Harrasment from a Karwa Driver

Just few minutes ago i took a karwa from C ring to my office here in Salwa. When I asked for the bill it's QR7.50 I gave this driver 50 riyals since that is the smallest bill in my wallet and immediately this Indian driver raised his voice on me and kept shouting at me to look for smaller bill. Until now I'm still on shock with what happened because this is the first time I have experienced this from a Karwa driver. I already called and complained to Karwa I hope this guy will be given a lesson. For today he is driving Karwa with plate number 452. I asked for his name and shouted at me NO NAME! I asked for the receipt and again shouted KALI WALI RECEIPT!
I just hope this guy will be given a lesson for his being arrogant
thanks so much to all of you for sharing my sentiments, this case has been resolved already, the same day i called one qatari friend of mine and told him about this thing and to my surprise, he did called Karwa and demanded this driver to be sent back to India for his behavior. i felt sad for this guy, i'm sure he was sanctioned for this, just hope he learned his lesson. last thing i knew about this guy is that police questioned him for behaving like this because one qatari filed a complaint in my behalf.
it depends,..coz i dont like people shouting at me, especially for no reason, if he does, he's gonna get it big time...
MJ, you kinda scary, would you do that, if it's you? no offense meant though, but i guess not paying the man would fit just fine, since the root of his action probably money and if you're not paying he would have much a problem. ^_^
the next time you chance upon the same driver, keep in mind, "it's payback time"...whack him on the head with your handbag or something or leave a package inside his car that totally reeks like a rotten egg.... :P
well, charan, that's the draw back in riding it! hahaha...
also, some karwa drivers has the same smell either even with an AC on, only few of them had a better one along with fresheners, so i guess let's just look on the better directions since by now it'll be cooler than before... ^_^
"bring back the yellow cabs, thats all i can say,cheaper,nicer drivers,"
But smelly inside. no A/C. Driver never had a bath for a week ;)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
yup, yellow cab drivers are better mannered than karwa now, i guess and they even better in directions. ^_^
bring back the yellow cabs, thats all i can say,cheaper,nicer drivers,ok cars not up to much but, if u get were u going who cares,lol
A week back we rode a karwa from al sadd exchange and asked him to u-turn to opera. He didnt listen and instead turn right to centrepoint. Told him to go around from sports roundabout and instead he turned to the side street of a hotel and we ended up in lulu center. We told him where did he intend to bring us and he was shouting at us. We said he wasn't following our directions and he complained about the traffic, but the traffic jam wasnt major at that time only in the signals. And all these when we were just going to Bin Mahmoud from Al Saad. Asked him to stop at Lulu, me and my friend went down... didnt even bother to pay him... just walked out so fast because he was getting hysterical. I'm not about to pay him when he brought me all the way to the other side of where I was suppose to go.
There are some karwa drivers that take advantage of the customers, they would drive you around so that they can hike up the meter. This is because they are no longer paid salaries. They have to rent the cabs for 265QAR everyday and they have it for 11hours. That's why these guys are trying to earn in anyway possible, whether its bringing you to longer routes or not giving the change.
to do so, their excuse always is they start the day with no money with them so they won't be able to deal with those bills like 50 or 100 Q.R
I bet you won't have this issue if it was in the afternoon, he just had a bad day and you were the first poor victim of his long list for the day.
Cheers buddy, don't let that ruin your day ... I know it's hard and you will spend the whole day or at least your time in the office telling others about what happened or thinking about it but ... he does not deserve all of that attention that you are giving him.
Start from here ... Have a nice day ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
I had the same problem in New York.. Took a short cab and had a large bill.. The guy didn't have change..
Whilst I agree that he should not be rude, i also think that perhaps you should have realised that he is unlikely to have change first thing in the morning..
you are telling that they have problems then why they are coming out for doing their work. the same work they cannot do in india how they can do it in other countries. Most of the Karwa drivers doesn/t know how to behave they think this is india. Majority of the Indians have no manners they do not know how to speak or how to behave in society. They think all ladies who are working in gulf are like their sisters and wives because these people are earning money here and wives and sisters are enjoying with others. Recently one man called saffaruddin always calling my mobile and telling nonsense. His full name is saffaruddin meentharakkal abdulkareem. I know this no he got from some one from my office. While asked who gave this no. he did't tell anything. He is telling someone from my mobile calling to you. what nonsense? if any person wanted to call from his mobile he knew the person. then i complained to the police, now he is playing another trick he has handed over this no to another person. Now i am trying to find out where he is working. so this is indian people. pulling leg each other. tarnishing the image of another person. etc.
either they're arrogant or inconsiderate!
