New Entry Requirements for Brits
I've just heard that from 26/09/08 Qatar will implement new entry requirements for Brits who have previously held a Qatar RP. Anybody have any further details on this?
"As of 26 September, we have been made aware of new immigration regulations that may affect British passport holders that have previously held residence permits in Qatar. We strongly advise all British nationals that previously have held residence permits in Qatar and are planning to travel here as tourists to contact their airline or nearest Qatari Embassy to check the immigration requirements, as it may not be possible for them to purchase visit visas on arrival at Doha."
[mod note : locked due to abusive language and behaviour]
meh I hate it when threads go off topic, turning into arguments:(
All I wanted to do was to try and figure out the reason for the new laws on immigration.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Dear friends;
First, I highly appreciate the efforts by Qatar-living site developers. But I would advice all readers to refer to the “Official Channels” regarding Visa & Immigration regulations. Our comments/suggestions are NOT alternatives to any Qatari law changes. Jumping to the conclusion based on personal experiences is WRONG!.
Sincerely yours,
Mahmut Bulut
Electrical Engineer
Dear friends;
First, I highly appreciate the efforts by Qatar-living site developers. But I would advice all readers to refer to the “Official Channels” regarding Visa & Immigration regulations. Our comments/suggestions are NOT alternatives to any Qatari law changes. Jumping to the conclusion based on personal experiences is WRONG!.
Sincerely yours,
Mahmut Bulut
Electrical Engineer
Well that would be up to the non-western expatriates wouldn't it?
If they are happy to continue being exploited by their employers then it is their choice if they stay or leave is it not?
I have worked in Qatar on two occasions, in my experience Qatari companies don't want experience or knowledge, they want slaves and fall guys.
Alexa: The sad thing here is all it takes is a few people to whine about something or fail at doing something for the government to introduce new laws that affect the whole. What is lacking here is independent bodies/regulators to monitor what goes on in most organizations here, that would seriously cut down on corruption and 'wasta', and as you said then they can ensure that the people being brought here are qualified and paid according to their skill levels, and not on who they know.
double post
Renee: LMAO!!! You serious? You write a damn dissertation on what is most likely more Qatari bashing and personal insults and call me an arrogant ass**** for not reading it? Whatever! LOL!
Oryx:"Scotia's style of writing is definitely not in keeping with the prevailing Qatari culture", care to elaborate?
i am not sure where you are from but where I am from a Twat means a pregnant gold fish.
But Scotia's style of writing is definitely not in keeping with the prevailing Qatari culture.
uhhh...well you have just proved to be the arrogant assh*** that I thought you were....thanks for that...just to clarify!!
Renee: I read up to "it's so much cooler abusing people on a forum" and then stopped. I am not reading all of that crap! LOL!
mr paul: Considering how you are in your late 20's and think it's cool to fight and make threats over an internet forum,
Oh but it is so much cooler abusing people on a forum calling them Bit*** and Cun**- why have the moderators not warned him for this type of language? Is it cos his Qatari? Seriously, if you think the word c*** is no more offensive than the word twat, why do you not use it more often in your posts? Go on call me one..In fact why do you never see it being used in very few posts? Well a few people have used this word and have been warned by the moderators but not you. Why is that?
BTW I am 25 – so old hag doesn’t quite fit my description. My guess is that you are not Qatari because if you were an Arab you would never make degrading comments such as “Calm down you racist old woman, you might break a hip bone or something” "old hag"..etc
Arabs respect their elders and would never disrespect them in such a way, so I doubt you would make a comment like that if you were indeed Arab... I've been around enough Arabs to know this. Unless you are soooo inhumane!!
In terms of Islam, it is in fact against Islam to abuse others so don’t throw this “you always bring religion into arguments” on me.
Your manner, tone and arrogance is disgusting and frankly if you are indeed Qatari, you are not doing your brothers any favours by degrading a woman, no matter if you agree with her or not. Cos the Muslims I know, love and respect would find it disgusting the way you speak to a woman thus the reason why I don’t think you are.
A person who has to defend their country so much is a person that is so insecure about the place they live otherwise they wouldn’t care what other people say. As I’ve said a million times I don’t care what other people say about my country whether it’s 5 or 1,000 because I know in my heart that it’s a decent place - why would I care what others think?
Because in your heart you know that there is truth to what people say. Otherwise why would you care so much?
My muslim friends take the crap out of the UK – they slander it to bits and we have mutual arguments, sometimes not, but we don’t turn into “police watch dogs” and try to dictate what can and cannot be said. You know what the difference is between them me and you? You for some reason can’t hear anything negative about Qatar and when you do you call the person a racist and a C***, a B***, a Prick….etc etc….you know why? Because you’re a arrogant, ignorant assh*** who should be put out of his misery….really do the world a favour!!
Well Hoo-ha! I think this is great! People are actually spewing out their prejudices and venom in a very frank and open manner and this can only be a good thing.
Why? Because speaking out and venting your real feelings is the first step to understanding that there is no real difference between any of us.
All human beings suffer the same basic problems, it's just that different viewpoints, circumstances and cultural misunderstandings cause problems between the various races and religions of the world.
I have had serious conversions with various people on some very sensitive subjects, which have sometimes become very heated and have threatened to spill over into violence.
But at that critical point, I look at my antagonist and he looks at me, and we start to laugh as we realise the sheer stupidity of the situation and of our arguments.
If you keep your feelings on such sensitive subjects to yourself, they will very likely fester into deep mistrust and hatred.
So let it all out! Get it all out of your system and take it from there.
Carry on people, I believe that you are on the right track and I'm enjoying this!
emerged oil rule
who said it has anything to do with tourists?
mr paul: Considering how you are in your late 20's and think it's cool to fight and make threats over an internet forum, I can already see how this new law can in fact be beneficial to keep out undesirables.
adey: The day an American restaurant can put fa**ots on it's menu, you might have a point about the "real world".
alexa: That does happen for sure, a lot of the time, I was just speaking to my father about it at lunch today, those kind of people want to make money without doing any work, but then cry when they get robbed because of their own lack of interest in their own businesses, they deserve it in my opinion. In my dad's business only twice has theft been committed and both times my dad caught them within a week of their crime, this is not because he is lucky, as his brothers have been robbed blind and the perpetrators got away, but the difference between my dad and his brothers is he is very hands on and makes sure he is a part of everything that goes in in there.
However the influx of crime from tourist visas have been people who commit credit card fraud, spread around bad checks, fake currency, snatching money from people at ATMs, etc. I was referring to those kind of crimes more, but what you said also does happen frequently
We have a difference of opinion then - but mine is based on what happens in the real world, - the day it is permissable to print the word C**t in a childrens book I will change my mind.
Bored with this now.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
But as I said: The guys at the committee are "pimps"!
Sadat, 1978 Peace Nobel Price
Mahfouz, 1988 Literature Nobel Price
That's it.
Sorry, I have to correct myself, she is Iranian. Shirin Ebadi.
Nobel Prizes for Egyptians ?
Didn't realise there was a section for Corruption.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
i call dibs on the next one
I know of an Egyptian Women. She received the Peace Noble Price. Imagine the uproar in the male population. And she got it for fighting for the women's rights! She was also honored with a German Price yesterday.
2 out of how many?
MAza, the Nobel Price Committee are also "Pimps". No wonder that there are basically no Arabs awarded a Nobel Price!
if yer bothered to read the topic from page 1, yer will see all Ex RP holders are banned !
alexa: Often laws are made here that make no sense whatsoever, I have no idea why they would introduce these news rules for expats. To be honest, I don't even think Qatar is ready to be a tourist destination spot yet. The laws are too conservative in my opinion can get a lot of people in trouble unintentionally, in addition to the policing here being very poor meaning it is and has been much easier for criminals coming here to come on tourist visas and commit major crimes then go back home.
I personally feel thorough inspections of people's background would be the better solution as opposed to making things difficult for everyone else, but like I said I honestly have no clue behind their reasoning for this in this instance. I do know a lot of locals are upset because of the amount of robberies, burglaries etc that have been going on after the looser entrance laws, it might just be tied to that.
Mr Paul: Since you're the one talking all this shit about how macho you are, come to Qatar the next weekend or so and let's see how tough you are in real life.
Your not in Qatar anymore? That explains why your coward ass is talking tough about fighting. I am in Qatar so how the hell do you expect me to talk to you face to face you dumb racist prick? Gone are the days of the British empire, face it punk, you can't dictate to people how they should live their lives and worship your idea of the superior kind of human being.
finding yer comments funny !
Adey: Sorry, you're wrong.
Mr Paul: Lmao @ this old fat fart getting all riled up over the internet. Tell me where and when and I will be there punk.
im not a racist, unlike you.Fact is, you are the steroetypical qatari, arrogant and ignorant of the world around you. Exploiting poor labourers and treating them like slaves.
Anyway, the offer is there, come and see me, and lets sort it out like men....
But yer wont, cos yer nowt but a bully and a coward !
mr paul: You're nothing but an old fat racist drunkard who misses the good old days of the her majesty's empire when you could exploit people to do your work. It kills you that you can't tell people what to do anymore and that in Qatar you are whining has as much impact as a dog barking.
