IT Information Technology in qatar

Did you ever look into classifieds. Available "Computer Operator" with strong knowledge of Ms Word and Powerpoint... Woweeeee ..very qualified. My cousin (4 yr old) can beat him to a prospective job anyday... The IT industry sucks bigtime here
Industry people include.
1. Old non-IT staff (including clerks) who have been shoved to so-called IT positions
2. Non-IT staff with 2 or 3 months computer classes under their belt (sent to training by employer)
3. High school graduates with 3-8 months formal IT training
4. IT Consultancy Firms trying to mop up botched/struggling IT operations.
This is ICT Qatar.
Are you an IT wannabe or a IT cert hog or something. I did ask . what industry are you with? If IT, Where in IT are you?
sorry if I didn't make myself clear. I was reffering to day-to-day IT needs/staffing within non-tech orgs like banks, petro-chem and realestate etc. This includes most , if not "many"
Referring to "As a part of vendor...."
How much can vendors look into the needs of small and medium organizations. They have their own needs which are outside ...say Acer's support boundaries. Their own customer crm apps, database apps, accounting apps....Whom are you kidding. This calls for an in-house IT support (depending upon the IT model). How can vendors assist you with network issues..
About the sofitel retailers. You call them the real IT people. They are just sellers for gods sake. They choke on questions like raid setups, cache memory etc.
Referring to "How about poeople who installed the open source software....". IT in qatar is not completely eye candy. I have met many with solid computer science/IT background slaving behind the IT scene. Then again OST (Not many) of the entry level to mid tier (non programming/ software) jobs are taken up by people from a non IT background. People like "computer operator" with experience in word/ecxcel. Or rookies with some IT certs.
Bad hair day?????
Well, no....I am a network specialist in sydney. I am moving into sonet/sdh soon. Been doing some research into the Organisational IT model adopted my non-tech orgs in qatar. Found it really disturbing
ICT Qatar. Who was talking about that new ICTQATAR. I wasnt.
ICT - 'Information and Commucation Technology'. I meant the ICT INDUSTRY. Just like Entertainment industry, Construction Industry.
The IT industry is rather broad and your 4 point list is somewhat narrow. IT industry can be hardware, software, installation, development, support, operations etc.
There are many IT consultancy firms here, but in your list they are disqualified since they are being paid to mop up botched IT operations?? Many IT specialists here are working for firms.
Many IT support functions are part of the vendor. Acer has 3 official dealers here in Doha and they also do software related stuff like removing viruses. Reason is because many people that buy a Computer brand X, go to that same supplier whenever their software of brand Y is not working.
Perhaps you definition of IT industry is what you see of it when you read the paper or walk in the street?
Did you ever go to Sofitel where they can make a computer as you like it. How about the people that installed the open source software for this website/forum.
Are you looking for some kind of service? Were you unlucky to find it and decided to post this? Or do you just want to make a point? Bad hair day?
ICT Qatar by the way, is the oversight body here in Qatar to stimulate and regulate ICT services (QTel, security awareness, Qcert etc)
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can
be counted counts."
-- Albert Einstein
I was mentioning the common stereotypes. What are you? Have you got IT/Computer Science degree. How did you end up in IT? Where in IT are you?
Xyned, the reason for this situation is very simple. An IT specialist will earn 80.000 Euro (400.000 QR) in Germany. Do you expect him to come here to work for less?
I am into IT and luckily don't belong to the four categories you have mentioned.