I've had the same experience all over the world - cab drivers claiming they have no change. It's very annoying! One would think that's part of their job. I've had some cabbies drive all over just trying to find change. So I try to bring what I think is the correct amount with me to avoid unpleasantness and delay. Doesn't always work. I lived for years in New York, so the idea of a crazy driver doesn't surprise me.
Another tip for those using this karwa taxi.. in their meter there is usually a number that correspond to 1 or 0, if you are going outside of Doha it will be the number 0 but if you are just traveling within Doha it should be the number 1.
The difference is with number 0 the fare will be much higher unlike for the number 1 which is lesser. I got this from a friendly Karwa Driver.
Cheers all
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
you should have left the taxi without paying him ;) that was a good lesson for him!
You only change the system or people if you complain, otherwise things continue as they are.
The best outcome is for the driver to be deported, theft and harrassment are violations, we dont travel or come to work for this kind of thing to happen, report incidents like this every time, demand the name number of the driver from the Karwa transport manager, be polite but firm.
Karwa drivers here are bad, well, not all, but most of them..based on my experience
Everything happens for a
Let down his bloody tyres and then smack him in the face.....that should do it!
well i also experienced kinda similar to this but it was
i think last 2 months. i gone to mugalina althani ofc
bldg and i only got qr 50 as smallest amount in my wallet
my fare was only 8 and handed my payment then he said
"you dont have small bill?" i said well im sorry its
my smallest bill. he said "you know you go on taxi but
you dont bring small bill next time you bring small bill
or dont go on taxi. funny thing is hes keep on
complaining and i found out he has change for my qr50.
then whats the point of him getting mad
Anyone working at Industrial Area? Taxi's are like bus, multiple passengers, 5 riyals each, whether near or far,
If a cab driver does not feel good due to his problems, it's better he should not work on that day, what if he encountered a person who have a much bigger than he had, then they both have to leave qatar,
Concience speaks, he started, hope this never happens.
if you have nothing to do, don't do it here!
Drivers, asking how many years you stayed in the country, he ask where you want to go - and you said a place and he will return to you asking where is that, if you cannot show him that you know the place where you want to go, you will turned up rounding like a tour, with a bill much bigger than the usual,
if you have nothing to do, don't do it here!
maybe that's the same driver who shouted at me before.. i wait for more than 20 minutes (because I was told to come out EARLY because the Karwa driver is coming)under the heat of the sun (middle of summer), then when he came i asked why he's late and why he told me to come out if he's gonna be late, and he just kept on shouting on me that it's traffic, don't ask him anything..
shocked.. I told him, I was just asking him why he's late because I was actually waiting under a 40 degrees heat (maybe more) and he will shout that loud.
Guys from QNB (outside the car) who happened to know me because they are doing business with our company, heard the driver shouting at me.. So, they immediately opened the door and asked what's happening. And I told them, the driver shouted even to the QNB girl. So they just told me to get out of the car and they will just drop me to my place coz it seemed like the driver has the tedency to hit me as well.
I was asking for his name but he did not give it to me.. I just took the plate no., I immediately called Karwa because it was actually a booking.. But they never did anything..
There are good things out in the print media about Karwa such as returning big amounts of cash money and other personal things which both the passengers and the Karwa management hailed. Are these kind of negative issues get some attentions and treat fairly?
some of the karwa drivers thinks they own the road and aslo thay behave like a pilots...
Other drivers are also asking personal questions.
If they see you're nice, they will take advantage of it. Just limit the words, tell them we're you need to go and that's it.
Everything happens for a
u cannot act the way you like and just what you feel like based on your moods especially when you ar eout dealing with people ahammed. your feelings are never an excuse for your actions epecially at the workplace, your clients or customers are not your family or relatives who will understand, they expect the better of you even when you are feeling whatever inside. if he has a probelm and thinks he can't handle customers well that time then better take a break first. i'm with you ayetha.
“A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.”
thanks so much for all your inputs, someone from mowasalat has called me about my complaint and said they will do something about this i will follow up later in the afternoon about this also...
i can understand his situation maybe he is having a bad day but no need to make other people feel bad also and even shout at them...he is taxi driver and even so,everyday he should do his job with dignity and respect for himself and for others also, still he needs to learn his lesson for acting like that, i don't want this thing to happen to other women out there
i believe mowasalat will be fair and will act on this
I had an incident last week, but not as bad as this. The fare was only QR8, and I handed him QR10. Of course, he should return me the change, but he didn't. I was waiting and he gave me a "what-are-you-waiting-for?" look.I said, ok, fine, you're not that much worth my time, but don't think it's alright with me, once more like this with me and I shall deal with you accordingly. Then I got out of the cab, upset.