Stand toe to toe with me, and we can sort it out like men.....
but, yer will always hide behind that screen wont ya...Like cowards do.
there are degrees of obscenity. were you referring to the mother****** as being offensive in the UK? It was not clear in your post. Mother***** is, but not the worst, as I said Americans find it higher on the offensiveness scale than Brits do.
And Jean-Luc Nancy is French, and again cannot appreciate the full cultural significance of the word. I assure you the T word is only a mildly offensive British colloquialism compared with the C word.
I keep saying that but you keep arguing that I am wrong, sorry but on this point I am right whatever your opinion may be. Sorry
"most people on here just want to disagree with me for the hell of it, I am not talking about you specifically."
as I said , just for the hell of it, because you do kinda invite it with the over emotive language. As you know it is hard to convey emotion etc not being face to face so one has to be very careful with the language one uses. We all get it wrong sometimes but having seen a few of your posts you seem to use a lot of those phrases coupled with very 'course' language. Maybe something to think about if you don't want to be embroiled in slanging matches?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Mr Paul: You think I would be intimidated by you? LMAO! I would say it your face in your hometown too. You're the chump who wouldn't say the crap you are saying here out in public.
Alexa: If there is some real reasoning behind it to protect people then I would agree with it, if there isn't then I would be against it. There are laws that are made that also affect me personally in a negative way as a citizen, sometimes with no good reasoning behind it.
Yer nothing more than an Anti west, anti kafir racist piece of shit....
adey - The word fa*got would also be posted in any menu in Wales as they are meatballs, but we know what would happen if that word was used in the US. I am getting bored of discussing this, let's just say that any sensible person can figure out how exactly Mr. Paul intended to use that word based on the other crap he posted along with that word.
someone who gives a shit !
Ist that the best yer can do scotia ? Cos if it is, keep trying, cos yer will NEVER upset or offend me.I think yer comments are amusing...But i bet yer wouldnt say it to my face !
I read the telegraph article - It was in a kids book,for young kids at that!
They published the T word in a kids book - now do you really think thay would have published the C word in a kids book or even wreastled over whether to include it or not?
You reference just proved my point I'm afraid, that the T word is way down the scale when compared with the C word.
Did you read the comments posted there? Seems like they were not particulaly offened on the whole.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Renee: I wish you I could say it was fun for me to, however I really can't stand racists they make me sick to the stomach. Have fun exploiting people - after all that's what your kind do best!
In the British context it is obscene, I know this for a fact, and like you said yourself, most people on here just want to disagree with me for the hell of it, I am not talking about you specifically.
Here is a quote from Jean-Luc Nancy that further reinforces what I had said earlier "I am deliberately using the word twat, which is doubly violent: it is violent as slang, but also because of the obscene and invasive image that it evokes."
a cute harmless word. I said it has a slight comedic value that the C word does not have.
Just in the scale of things the C word is more aggressive, confrontational and of a higher degree of offence than the T word - this is what I have been saying all along.
Mr P is British therefore he used the word in it's British context, same way as the Americans go loopy if they were called a motherf*****, a British person does not have as strong a reaction to it as say an American would.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Renee: Post human rights stats or shut up, my point is your country is not perfect, not that Qatar is "better" you dumb colonialist bitch.
Why do you always bring Islam into every argument regarding Qatar or Qataris? Does Christianity support the spanish Inquisition, centuries of slavery,sweatshops, and your superiority complex?
IT's been a blast, really it has but I have to go help people now.
Have fun abusing people on here - after all that's what you do best!!
Till next time.
Really I did have fun champ :P
maza: Exactly. The CIA is from the same country that went to war with Iraq by ignoring the UN's decision because Iraq had broken UN resolutions, the same country that had neglected to take into account black voters in Florida and had ignored the true poll results because they felt it would make people lose faith in the system if they did a recount, same country that supported rebel groups in the south that opposed democratically elected govs that were pro regulation. The list goes on, Qatar is not perfect but nor is the USA and it's CIA fact book.
MY country has a Tier 1 rating...where does Qatar sit again...hmmm that's right Tier 3
Your the twat that started comparing my country and your's, so don't twist it really are embarrassing yourself...BTW isn't it against Islam to abuse others???
I would take the CIA 'factbook' with a large pinch of salt. CIA are hardly a credible source- a few words to elaborate ' black ops', 'rendition' 'guantanomo bay', 'CIA drug trafficing in S. America and Afghansitan'..i could continue but you see my point? The US and its minions in Europe are just pimps!
Renee: LMAO!! Calm down you racist old woman, you might break a hip bone or something if you type that furiously! If you are not going to post the human right records of your country then shut the hell up. You should be ashamed of yourself at your age trying to play games of "my country is better than yours", not surprised you think like this considering you are a racist colonialist hag. It is expected.
Adey:I disagree with you, I have lived abroad you and very aware of the how those words are used in different cultures, I will go as far as saying that I am at an advantage compared to most Brits or Americans because I would know more of their slang/culture then they would of one another, this is a fact.
I will leave you with this article from a British newspaper, and notice how the t-word is described, enough for me to consider it an offensive expletive, and not some cute harmless word.
"tier rating: Tier 3 - Qatar's rating was downgraded to Tier 3 in the 2007 report for continuing to detain and deport victims rather than providing them protection; the government also failed to increase prosecutions for trafficking in a meaningful way in 2006; workers complaining of working conditions or non-payment of wages were sometimes prosecuted under false charges in retaliation"
Source: CIA World Factbook 2008
School issues of discipline are different from the outside world and on a forum discussion board,
And actually yes - in a school or in the work place they would be treated slightly differently, believe it or not.
"Give me a break." - See there you go again, I am having a civilised conversation with you and you ask a sensible question of me, then answer it with a condescending remark before you have been given the answer - this then makes one want to automatically dispute your claim just for the hell of it.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Renee: LMAO! The fact that you have no direct ties to Qatar yet still come on here to post your anti-Qatar propaganda says more than I have to about your life, what a spiteful hag! HAHAHA!!! Your racist colonialist attitude just stinks up the place, so much for me being "arrogant". You post so much bs about Qatar yet admit you have never even been here, like I said before, why don't you post your own countries human rights record you racist pos?
Sorry I am not a racist, I never stereotyped an entire ethnic group or race ever on this forum, unlike your KKK ass which have done so repeatedly.
Adey: So are you implying if one british kid called his teacher the t-word and the other the c-word, one would get in more trouble than the other? Give me a break.
No, they come at me "guns blazing" because I expose them for what they are.
Who said I haven't been to Qatar you anti western twat? Did I say that? I go to Qatar and work with the victims in detention centers from time to time - have you never heard about people going to a country but not living there??? Ha, how naive...
MY country has a Tier 1 rating...where does Qatar sit again...hmmm that's right Tier 3...if you are really that ignorant, go look it up instead of posting garbage---your starting to embarrass yourself...really you are...
BTW you anti western racist, I ain't going anywhere - so go spew your garbage somewhere else!!!
Have a nice day, it's a pleasure like always :D:D
"your ridiculous belief about how one's understanding of the English language is directly related to their nationality"
I don't think I was implying that - not nationality certainly.
A colloquialism (which the T word is, far more so than the C word)can only be understood fully in all its emotional, cultural and succinct ways by someone who is from that culture - you are not, that was all I was saying.
And yes it is a vulgarism but as I said it won't tell you how vulgar - on a scale the C word is the worst.
Stop throwing around the emotive words and phrases:
"and you can argue all you want but it won't change the fact.."
"I am not going to even address your ridiculous belief.."
"Don't get me started on..."
No wonder posters come at you all guns blazing... put your point across in less emotional terms.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I don't live in Qatar you twat - never have and never will...oh and don't get paid by Qatar - but boo who if I did - that's right your one of those "police watch dog's" who come on this forum dictating what people can and can't say.
Oh and you’re the racist – you anti western twat – you’re arrogances is astounding…. that’s right you’re a Qatari going around preaching that Qatari’s aren’t arrogant... ironic isn’t it….Nice job your doing keep it up!! Keep those post’s coming….loooll
ADEY: I don't need a dictionary but I told you to go look up the definition to find that it will be defined as a vulgar term, which it is, and you can argue all you want but it won't change the fact that it is. I am not going to even address your ridiculous belief about how one's understanding of the English language is directly related to their nationality, you know nothing about me, where I have been educated, and where I have lived all my life.
Don't get me started on how many people speak English as 2nd language yet still are more eloquent and are more knowledgeable about the language rules than the natives.
ABU BABU: Well perhaps you should not have skipped what Mr.Paul had said first directly to me, I am sure a "genius" like you can figure out how you too are using double standards ignoring his comments but jumping on my reply to him, yet once again I am not surprised as this is typical behavior from your type.
RENEE: Oh hello there Madame Jim Crow Laws, still mad you feel you will be jumped on here for making your typical racist comments? Here is a link to a nice site where you can do all your race bashing without upsetting others:
Maybe my friends would do the work if the racist leeches would actually give them work instead of keeping it for themselves in fear of losing their mercenary positions.
