Morning, Welcome back to Work!!! Yuck!

Ello ello ello people...
I'm sure some of you must have got back to work on Saturday, some on Sunday and I got back just today...aaaah the one month of Ramadan is OVER, cant believe it, so soon it has got finished... :(
And then comes the Eid...all done...done .. done...!!!
:( :( ! ! !
And must say, the break was quite good and always as usual, it looked quite short... LOL!
So back from the holidays of enjoyment, and crap and lazyness...whats happening people...
This is your daily morning channel "QATAR LIVING"!!! LOL!
busy again with work, what to do and ... coffee would be fine .. im starting a diet from today until my pants get on and off easily again ... just like before ... I was shocked last Eid when i tried to get some clothes and found that even the 38 size of the jeans won't fit that easy in that Azz .. so i left without buying anything, feeling so depressed ...
Owen is doing fine ... guess i can say that ... that shall make us two then ... wanted to do that long time ago, but unfortunately could not ... If she knows how to drive, sure thing you would see me flying out of the car rolling on the streets and i would be really lucky yo crawl to the pavement before a camel run over me ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Namaskaaramulu Sir...
Ekkada no where to be you doing...and yes boring to work all day...its only freaking 10am...yuckkkk...sooooooooooooo mcuhhhhhh time to go! LOL!
Today was my "Wellcome to the jungle" day...
I forgot how s**king my project is...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
Well well indeed had a great time on the know we did this Desert Safari thing...and I must tell you it was just awesome.......Me, Harsha, Irrysa, Loulsy, and my family and Loulsy's family and all had a great great time...
Well indeed heard a lot of God's Own Country...will visit it someday soon...and I also hear there are a lot of cute and pretty girls...LOL! I have been to this place called know that Sultan was Fckintastic!!!
And about the list...well...yes both of them, I didnt touch the comp in my house whilst I was still thinking of giving you the list No Doubts...but then again was thinking are you full fit and fool n final...LOL!
Its very sad to work for full day :-(
Yeah yeah gloat all u want abt ur freakin holiday! Poor me:( I'm in God's own country and it truly is a great place for a holiday! Unfortunately I'm working but its not that bad really...
I dont have to beat the heavy traffic in blore, bear the pollution, come back home to an empty house n a frustrated dog and cook, etc. I was kinda waiting for ur list but then i figured ud be happily enjoyin holidays somehwere:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Kingie...indeed...Koffee with Ksarat was good this morning...not too much rush on the streets...not much at all cos people are still sleeping and the offices in the Diplomatic Streets are on holidays for another 24 hours...
Indeed...buddy, how you doing...i'm doing rather exceptional needless to say the least...things going on kool and you been, been a long long time since we have met you you realize that before I smack your the ground...lets catch up soon for a coffee or something...speaking of which, how is OWEN!!! pls do tell her, the next time I see her...I'm going to be like her in...
"Go inside the Room girl, you have been a bad bad girl (for not keeping in touch), turn around I should smack your azz for being a bad girl..."LOL!
And LADIES whats this about advice seekers and crap that I missed so much that you are all puking about!!!
Geeeeez...I was so starting to miss you girl...sad to see that your hols got off...but I had my full when you what you now in Bangalore or in Kerals....LOL! And yes dont shout at me for not sending you the list of CDs...just didn want to disturb you cos the last time I spoke to you you were not feeling well at all...!!! :P
strange thing was, the thread just appeared one right after the other....
Oh yeah MJ! That was so yukky i didint even wanna comment!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
radio ... here comes KSA smacking everything around him going back to work ... had a good drive to work because the schools will resume tomorrow, lucky for anyone that the road was empty as KSA was looking for someone this morning to smack ...
Here at work, he is enjoying his cup of coffee, it was Ramadan last month so the supply is good ... lucky for them otherwise ... KSA would smack the table and say, no coffee? not my problem ... get me some from Costa ... or wherever i don't care ...
Still posting under this thread, meaning everything is ok .. the keyboard is still doing fine ...
j/k buddy, ... how are you doing long time no see Chief ... I really feel what you are feeling now, anyway i resumed work yesterday and indeed ... going back to work sometimes is a big yuukkk, but what to do ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
lol someone, i had too much yesterday, i almost puked.... seemed strange, they all just popped in yesterday one after the other....all with the same problem...
Good morning Ksarat......
Seems like you enjoyed the holidays
Check this out the cricket place I said about:
Oh yeah QL had gone to dogs during Eid holidays! Really poor MJ n me n a few others!!!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
sheD, you missed all the advice seekers
sounds interesting...and needless to say you do sound rather kool...just a touch kool...not too still have to prove yourself to me...and it will take a while before I can accept you in the Fellowship of the Kingdom...of QL!!! Lol!
