qatari resident visa as well. GCC countries resident can get on arrival visa just for 100 qr fee. is that true? can she get this visa? what are the regulations and process and requriements?
kindly help
if this lady holds a visa in which she is sponsored by her husband that is a housewife or a dependant visa then she wont get a visa on arrival unless her husband is with her
can go to website and get the details
GCC residents can get visa on arrival from Dubai or sharjah airport (I dont know about Abudhabi), depending on their profession in the visa.
Usually professionals like Doctors, Engineers, Mangers, Accountants, Programmers...etc are eligible for this.
You can check with Air Arabia or Emirates to know if your profession is included in the list.