All you do is bash Qatar and it's people on these forums, why don't you post the human right records of your own country for once? Better yet why don't you just leave Qatar if you hate it so much? No need to answer that, I already know the answer, and it applies to all your kind.
This is hilarious – scotiabank is showing us the charming side of a Qatari – wow....if you represent the majority you wonder why people generalize….loool
So it’s ok for Qataris to go to the UK and study, oh and than return to Qatar, but they are not leeches because they spend heaps of dosh?
But expats who come to Qatar and work are leeches because they don’t spend as much - oh unless they work HARD of course....why do you care if they work hard enough - what's it to you? Maybe because if they don't some of your friends might actually have to do their work?
Expats are here for a reason, like it or not, there is a good reason behind it *rolls her eyes*
Your logic is hilarious dude...keep personally thinks none are leeches....before you abuse me, hear this...I DON’T CARE....:p
must go now - seriously, do some housework - nothing like feeling independent, in charge and on top of things - let that washing line blow your cares away.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
as Mr P is british and it's a british colloquialism, you don't know the emotional connotations of the word, the dictionary may say 'vulgar' but it won't tell how vulgar, and if you need a dictionary then it does show somewhat that you are not in the best position to argue the case with one who is a british native English speaker - and vica versa the same would be true with me and you with Arabic.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I speak english just as good as any native speaker, and I know any dictionary would define 'twat' as a vulgar term.
Maybe in the USA they find the word 'cute' (presuming they have heard it) but certainly not in the UK.
well perhaps it's just some of the words you use come across as aggressive and hence agitated.
just an observation. don't know if you use them intentionally or are unaware of the fact,
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Too late to start reading tonight. I read in marathon sessions not a few minutes or hours or so, have to time it right.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
tell you it just is.
But really, I only mentioned it as it does stand out, it does have slightly different connotations even if it's the name of the same part(which you are correct upon) It's like you wouldn't get really upset if someone called you a "silly front bottom" - doesn't have the same ring to it,
That's all I'm saying.
But really I don't care, just telling you what the predictable retort to being called the C word is. No one bothers using it for the T word as it's not considered offensive enough.
You calming down yet?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I am not agitated at all, life is sweet on my end. Just the fact that Ramadan is over is enough to keep a smile on my face for the rest of October, it's really going to take more than QL to piss me off.
what previous thread?
You seem agitated tonight, chill
why so....bothered?
You can flap around if you like but if you saw me this end it would look kinda weird, coz I'm just browsing, havi9ng a look what's around, pretty much not a care in the world.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
The definition of the word I used = the definition of the word he used, end of discussion. If you can find me a dictionary definition where it says the word he used is more "comedic" or less "violent" then you might have a point.
LMAO! You are very amusing, you just happened to notice me use that word but had no probs with Mr.Paul using it in the same page! And you expect me to believe this has nothing to do with the previous thread that you "forgot" about where you failed at proving a dumb point and tried to coerce me into agreeing with it??? LMAO! Carry on...
holier than thou - I'm just a bit bored, was on here , saw your post, was a bit taken aback with the whole c word thing. Mr P_ stuff was ages ago and the T word has a bit of comedy value in it to be honest but the C word is a whole different ball game - it's very violent.
Now, I'm not at all het up, as I say very relaxed, as I said the house work does that for one - seriously, you should give it a go.
Not as good as a decent smoke, if ya know what I mean, but hey, use what's around you.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Me ? I'm not mad in fact I don't even recall this "some' event - obviously it still boils away in your brain for some reason. I tend to let things go rather easily and quickly.
Chill. You will have an aneurysm if your not careful, go on, hit that washing machine.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
adey can you tell me how exactly did mr paul evade your holier than thou lecture when he used the exact same term as I did BUT before me? Can't say I am surprised...
"They are useful and only for one thing, that's getting f***ed."
What about bringing you into the world?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
adey - They are useful and only for one thing, that's getting f***ed.
My post did address the issue at hand which was the Mr Paul's original comments towards me, go lookup the word "twat" before you open your mouth and try and come at me with your lame bs, I see your still mad that you failed to prove the word 'some' as a term that could be used to describe a collective whole.
What has perked you up?
This thread has truly made brains, reason and emotions explode - from quite a few people,
Me? I'm going through a mellow phase, work helps Scotia, today I cleaned a whole room, washed clothes, pegged things out to dry, did some ironing, all my clothes are ward-roped and even washed sheets and hung them out to dry after should try it Scotia....very therapeutic.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Bear witness to the typical self important attitudes I have described before of leeches in my very accurate thread.
Notice how Mr.Paul had no problem saying how all Qataris should be treated but whines like a little girl when I respond, then you got another clown talking about how important he is yet it is us Qataris that are "arrogant and ignorant", you idiots need to go pick up the dictionary to find just how you perfectly fit the definitions of those words.
can speak for himself but scotiabank your ad hominem attack and the use of that word on a forum leaves you open to the following retort:
At least a c**t is useful, whats your excuse?
This would be my reply, if it were made at me, but it's not , but I thought I would let you know it's a very easy charge to answer.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Mr Paul you're nothing but a beer bellied c*** whose idea of being productive is sitting at Garveys throwing back beers while shouting about how the UK gov messed up for allowing the Polish to work there. I don't mind hardworking expats, but the leeches can get the hell out.
Comparing your leeching ass to Qataris who are spending millions of pounds annually in your country? LOL! Typical dumb ass comparison from a leech.
Oryx - Oh really? Remove that tin foil hat will you please?
Edited by Mod
The language used my scotiabank was uncalled for and will not be tolerated
You deporting who exactly overlook? With your top connections and unique skills that no one has in Doha? Get lost you idiot, you can't do crap and I would really like to see your dumb ass even try to pull something on me, I think you are just a troll looking to stir up trouble to be honest.
Sheikh Hamad just called me and said, the rule will soon be changed. It's a mistake.
The righteous indignation is rather familiar
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
guess what they sell real animal cotton wool at boots... i have it bound round my poor sick feet... and its all lovely!!!
so if you or anyone gets anything sore this is the way to cushion it.....
the cheap stuff we will shove....LOL ;)
yes but mandi is quite polite so i didn't mention her and she doesn't get wound up easily.
with all the heinous crime in the world i think worrying about how long i spend on QL or not is not high on the list.
anyway I appreciate your concern and consideration.
Alexa, please explain to me how can one be 'civil' whilst making sarcastic remarks?
Alexa, take a look at your rather sarcastic posts today and the answer will come to you.
Oryx, If you read Mandi's post above you will realise that I was not the only one who was not aware that the site was under maintenance.
Obviously you spend too much time on QL and it's affected your brain cell, assuming that you possess a brain cell.
LOL Overlook didn't realise the site was under maintenance... he thought he was just banned and kept going around in a loop!
Alexa, I just told you that I am not worried about you at all!
You are nobody and nothing to me, can you read or not?
Mandi, thank you for the info.
Don't worry about it, I am under attack from some rather narrow minded and stupid people.
It seems that they have nothing better to do and they really need to get a life.
I mean a life in reality rather than based on the net.
Alexa, why should I worry about you? I'm just making a statement.
Nothing wrong in using a forum, but for many of you guys QL seems to dominate your life!
Why don't you guys concentrate more on reality, especially the reality of the situation Qatar?
I think you said that before.
And that bothers and hurts me how?
That's a rhetorical question - no need to reply
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Overlook, there was a very small post listed from Ahmed that said "Back soon." When opened, it explained that site maintenance was being carried out and that while we were free to read, no one could post. Which was funny, because I managed to post twice yesterday! I must have caught it between changing servers.
Alexa, sorry to say but unlike you I have a life outside of QL, what I post is what I would say face to face.
You guys think you are so smart and savvy, but wasting so much of your time & life on a 'phookin internet forum is really so very, very sad.
BTW, I ignore all posts from PM & adey (and hashin of course!) from this point forward.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
A very confrontational reply from PM as usual. I've already explained that there was no indication of any QL site maintenance yesterday. I assumed I'd been booted off QL because of our heated dispute the other day.
I just run the concert party, here to entertain the troops.
Would a reference to 'It Aint Half Hot Mum' elude and be wasted on you?
I shall post a vid.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
but this is not face to face.
Different rules apply here, learn to grow a thicker skin and you might get into the swing of things and actually enjoy it,
*See even a smiley face for you.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
coz everyone knows this site is all about me!!!
Darude's days are numbered, unless he is a Toss Pot! He needs to declare to one and all he is a Toss Pot then I will concede and exhalt the Biggest Toss Pot of them all!!
What are you waiting for Darude?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Errm, Alexa... there was no indication that the site was under maintenance yesterday.
Do you also wish to make derisory statements on a forum which you would not make in a 'face to face' situation?
Mess with a Tiger, you get the jaws.
"I'm so special, it's all about me"
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Well Hoo-Ha & Hoo-He!
I'm really pleased that my original post has created so much discussion and has caused so many people to ask very serious questions about the implementation of the new Qatari entry requirements.
You should all be aware that I was forbidden from submitting posts on QL yesterday and I could not therefore defend my opinions or position.