It's not the QR 2 that is the deal here, it's that as if I am obliged as a responsibility to give him the change. The nerd!
Everything happens for a
yes i know ahammed but somehow we need to think what can happen if we react like that...the driver doesnt know whats in the mind of his customer,so he needs to be careful about what he is doing...
"Love is built on hope. Sure it is filled with risk and with disappointment, but it is still something that gives your life a greater meaning."
oh, btw, harrasment is a criminal act and with matching "EXTORTION" would make him understand it better...
and what else an administrative complaint, etc. etc. and you just can come up with much more that for sure he will gonna calm down for good.
if we let it pass, we make him worse, if we want proper justice help him change for good. ^_^
"Thats my style"
style? omg.
your style would only incourage disrespectful people to multiply a hundred times.....
have him take you to Mowasalat or a police station. All the Karwa drivers apppear to think they are New York cabbies and drive like maniacs.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
i am shocked to hear your story with the Driver as i know that the taxi drivers are always instructed to be polite with the client ... you did good thing by complaining ..
anyway, i hope really that he will be given a good lesson in order not to redo it with other people...
have nice trips
have to teach these drivers some lesson
report it immediately, if we do the same thing, we are no different, we may do a thing or two but doing the same and not reporting it may worsen the situation. just inform the proper authority and let them do the action this will serve better this kind of incidents for those involved and to others who will get involve in the future.
also if this thing will not be reported? a person as having a "big problem" with "bad attitude", who knows may not only do harassment but even more... ^_^
just my opinion though
Better to report this to the office..
Ayetha.. You are right...
But you know dont think that all the people's thoughts should be like yours. If he done a criminal thing you can resgister a complaint against him.
But this is not a criminal thing. May be its the first time he had bahave like this, and who know may be he is confessing for this.
please understand that people who are suffering from problems make them mad.
Some times me and you too getting mad with our friend and relatives.
Thats not for all time.
Take this problem also the same experience.
God can forgive him, But Y cannnot Man..
It always happen with karwa drivers, there is one thing you have to do to give this driver a lesson, just follow up your complain with mwasalat, call them and if they give you no answer ask to talk to the Manager, drivers like him should be punished,, am sorry for what happen to you
....report this to karwa to teach that driver a lesson.
If ever he is just not in a good mood,he dont need to act like that on a customer!
"Love is built on hope. Sure it is filled with risk and with disappointment, but it is still something that gives your life a greater meaning."
Thats my style
"but wil not register any complaints against him to Karwa"
No, I will give him as what he has given to me,
but wil not register any complaints against him to Karwa.
.if this man is shouting at your face? can you forgive him????
But wehave to understand the ordinary people.
they will have more problems, as an indian i know the problems of an Indian.
The most of the Karwa employees having munch more problems while driving.
Some qataris making violence driving complaints against them without any cause.
I never experinced karwa transport , but once i called limo from the airport to come pik me Alfaisaliya compound to city center he charged me 250 riyals! i was new in doha i didnt know the charges but when i told my friends they said he was a thief he did not even give me a receipt.
I found the true life in Qatar!
it happens... so be vigilant next time, if no receipt no pay as nicaq said, let them throw words for at the end of the day still it'll be their lost not yours.
not only indian drivers happen to do such, even there are others who may not be that arrogant but still they even make you feel you oblige not to take receipts nor even ask for a change and it's quite a normal thing for you to accept...
just remember friend that's why they are the driver and you are not, so happens there are really some who do things too much that tarnish the integrity of few who do things right, so on this be vigilant... ^_^
.forgive him? i can do that
.only after i slap his thick fugly face.
.you could have shout back. If you have been treated with disrespect, of course you can throw your bag to that a hole. People like these deserves an instant drastic reply.
, grrr, m fuming.......
Please forgive him.. thats good..Thats mankind
Sometimes some person wd behave like this.. They might have big problems...
Dont worry.. Undestand the people..
Next time don't pay if they refuse to give you receipt. Just walk away and call police if the driver starts to harass you!
Have a nice day!
you shud have been debug the programe with F1 at customer care. anyway wish u error free days ahead!
"Never love a person you can live with,
Always Love a person you can never live without"
not really a good thing to start the day... sorry about that...
You really think he's going to give you his name? ;)
Try calling Karwa and report this guy. Maybe it's time for him to go home.
no ticket?free ride! keep that in mind!
if driver doesn't comply, call Mowasalat office.
As far as I'm concern, that's posted on their car as a reminder.