And yes I do see that QL is no more like how it used to be...o well with you and me here...we can still make Merry...and stop thinking in the gutter girl...*Tsk are married...LOL!*
Morning People! How's everyone??? My vaccation got cancelled coz our release didn't go thru so i didn't enjoy my hols except that i am at my parent's house now and can eat good food and enjoy a breath of fresh country air:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Fair enoughhh...well put I would say!!!
Backbones of your hubby...ok would not want to get into the finer details of that line from you...
And looks like you are complaining of yoru over working and fully stressed out hubby...more than anything else...LOL! hmmm...unhappy about "SOMETHING" girl...LOL! Am just kidding, am sure you can take a bit of humour cant you...!!!
You can't teach experience...
hey janey, SheD.......
have a f*cking brilliant day as well.... sorry janey, im quoting you on that
Rizks...ello mere bhai Eid Mubaarak to you and your you was the holidays kya kia rey baawa!!! :P
Janey...ello darling how you doing...hmmm lots of work...sounds so not like me...LOL! You too girl...have a great fcking day!!!
SheDBabe...ello sweetiepie...aaah I get a special morning from you...thank you thank you doing...indeed getting back to the Ramadan rather tough!!! infact after the Ramadan into the Groove of normalcy is rather tough boring and yuckkieee...what you a housewife and you are still complaining??? Or you a member of the Workforce of Qatar!!!???
Hey everyone, good morning! Hope you are all feeling hundreds! The weather is nice! Oops, sorry can't help but comment about it. ;) I have loads of work to do but still busy with facebook.
Err.. okay, I reckon I should get going. It's gonna be a loooooooong day. ;)
Have a f*cking brilliant day!
hmm, you think huh... shall we???
That's enough to form a "union", mj.
now there's 5 of us here.....
Morning, labda.
lol labda, morning..... ooohh the paper punch hahaha.... i'm keeping my fax machine at arm's reach, just in case lol..... :P
Hey ksarat doll, good morning. Been back at work since Saturday...I could b*tch til the sun goes down about what a paaaaiiiiin my work days have been. :S But other than that, all cherry here.
Mjamille I was SERIOUSLY eyeing my paper punch this morning with an intent to cause bodily harm...:P
Morning MagicDragon :)
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
Good Morning Kas RAT ......
How u doing buddy ...... Hop u had great hols...
Good Morning there FriendZ !!!
cheers to that!!!
but where are the others, i wonder? they should be back to work by now, and back to QL... i mean, look at MD, still on vacation, and yet, he's here so early..... you guys, come on....
thank God, his humor came back!
come on you people! are there only 3 of us here? wake up you guys!!!
so now, you can be humorous again ksa! and btw, sometimes i call her babe as well...
Humourless...hmmm...I wonder why would you both feel that way people...I was asking about MJ's baby...thats why I didnt play any humour...needless to say that out of practice and habit, instead of typing Baby I almost ended up typing BABE!...LOL!
humorless??? now surely we cant have that now, can we....
You are also a bit humorless this morning, ksarat. Why?
lol ksa,....anyway, she's already eager to get back to school...
no worries, MD..... not surprising anymore that the network is always slow.....
MD...excusez moi...but from what I know MJ starts work at 0730hrs...and I'm in the office wayyy too earlier than that moi friend...LOL!
MJ...aaaah thats nice...good for her...lucky girl, but not so once she GETS BACK TO SCHOOL eyy...Lol!
You're not drunk, mj. I was so exited and the network is too slow.
lol are we doing a head count here? so who comes in after me again? :P
morning to you too ksa, been back to work since yesterday... baby's doing fine, still on vacation, it's back to school for her tomorrow...
ksarat, mjamille comes in and then you!
yeah MD, im at work but still feels like holiday for did i suddenly have double vision, or you posted twice? hahaha good morning..
MJ, darling how you doing!!! Going sure rather pretty sure you are back to work!!! As of that was the holidays and hows your baby doing!!!
Good morning, mjamille. You see, when I work, I can't post, unlike you. So, QL is my "holiday fun", (Somehow, sometimes). Cynical?
Good morning, mjamille. You see, when I work, I can't post, unlike you. So, QL is my "holiday fun", (Somehow, sometimes). Cynical?
Hmmm...must say luck you that you are getting back tomorrow...actually speaking of which most of comps get back in action tomorrow!!!
So how the hols going moi friend!!!
MD, still on vacation, i see.....
And I'm going back tomorrow. Ha! Morning, buddy.