However, the QL administrators have apparently decided to allow me to submit posts on QL as of today, and this is a clear, positive and very encouraging indication that they recognise the basic right of individual freedom of speech, regardless of their personal thoughts or feelings on the subject matter.
I appreciate & applaud their decision, and I feel that I am now free to return to the discussion of the original subject.
I strongly believe that the sponsorship system and the lack of basic rights afforded to expatriate employees in Qatar is morally wrong and cannot be justified under any circumstances.
I would urge all western expats currently working in Qatar to seriously review their position and to consider seeking employment in more favourable locations.
My reasoning is as follows.
1. As a foriegn worker, your sponsor can prevent you from leaving Qatar on almost any pretext. In reality you have no have legally recognised rights in Qatar. If a legal (civil) case is brought against you, you will not be allowed to leave Qatar and your Embassy will not necessarily be able (or may choose not) to assist you.
2. If you are (God forbid) involved in a driving accident or any other type of accident involving a Qatari, the same applies and it is you, as a foriegner, who is likely to be heavily penalised and possibly jailed.
3. As a foriegner, you are not allowed to leave Qatar unless your sponsor gives his permission and an exit permit is granted. Again, it is likely that your Embassy may not be able (or wish) to assist you if your sponsor objects to the granting of an exit permit.
That is the reality of the situation.
I decided several years ago that I would never again work in any country which requires me to obtain an exit visa before I can leave. I would seriously suggest that other expats consider making a similar decision.
Finally, regarding the silly and over emotional dispute with certain other QL posters which occured the other day.
I maintain that I was subjected to a planned attack from the posters concerned. Discussion was not a factor for them, they wished to extract a strong reaction from me and they succeeded in this. What can I say? I have hot blood.
I also maintain that had this dispute occured 'face to face', rather than on an internet forum, my reaction would have been the same. I was intentionally attacked and personally demeaned, but the attackers knew that they were (physically) safe from the possibly violent reaction that there attack was designed to provoke.
So don't expect any apologies from me in this regard.
I've nothing more to say right now, have a good day!
Hi there, just saw your comment as I was not following for a few days, however, so true and when the black hat fits. At least the licenses for the booze were secured if nothing else lol lol.
Actually when I came back to see my parents in England, from Iran, escaping a major disaster by the skin of my teeth, there were high praises of how things were handled by the Embassy in Tehran- I just wonder who was handling them that deserved such high praises.
Are you really Qatari?
something tells me that you are not..... mmmmm
Maybe Qatar has a good reason for the policy but the implementation has been shambolic if people are treated like this.
not worthy to lick his sandals clean !
Maybe all the leeches should get the hell out.....
To quote CU...
"Mr P.
I do not think Qatar is concerned with alienating tourists as a few weeks ago an article in a newspaper stated that they were not looking to specifically target the holiday tourist but the business tourist."
Then what the hell am i...Im a holiday tourist.So it is aimed at everybody !!
The original point of this topic is why and how the rules have changed for everybody with a cancelled RP.
Is this how u want tourism ?
Maybe yer should kick out all expats....
And watch yer country fold in on its self.
Yer call all the Expats leeches, but why are there so many qataris living in the UK ?
Funny how a lot of your losers whining about the rules here and say maybe your governments should treat Qataris the same, well I agree, as at the moment we are usually treated like shit from most of your countries, anything beats being detained for hours and asked dumb ass racist questions. Silly leeches.
this is not accurate, i heard that others were allowed entry without noc . they had an rp cancelled lastyear. strange...
I worked my notice, and owe them phook all....They dont own me, so why should i go begging to them, just to visit my buddies ?
Just another way for them to try and control people...Tossers !!!
Have your 3 friends get a visa before they fly at the Qatar Embassey in Saudi.
Problem solved.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I have recently lost 3 of my best friends,as they have moved to Saudi.this means that they can't come over with their kids to visit..!!!We had planed to get together on all the school holidays and have fun Shopping,Eating and Sightseeing in Doha. What a Shame for Qatar,as there are many who would visit, only so that they can meet up with Good Friends and Loved Ones.We will now have to find some where else to spend our money as it's not welcome here...Ahhhhh all the Hotels they are building and hoping to fill. I guess we will have to visit the other GCC countries as I'm sure they will welcome tourist.
neither do I, seems this is a magical thread where different people read different 'versions' of the written word.
Don't know quite how to say this goes.....are you a toss pot? :P
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I fail to see how the rule impacts on the sale of alcohol.
Mr P.
I do not think Qatar is concerned with alienating tourists as a few weeks ago an article in a newspaper stated that they were not looking to specifically target the holiday tourist but the business tourist. What will that mean? It means I believe that they can keep the rules concerning the sale of alcohol as is and keep ripping the people off
Overlook said ...
hashin, how did you get involved in this?
Does it involve you in some way?
What does this have to do with you?
Okay, now that is just plain funny. To post on a public forum and then be upset when 'the public' respond. Someone put a vote box up, I have to side with PM - just because one is unhappy with their time in Qatar doesn't mean anyone with "any self respect or principles ... will do the right thing and LEAVE". Don't you think we should be able to make our own decisions on where we work?
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
just get a letter from the employer when one cancel's the RP... and ignorance is not an excuse...
dweller - Surprised anyone saw my post in amongst all this rubbish!!! I realise there are people who would want to return, but I still think that the majority wouldn't. Take the money and run!
If thats the way they want to treat tourists, then fine, vote with yer feet and spend yer money elsewhere.....
I'll wear a red apple and green tie... that'll throw 'em off... heh heh heh...
thanks for reminding me to keep my alibi ready...
we should gang up on someone else more often
you just need a small distraction... like a nuclear explosion... just some confusion, we can use corleone's nuclear sub and I'll take care of the paper work...
sounds nice...
theres this Abu Musa island its just off Iran... its going for a real bargain cos theres some dispute over it between UAE and Iran...
ok you can just be an honouary one then.
Night - off to bed
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
island? yes yes, if Branson can buy one, i should be able to get one too. Let's just scout google maps for some unclaimed bits of land floating around.
when he said TOSSPOT, I thought that was like a LOSO for the rest of human civilization or something...
I don't even know Corleone... Sorry Corleone but I don't like to share my airplanes... its not you, its me... but you can have my ferrari anytime
want to be a Toss Pot?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
even I was getting tired of this yacht business... I think the time is right to buy one of those islands...
i wouldn't live in a yacht. not anymore.. especially with all those pirates around. an aircraft carrier. yeah, that's more like it. with a nuclear sub to escort it.
and a 100 g b p s satellite link so i can stream 50 H D movies simultaneously while working on a cure for cancer. strike that i said strike that. what the hell is wrong with this speech to text thingy ? select last two sentences. locate mouse. backspace. clear. oh well, i'll edit this when i get new batteries for my keyboard. and mouse. post
what shall we call our gang then?
What am I thinking!!??!! Overlook already gave us the name, remember?
THE TOSSPOTS - perfect
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
as long as my RP doesn't get cancelled ;-)
that reminds me... what kind of visa should I get for my stallion?
Can I get it under my sponsorship cos I don't want it to leave the country unless I issue an exit permit...
I can sell the home in Austria and buy a sea plane...
and then put the stallion in my yacht and keep both my horse and yacht at sea... and visit it every often in my sea plane
I guess I'll have to get rid of my holiday home in Austria, my yacht in Greece and my beautiful stallion in the UK... all a thing of the past... Its like I have to start life all over again...
so who won?
Well as you havn't pointed out where I owe you any sort of apology I guess that's the end of the matter then?
Well it's been *interesting*
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I got so scared after reading overlook's threat... I just fainted flat out then and there... knocked out cold I tell you for three hours... just came back to my senses... but barely... my knees are still like jelly...
kaan haardly tyipe I teall yew woll
Well old Prof I don't care! Because we know the truth of the matter don't we? But you won't own up to being a rather nasty piece of work who gets a little kick out of baiting people on the net along with her buddies.
So say a sincere 'sorry' and let everyone see the truth of the situation.
I read it cos I wanted to understand the new laws, but now I think I'd rather read my book. Nice to see you on QL after a break? Or had I not logged in too often ... I have a fancy to buy somewhere in Cyprus (Turkish territory) so may PM you with LOADS of questions sooon! muhahahahah
Has to be a more intersting and fun topic than who said who was going to execute or deport whom, what? :D
It came from the Prof, adey & hashin. It's just that you can't see it, they weren't baiting you!
I didn't read anything about anyone being executed. I did (I think) read a reference to someone being like an executioner but not an execution. I did see threats from you hinting at deportation or something and but I doubt if you would be able to arrange that. Threats of violence go totally against the community guidelines and it's all about nothing.
I just don't see where it's all come from
You give me a genuine and sincere apology, don't make a mockery of it and stop trying to take the p***. Then I'll stop, got that?
The devious old Proffy is lying again. She, adey and hashin were baiting me (including a reference to execution) and I decided to react 'coz I really don't like smarta****.
The old Prof then apologised at my insistence but then made a mockery of the apology in a later post, and she's still at it now.
Now come on, be a good old Proffy and tell the truth yer lying cow!
He's a young man then? I thought it was odd coming from someone in my own age group.
I think you are overstepping the mark
If you dared to speak to me in person in that fashion you would get a good slap in the mush Proffy.
been through the various posts and honestly cannot see what caused the agro. I suspect that my take on the issue varies with that of Overlook.
The original topic was a good one and was useful to all those having held a RP within the last two years.
No but I think it's impossible at your age.
Well take it out on your phookin students next time luvvy 'cos I won't have it.
You really appear to have a bee in your bonnet about something. There's no need for threats even if they are empty.
Tell me is Mr.Proffy around? Hmm maybe that's why you like to bait people, old hormones playing you up are they?
It's a reference to this you devious little old Proffy.
'A life unexamined is not worth living -- Socrates'.
Can only think of one thing that was even slightly askew and then it was only advice.
Hmmmmm I'm more than curious now - down right intrigued
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Such is the deviousness of the old Prof that she apologised in one post and made a mockery of her apology in a later post. And she's supposed to be a professional with INTEGRITY.
And she did NOT apologise for you adey.
Apply old Sockies advice to your own life Prof.
I like itwhen you are firm and will go to bed now..............pmsl
What do you want me to apologise for? cut'n'paste the offending parts of any of my posts to you and I will give it due consideration.
Can't say fairer than that can I?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Right you have spat out your dummy, thrown your toys out of the pram... now time for bed if you can't play nicely
put on you pyjamas and dont wake up with your grumpy pants on.
You'd do well to follow old Socrates advice Prof, you obviously have not examined your own sad little life lately.
I think he may have "lost it" but I wouldn't say bonkers.
adey ... Lol with your 'bonkers' comment. Christ sake ... this is only a forum thread !!!
I know overlook have turned bonkers, but surely the rest of you dont have to winding him / her up ...
Off to watch my 'law and order'. Nite all... xxx
Come to think of it, maybe you will be on the next flight out anyway.
Keep your acronym corrections for your students Prof.
If I were your boss and I saw how you behave on here you'd be on the next flight out, smart***.
CID? Ok, I'll have the coffee on. This has gone surreally *Bonkers*
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Accepted, don't ever pull that c**p on me again. Now I want your smart*** buddies to apologise.
Nobody is indespensible
What brought the anger on?
Calm down.
In response to tallg's comment on people not wanting to comeback once they had made their maney and left. We moved fromQatar to Abu Dhabi and regularly visited our daughter and grandkids in Qatar. It would certainly have p'd me off not to be able to go back.
Lol Alexa ...
Overlook calm down ! Guys ... if i were you , i will let him/her argue/bicker with him/herself.
Selamat malam ! :)
Come on, apologise and own up to being part of a baiting threesome and I'll leave it alone.
What are you saying about Aussies?
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Ah .... PM ... thats explained it ... he 'ignoring' me ...
Lol Amnesia ... knowing where you coming from i understand your 'sarcasm' ...
I want your apology, also adey's and hashin's.
Bapak Overlook ... apakah anda benar benar orang Indonesia?
Oh so you are an Aussie Prof? Well that explains a lot.
But of course cowards don't do that do they?
Typical of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The embassy sent a circular round saying "your interests are being looked after from London". The highest ranking official left was the woman (locally recruited) who issued the booze permits.
sadly you're losing face by the minute.
You make it seem as if no Qatari is able or capable to do your job, I ask what this job is and you reply in such a rude manner.
Now YOU tell ME, what 'I' did to deserve such retort from you.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Bapak Overlook ... apakah anda benar benar orang Indonesia?
I am good PM ! Thank you for asking. Why this 'overlook' seems so angry ... Maybe Amnesia can tame him a little bit ...
@overlook, I'll take no hike old man. Stop acting like a child and act your own age.
Talk about disillusions of gradeur. Gonna deport me too?
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Oh how I wish any one of you would say these things to my face... this is how you play things is it? Three so called intelligent people baiting/threatening one guy (I saw you at it yesterday) and thinking it's funny.
I demand your apology now.
Good evening PM ! :)
Then whose execution were you referring to Prof?
Bapak Overlook ... apakah anda benar benar orang Indonesia?
Amnesia you better take a hike, now is not the time
Prof, you, adey & hashin made a threatening remark about my execution.
I don't take that lightly and all three of you will apologise in a sincere manner.
@overlook, I'm interested in knowing this superior job that no Qatari is able to do.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
My God! Banned from a forum! I'm so scared! You posted a threat regarding execution did you not?
And I hope you are available for a visit from him tomorrow Prof?
Never mind I'll just send my CID buddy up to Dukhan to have a word with adey.
Give me your Qatari IC numbers now.
I don't see why this new situation would have much effect on whether expatriates bother to work in Qatar any more. I expect most of them don't have much intention of coming back here once they've made their money and left.
Qatar 2 years ago and hated it so much why on earth are you posting on here?
Fine, I'll keep clear of you if you stop posting on these threads, if not how can manage that?
Tosspot? Yeah I toss off in a pot every morning, how'd you guess? Insults? Like water of a ducks back mate.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Well don't fret about that my little pet! I would know you because I can spot a tosser from a mile away.
PM, you and your buddies stay away from me. That means on QL and in reality, clear?
"PM does not understand what 'context' means and totally misunderstood what I was saying."
You're not a muslim cleric per chance? :D
No Jauntie - it states that after you have left your employ legally you are banned, without a visa or NOC, even to come in as a tourist.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
And the verdict is: PM, hashin & adey are guilty of being completely puerile tosspots who should not be allowed near a computer or any decent human being.
To the gallows with 'em!
Why would anyone want to go back to Qatar?
If I ever miss Qatar I'll just head down to Hastings and meet a few Qataris and I'm sure that'll remind me why I left.
I can see that some people on this thread have said they weren't allowed to enter Qatar over the past few days, apparently legally, due to the fact they had had an RP for Qatar cancelled.
Seems odd.
So ...
I'm calling the jury in now to announce the verdict PM.
Anytime will do PM, I'll show you some real fun!
I'd like to meet you and your buddies PM.
Where are your buddies now PM?
seems to me that anyone who leaves Qatar before their legal contract is finished (and they have tied up all the ends with their Sponsor) is unable to return to Qatar within 2 years of leaving.
Wasn't that always the case? I don't know too much about immigration and sponsorship laws here in Qatar or anywhere, but I think I thought that if one breaks a contract and skips the country ......
I doubt that anyone wishing to enter Qatar legally would be refused entry. ???
BTW I came to Qatar because none of the locals were able to do my job, nor were they able, interested or willing to learn it.
What's your excuse?
What loss are you talking about?
It can't be the loss of your own or your friends brains because you obviously don't have one to share between you.
You talk of execution? Is that a threat? Are you threatening me?
No adey.
You, PM and hashin have completely knocked yourselves out, and when you wake up you will surely be acutely and embarresingly aware of it.
PM does not understand what 'context' means and totally misunderstood what I was saying.
hashin acts as protector to PM regardless of the validity of the argument.
You equate legal terms with terms used in a boxing match which speaks volumes about your mentality.
None of you have an answer to the issue raised which is basically 'why should expats bother to work in Qatar anymore'?
BTW I have never professed to be a lawyer, as far as I'm concerned a 'straw man' is a dummy which we burn on bonfire night.
Come to think of it 'dummies' would be a fair description of you guys (no pun intended).
"And just what is a 'straw man' argument?
I have to conclude that both of you have a poor grasp of english or you have a rather low iq, or both"
Oh!! Overlook trips on his laces and knocks himself out on the foot stool!!!
Victory to PM on a technical knockout in the 2nd round!
Word of advice Overlook - don't question someones grasp of english or intelligence if you don't know what a 'straw man argument' is - you have just shown that you are lacking in both.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
adey is much more adept at this executioner business... he passed a judgement and execution in one go.... but that should not take away the storm from PM for her resounding victory... on ballot and canvas... brilliant...
votes can swing at the drop of a hat...
Next time either of you want to go to Europe, I will be very happy to provide both of you with a LOST (Letter Of Strong Objection).
Really Adey, has it come to this? you prefer a fight to a peaceful resolution of matters in a democratic manner?
can you get ANYONE to speak in your favour in this case?
whoever goes down for an 8 count loses - what's all this voting nonsense?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
PM, I said 'should' leave immediately and nobody called for a vote, unless you consider a vote to be your and hashin's opinion versus mine?
And just what is a 'straw man' argument?
I have to conclude that both of you have a poor grasp of english or you have a rather low iq, or both.
took it off in reverence of the demise of the sad excuse of a defence that you (overlook) presented... bad bad bad... I vote in favour of PM...
More Madison Square Garden and less the Oxford Union !!
Start swinging!!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
who do you vote in favour of? your vote could be the difference between a landslide victory for PM versus a hung verdict...
sorry, I mean csi.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Well how about that, hashin's hat has dropped off and PM is speechless.
Wonder why?
Perhaps because they have no valid argument...
just get a no objection letter from your past employer... and btw it does not apply to Brits alone...
PM, just when exactly did this become a debate?
PM, no not a fair debate. You deliberately quoted me out of context and you cannot now explain your actions.
I have no need to focus on or justify the quotes you attributed to me because they were taken out of context.
You know, 'CONTEXT'?
hashin, how did you get involved in this?
Does it involve you in some way?
What does this have to do with you?
Are you the one man jury?
What do you have to say in your defence?
PM teaches law
I can sense the jury is likely to vote in favour of PM... unless we have 'overlooked' something... Overlook, what evidence do you have to submit in your defence?
Do you teach your students to 'look at your posts towards the end of the second page and the beginning of the third page' and 'then read mine'?
You see how easy it is to quote of context?
God help us all...
If either of you tamper with the evidence... ie. edit your comments, justice will be quick and severe...
What SPECIFIC subject do you teach?
Let the other readers be the jury and then we can arrive on a verdict based on votes...
That is not very specific PM!
Are you SURE you are a teacher?
I'm waiting...
I am not as entrenched on my stand as you are...
PM, yes you are quoting me but you are quoting me out of context, do you understand the term 'context'?
Now, tell me specifically what I said which I later denied saying?
you need an f1 race to burn up the track in Singapore?
we do it every normal day in Qatar around noon all year round...
we are friends now PM?
oh well, i was just about to complain about the insane humidity here in singapore, and the absence of the sun and sand and how i missed qatar blah blah, but suddenly i like the humidity, to hell with the sun, and who needs sand anyway :P.
plus there's a bloody f1 racetrack here that's still burning from the race!! woohoooo
PM and I on the same side of an argument! :-D
You've said it a zillion times on this thread... self respectin professionals should leave Qatar... Now seriously?
You might have got a bad deal...
But there are many great employers here... many of whom protect their employees as much as any other employer in any part of the world... mine treats me like a king... and the same applies to my past employer as well...
Yeah, some of the rules in Qatar with regards to sponsorship aren't great but my employer has never let me suffer due to it... am sure in any other part of the world, there is bound to be one thing or the other which won't suit me... doesn't mean I pack up my bags and leave...
PM, you are quoting me out of context.
I would expect such tactics from the gutter press, but I would not expect them from a supposedly educated 'university teacher'.
I know (hope) you understand the intent and meaning of my posts.
Perhaps you should go through them again, only this time please try to understand what they really mean...
I don't mean to interrupt your fight, just wanted to say one thing.
My first language is not English, but, back in South Africa, me and my girlfriends do say "No, man!" to each other (only girls involved).
Sorry, carry on :)
"She's got enough to live with"
Do you mean future back ache courtesy of daddy? What would the MM make of that story?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Sorry, I paid good money for a ring side seat and I want to see blood!!............................. Plus the lovely ladies with the Round Number cards! Maybe Ms Bakri might be amoung them!!!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
i want a good clean fight - no gouging, not biting, no scratching or a kicking.
Now BOX!!!!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
PM, of course my post was addressed to you!
Err... can you tell me how your gender is relevant to this issue or my post?
PM, I did not say or indicate in any way that I know anything about your personal situation, and I really could not care less what your personal situation is.
I'm talking about the attitudes of employers, employees and government bodies in Qatar. Read my posts man!
If you really do teach at universties, then I would say that would explain a lot about the current pathetic level of our youths education.
God help us all!
Today a colleague of mine was refused entry.
Her RP has been cancelled because the company transferred her from Qatar to the UAE. She came to Doha on a business trip for the same company. It was early in the morning and no one was available. She was told nothing and knew nothing about the new law.
She was treated like a criminal and put on the plane back to the UAE.
She is not British, she is from another EU country. The employer has no case against her with the immigration department. The employer wanted her here. It is purely because she had an RP within the last two years.
I wish the Qatari Government all the best in enforcing the new laws. It's about time people show respect and try to understand the reasoning instead of bad-mouthing and cursing their way around the story.
And Qatar can manage without the haters that speak badly about the country. Yes, maybe Qatar has benefitted a lot from the expertise and the experience that the Brits have brought into the country, but it wasn't for free.
Why the disrespect?
PM, I left Qatar two years ago for the reasons stated in my posts.
I take full responsiblity for my decision and whining has nothing to do with it.
I do not wish to work in Qatar again unless I am treated with some respect.
I'm simply stating the facts of the matter, if you wish to degrade yourself by continuing to work in Qatar then please carry on!
But if you have any self respect or principles you will do the right thing and LEAVE now.
Alexa, chat boards only reflect opinions.
Reading them is not a definitive method of establishing the true situation in any given circumstance,you must experience the situation for yourself and then draw your own conlusions.
Obviously you are a long term resident in Qatar, and as such you will not like to hear any criticism of your chosen place of residence, even though you surely know that my criticism is valid.
I sympathise with your situation, but I say again, any self respecting expat should leave Qatar now!
If you allow people to walk all over you, the people doing the walking will expect everyone else to also lie down and let themselves be walked over.
That is why Qatar is in such a mess now, lots of employers are walking over their employees without regard for their ability and experience.
This has been accepted as the norm in Qatar for far too long, and it will continue until expat workers stand up for themselves instead of behaving like crawling psycophants.
Alexa, how can the situation in Qatar be 'common knowledge' to people with no experience of the place?
Qatar deliberately misrepresents itself in order to recruit expat workers. If people really knew and understood the true situation in Qatar then nobody would want to work there!
I agree Qatar is 'special', primarily because your employer can thread you, your landlord can thread you and the authorities can thread you, and you have no recourse in law to fair and unprejudiced judgement of your situation.
If you are prepared to accept that, then fair enough.
But no self respecting professional person is going to allow themselves to be trodden on in this manner, and that being the case all skilled expats should, in all conscience, leave the country NOW.
Let Qatar deal with it's own problems, I don't need them.
Alexa, excuse me but you are very naive.
I have worked throughout the Mid East, KSA, Oman & UAE. I've worked in Egypt, China, Thailand & Borneo. I always observe local laws and NEVER before have I experienced the kind of attitudes displayed by my Qatari employers and by Qatari government bodies.
Never again will I work under those circumstances.
Any self respecting expat should get out of Qatar now.
Do not pass your knowledge and experience on to people who have no respect for you, let them sort it out for themselves.
No one knows what the hell is going on!
Agreed, the article said that only those whose employers had informed immigration that they should not be allowed entrance be refused. So it says you don't need a NOC to re enter.
British Embassy has had no official communication of the change. I wonder if other Embassies know anything because according to the paper this affects 32 other countries.
Qatar authorities say it has been like this for a long time yet Brit Embassy have only known about entry problems since Friday.
Then again do you trust the Gulf Times to get anything right? - even if they try their best they have to rely on their sources and they probably don't know what's going on!
"A Qatar Airways spokesman said he was not aware of any new regulations governing the entry of people into Qatar." _!!!!??!!!
It's a complete F*@K up! But then again why am I not surprised.
"In the changed scenario, many foreigners feel they can get better (pay) packages if they left their present jobs and returned on business visit visas to take up new assignments in the country,”
"Many employers realised this practice had to stop as their former staff were suspected of revealing their trade secrets and other classified information to their business rivals.” - HOW DOES THE REST OF THE WORLD COPE???????!!!!!!!! with such lawlessness????!!!!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Alexa, I cannot agree with you. If I am being threaded by my employer, and he will not release me from my job, then I believe I am entitled to take any action needed to rectify the situation.
'Good faith' must be practiced by each party in a contract situation. If there is a lack of good faith by either party then any contract terms can be legally disregarded and considered void.
We know that many employers in Qatar have little or no regard for their workers, most of whom came in good faith to work in Qatar.
Are you saying that the 'system' should be followed even though it is grossly unfair and is misrepresented by both the Qatari authorities and Qatari employers, who routinely lie to their expat workers?
The article in the Gulf Times says -
"However, another source said the no-objection certificate was needed only in cases where the sponsor had intimated the Immigration Department his objection to the former employee’s visit to Qatar in the next two years after his departure.
“If the former employer had not specifically conveyed his reservations, the Immigration Department would not ask for the NOC,” the source said."
This reads as if it is only the expats that are on a "naughty" list with immigration, (e.g. left the country in an 'unofficial' way), that cant get back in :)
"Every adult of sound mind, should be able to choose to do whatever they want, as long as they cause no harm to others".
Alexa, I think that's not entirely fair. A lot of expats got caught in the trap of spiralling rents, cost of living etc., and their Qatari employers chose to ignore their employees problems.
These same employers do not want their 'slaves' to leave and make it difficult for them to do so legally, and certainly they will not provide an NOC for those employees who do insist on leaving.
Faced with this situation, many expats felt they had no choice but to leave 'unofficially' and can you blame them for that?
The whole sponsorship system is geared in favour of the employers, employees problems can be conveniently ignored and I think we all know that the labour department is not effective in dealing with issues such as this.
The inequities of the Qatar sponsorship created this problem but it is the expats who are going to pay for it!
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
That will never happen....
That was just some stupid MP who wants to take Bahrain back to the stone age....
Bahrain is planning to restrict Expat stay to 5 years.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
everything will be ok for me.
Mind u, i can still go home
If 100 leaves there are 1000 to replace them :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Thanks everyone for the advice!!!!!
I thinks at this point Qataris have made it even clearer that they have no respect for human kind and have no idea that basic human rights exist...but I guess everyone always knew that!
The problem now is that a lot of Westerners working on a tourist visa will just leave the country rather than being sponsored by slavists. So now my Question is.....QATAR TO QATARIS.....considering thay are unable to perform even the simplest task how are they going to survive wothout expats????
As far as I'm concerned I suppose my friends will have to meet me in Dubai....
end up fine tuning it so that its not a blanket law...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
It is to curb the Job hopping with Business visa :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
fesechi, I think you'd better follow the advice of your Embassy and contact the nearest Qatari Embassy before you fly.
You should also explain the situation to the airline you are booked to fly into Qatar with and ask for their opinion/advice.
No point getting on the flight if you are going to bumped on arrival.
I am affraid this applies to all the expats irrespective of their nationality :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Ok, I just read the thread and am really starting to worry!!!! What will the next step be? Will they implant microchips under our skin to monitor us???????
OK GUYS I NEED YOUR HELP NOW!!!! I am supposd to fly into Qatar on the 1st of October....and I have an RP that exipred LESS tan 2 years ago.
I am ITALIAN and could usually get a visa upon arrival. DOEST THE NEW RULE APPLY TO JUST BRITS OR ALL EU CITIZENS??????????
I tried contacting my embassy in Qatar...and all they said was to call the Qatari Embassy in Rome (how useless can embassies be????) So now I'm all in QL hands......will I make it into Qatar on the first or will I be stuck 6 hours at the airport and than repatriated??????
New passport or not, the Qatari authorities have all your details, photo and figerprints on file.
Wouldn't work I'm afraid.
Ha! But would an NOC provided by a husband be valid if the hubby himself had held a Qatari RP within the last two years?
can control everybody.
Best to just get out now, and leave em be
Best advice is to get a new passport if you want to come back to Qatar, or if you are German get a second passport.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
Even when you leave Qatar, employers here do not like to give an NOC. So if you are an ex-employee do you think they will provide one for you six or eighteen months after you left them?!
There is more to this story than we are being told.
Alexa - you can always get the NOC from your Husband (Sponcer)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
If it became absolutely necessary for someone with an expired RP to enter Qatar & they couldn't get a NOC letter, would getting a new passport help them? Or is it in a system that one was a former slave?
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Best he checks......
IMHO, I think this regulation is fair for those who seek another employment "illegitimately" but unfair for those who just want to visit their family here or plain tourist.
I have a friend who have a cancelled RP here but regularly comes back twice a month (stays Friday, Saturday and Sunday) to be with her wife and children (her wife is a regular worker in Hamad).
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
and it is just as I thought and not new just being enforced.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
If you have time, tell me the truth, Diamond.
Magic, that's not quite true and it wasn't quite as simple an explanation as that.
I don't relate people to body parts, MD. Don't put words in my mouth.
The Al Thanis, PM, were chosen by the British to lead the people of Qatar, because the British considered them to be the "strongest" and most promising tribe in those days.
It goes against every "State". Ask yourself: who owns the earth? Nobody. Then it is occupied by those who have the most testosterone in their blood. And then they gather those with equal testosterone levels around them. And then they occupy neighbors. And then they declare a state (to protect their "property"}. It may be interesting for you to know that the Latin word "privare", from which the English word "Private" derives, means "to steal".
First of all, PM, the Al Thanis did not found the State of Qatar. The Brits granted it to them. Then, of course, the rule was taken by the "strongest" tribe. It could have been an Al Kuwari, as well, or an Al Mana. But the Al Manas were more into the "Judge" business.
I do love Qatar and Qataris, Diamond. Tell me one thing, how can someone be here for 16 years, have a hell of a time with the locals, live in their houses!, if he is that kind of as*hole that you obviously think I am?
Pourquoi vous parlez comme ca, Magic? Je pense que vous n'aimes pas les Qataris et vous pensez que nous n'avez pas intelligence ou culture.
I did discuss it with a grandson of Sheikh Qassim (the founder of the "State of Qatar") according to the annals in Istanbul, and he agreed fully with me.
PM, these people don't "give" me a passport. It costs QR 200 for ten years. So, I bought it to keep a "low profile".
It was the only way, Diamond. The "Natives" did not speak English, French, German, nor Italian.
I don't know what you mean with "state", PM. You mean this artificial constructs that some violent criminals have created with force during history?
Very good MD. Glad you have made the effort to speak with the natives. Seriously, good effort.
MD is not in touch with reality. No skilled expats = no Qatar. He may as well jump into the hole his friends have prepared for him now.
Good enough, Diamond, but it's khaleej slang.
Wrong, PM. I am not an Ex-Pat. I have no "Patria", never cared for that sh*t. "Home is where the heart is" (Elvis Presley). "Every sweaty sheet I laid my body on, is home" (Kris Kristofferson). I guess you won't be able to understand that.
How's your qatari arabic, Magic?-------------------------------------
PM, I have a German passport. That's all. Everything I owned in Germany was sold. Everything I own now, is in Qatar. I am lucky to be sponsored by a Qatari who is still of the "old" type. He considers me (us) as part of his life. That's basically all I have to say on this issue.
I am here, too, PM. And my Bedouin friends have already dug a hole where they will lay me when I stop breathing. I am not an "Expat". I am at home here.
...And that would be great. Qatar for the Qataris!
Well that is what I feared. I think it's bye-bye Qatar for most westerners.
I believe that a whole raft of new rules regarding visas/sponsorship are about to be introduced, the Qatar Government has been reviewing the current regulations for sometime.
Unfortunately it is thought that most of the new regs will tighten immigration procedure rather than relax ie 5 year ban on returning to Qatar without NOC rather tan 2 years at present. This is only what I have heard on the grapevine so dont take it as gospel.
Whatever the official explanation for the situation with respect to tourist visas, the real cause is that some many company owners are upset that they can't properly enslave western expats at the moment (as they do with some other nationalities) due to the fact they can enter (and exit) the country on a tourist visa pretty much at will and start working (albeit not 100% legally).
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
I started this thread with a view to inform people of the situation, I also hoped to discover the reason for the new regulation.
So far nobody has come up with any valid and concrete reason for the sudden implementation of this new rule, but lots of people are way off topic and it's a bit sad to see that.
Does anyone really know what is the real reason behind the new rules?
Merry, PM,
Perhaps on reflection my comments with respect to dress are a bit callous, but unfortunately with the increased use of ethnic profiling by immigration authorities in many western countries this type of incident will become more prevalent rather than less and anyone who wishes to travel to these countries should be aware of it and rightly or wrongly, be pepared for possible situations such as this.
It comes down to the age old argument of do you limit the liberties of the few to protect the security of the many. It is a fine balance and in my opinion (as expressed in my second post) the authorities in this case went too far and behaved in a quite abominable manner.
Anyway lets get back to the thread in hand.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
Question. Does anyone know if the same rules are now being applied in the UAE?
For example, if someone has a cancelled RP from living and working in Abu Dhabi, and now lives and works in Qatar, with a valid Qatar RP.
Can they still go on a tourist visit to Dubai?
"Every adult of sound mind, should be able to choose to do whatever they want, as long as they cause no harm to others".
Funny Alexa, I only briefly scanned the other threads but I didn't see the word Islam until you wrote it...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
PM, as a westerner and assuming I had a valid visa, if I tried to enter Qatar with my head (and maybe part of my face) covered do you think Qatar immigration would let me in? Of course they need to check my passport photo against my actual appearance. Please be realistic about such things.
STE, I agree with your last statement 100%
With that being said something that gives western countries like USA a place to hold their head high is their rule of law. Their rule of law is to be applied equally as justic is supposed to be blind.
We do not as westerns EXPECT that from countries like Qatar, do we?
To insinuate that this woman would have had an easier time to get into my country if she dressed differently is amazingly callous, my friend.
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Whilst not wanting to get off-thread:
There is a similarity, both Qatar (and I might add that I am only using Qatar for discussion purpose not to comment on the countrys immigration policy) and the US have 'dicretionary' powers (for want of a better word)relating to immigration and which are used to a lesser or greater extent depending on the pervailing political climate.
My point is that all travellers should be aware that entry to another country is a privelage granted by that country, not a right.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
STE re-read what I said. Your post adding nothing except a rehash of your previous post.
I will say again. It is strange to compare how Qatar does things to how America is supposed to do things.... But I will admit. America is no longer the country I learned about in civics classes back in high school.
But none the less. Qatar does things one a whim where as America has an in depth process of how laws and acts are to passed and implemented.
Qatar has decided to pass this law and start to implement in such a short time frame is proof of this. What law did the Spanish woman break exactly?
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
with a cancelled rp will have to have a note from their Father or the Father's company to re-enter on a tourist visa? My daughter is coming for Christmas so I need to get this sorted out by then.
cant vist my QL buddies for a Beer........
Yer will all have to come to Bahrain instead :D
The analogy does hold weight I'm afraid, just ask the people who were expecting to waltz into Qatar last week and were denied entry when just days before they could have come in no problem.
Anybody who travels to another country should at least be aware of what might offend or create tensions.
By the way I do think that the US immigration acted quite abominably in this instance, although this does not change my thoughts that the Spanish lady should have perhaps adjusted her dress accordingly.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
I think this will apply to all not just to Western countries. Perhaps we are the first on the list, as in the past many others especially Asians have come in on a visit visa after they had left their jobs and the country so I think this is the first step to stop all of this.
I am sure it will be recitified in some ways, especially for the children and families of expats otherwise they will be shooting the ball in their own goal.
Some of the laws are not always well thought through in the beginning and will have hiccups but so do the laws in the rest of the world.
As the British Foreign Office was aware of this why did they not inform the expats travelling to Qatar through the airlines about it, and why were they not informed at airports and such like.
It just goes to show how silly these organisations are and what are they being paid for?? They are useless in informing people at the right time they always know best after the fact.
I think this will apply to all not just to Western countries. Perhaps we are the first on the list, as in the past many others especially Asians have come in on a visit visa after they had left their jobs and the country so I think this is the first step to stop all of this.
I am sure it will be recitified in some ways, especially for the children and families of expats otherwise they will be shooting the ball in their own goal.
Some of the laws are not always well thought through in the beginning and will have hiccups but so do the laws in the rest of the world.
As the British Foreign Office was aware of this why did they not inform the expats travelling to Qatar through the airlines about it, and why were they not informed at airports and such like.
It just goes to show how silly these organisations are and what are they being paid for?? They are useless in informing people at the right time they always know best after the fact.
I am sorry STE but your analogy holds no weight.
To compare the rules of Qatar that are well established known by anyone who is wise enough to review their State Department/ministry of Interior's website would know that this will cause them problems.
America is country where these things are not against the law. How is she to know that as a European who falls under the Visa waiver program she is walking into a poop storm.
I am ashamed as an American that you compare the 2....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Anyway blame your embassy if you are not informed, they are so useless even in a time of crises.
They will be the first ones to get themselves out of Qatar if something should happen, like they did in Iran, without informing the Brit expats properly at that time and there was no internet then.
Useless Useless Useless with you here Oryx
Dont wish to be rude Flowers or be disrespectful to the spanish lady in question, but,
If someone arrived at Doha immigration wearing a mini skirt and see through boob tube, and her passport said she was born in Tel Aviv, then I expect she would have some trouble getting in.
All travellers should be aware of the expectations of the country thet are trying to enter.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
You thought 6 hours was bad and you were treated like a criminal...this is how a Spanish Muslim woman was treated in America at Florida Airport. She was DETAINED FOR MORE THAN 6 HOURS, STRIP-SEARCHED, PLACED IN MAXIMUM SECURITY,FORCED TO REMOVE HER HIJAB, and DEPORTED BACK TO SPAIN WITHOUT SEEING HER TEENAGE SON!See the video as it was reported by Fox News:
So Qatar was quite "humane" in this regard ;)
Things in Qatar are getting crazier by the day...
....If a tourist had recently worked in Qatar then he doesnt get to tour Qatar!!!
I though the tourist's past experience in Qatar would have given him the benifit of doubt (driving rules, general customs, etc) atleast the guy has some kind of record in Qatar!
The only reason I can think of is they are trying out the 6year ban for expats....
I personally feel Qatar is stopping its own progress due to:
1. Enforcing Tourist eligiblity limits.
2. Employment bans.
3. Sponsor's Rule (signature for everything...).
4. Exit Permit.
5. Afternoon break working schedule, etc.
6. Limiting a person's talent and source of income by tying him to a single-job.
The result is these rulemakers are slowing down the progress of Qatar. Qatar and Oil rich Gulf should have had some of the biggest companies, Education institutes, Research Laboratories, Solar/Wind-power-farms in the world. But alas its still living off its Resources.
double post..
The main reason I left Qatar was because of rapidly rising costs (housing etc.) and the indifference of my company in addressing these problems.
I went to Qatar to earn and to save some cash, but after spending two years there the cost of living and the amount I could actually save made it unrealistic to stay there any longer.
back in the good ol' days there were tons of westerners. I was there for about three years and worked througout the Kingdom installing about 100,000 la silki telephones and I loved it especially Abha and Al Baha.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
we had a guy (US) who went home for six months and his resident card was still in effect (until Dec 08) and he was/is still gainfully employed. He was at the airport in Dulles and he was told he could not return after the saw his exit visa was six months old. This was three weeks ago. Your guess is as good as mine as to why. I don't how or by whom the sponsor was informed but our company has to re-apply for a new visa and it took about a week and a half.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
I can see this will just result in fewer 'western' expats bothering to get an RP, or in the longer term even bothering to see Qatar as a viable work location.
I can tell you that as an employer it is getting more and more difficult to entice top quality staff to work here (salaries are not that good, high living costs, reluctance of professionals to accept idea of being controlled by 'sponsorship')
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
As I understand it you can leave Qatar and return without any problem as long as your RP is still valid and you are still employed in Qatar. The same should apply to your family and to those who are under their husband's sponsorship.
I think this new rule only applies to people who have left their jobs in Qatar, but who have had an RP issued to them within the last two years, regardless of whether their RP has been cancelled or not.
LOL.... lost the plot....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
You know what I think? I reckon that so many people have left Qatar recently by doing a 'runner' rather than resigning properly, that the Qatari authorities have lost the plot and have been unable to keep track of all the 'absconders'!
So in an attempt to control the situation they have put the block on anyone entering who has had an RP issued within the last two years.
Knowing Qatar a little bit I believe that makes sense, what do you think?
I believe one of the reasons is so employers can't steal employees from each other and use propietory information for competitors. There are many companies that also have their own sneaky little rules, I have worked for a couple of US companies and had to sign a letter that I would not work for any other company within 200 miles of where I was working on the same contract and it was a huge contract covering a whole country. IN KSA I could not return to KSA for two years without a NOC from my employer. Maybe the Qatar Airways exec from the UK brought it into effect.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
So if I go back to the states in the summer just to visit, I can't come back to Qatar? Does this rule apply to people who have canceled RPs or does this apply to valid/current RPs as well?
I still don't get it!
In Mr P situation even with a valid GCC resident, he was denied entry!
I just hate how "some" can still monopolize the law for their own interests :(
thanks for the info.... I have always said that the Brit embassy is here for business and not for Brits...
they are useless.
So sorry to hear about your experience Mr P and Gumby sorry for your chum
Why are you so surprised? Qatar doesn't like you. Qatar needs you. So, suck out as much as you can and then leave.
The person who thought of this needs to add some chlorine to their gene pool....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Well perhaps if you work for a bad company or your upset them in some way then it would be a problem, but I'm not so worried about it.
At the end of the day, Qatar can allow or deny entry to whoever they want, just like any other country.
No previous employer, you are bound to their whim even up to two years since you left their employ.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Ok, so as long as you have a letter from your employer in Qatar you can still get in. That's not so bad.
I expect that the new reulation is just another manifestation of the Qatari's 'Slave Master' mentality and is in place to make it more difficult for staff to change companies.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
This is really weird!
Who benefit from such laws?
have introduced a simlar ruling for Qataris entering the UK it is beginning to sound like a tit-for-tat ruling.
Not unlike the situation that arose when the law that Brits were required to obtain visas to enter Qatar was introduced.
Previously visas were not required.
The UK introduced the requirement for Qataris to obtain visas to comply with an EU law. Qatar responded, not surprisingly with like for like.
I wonder when the UAE will get round to doing it.
I have just spoken to the Brit Embassey and it appears this new regultion is being enforced. Requirement for entry if you have previosly held an RP is an NOC from previous sponsor, or possibly a letter of invitation from a Qatari government org.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
"It is some sort of letter from your previous sponsor saying that they don’t object to you returning and that they take responsibility for you, "
Do they want a note from my mummy as well?
"er hello, is that my previous employer?"
"oh good, I don't seem to have anywhere to stay, I've got no money and I'm rather peckish!"
Could you sort that out for me? and I'll have the steak meduim rare , thanks"
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
And, it is not only Brits, Americans and Kiwis on the same flight were in the same boat.
This is accurate. Had a friend fly into Doha on Friday evening about 19:00 only to be denied entry. She has worked here in the last two years, and apparently from the 26th of September new laws are in place that if you have held an RP in the last two years you need some documentation to enter the country on a tourist visa. It is some sort of letter from your previous sponsor saying that they don’t object to you returning and that they take responsibility for you, etc, etc.
See quote below from the British Foreign Office:
As of 26 September, we have been made aware of new immigration regulations that may affect British passport holders that have previously held residence permits in Qatar. We strongly advise all British nationals that previously have held residence permits in Qatar and are planning to travel here as tourists to contact their airline or nearest Qatari Embassy to check the immigration requirements, as it may not be possible for them to purchase visit visas on arrival at Doha."
My friend was able to contact her previous employer and a clerk ran around to various iftar dinners and got the letters and she was granted entry at about 02:00. The details of exactly how this letter needs to be worded are unclear, but you can re-enter with permission of your previous visa sponsor, if they are willing to grant it.
Does anyone know if this applies to all EU nationals?
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
What a strange move. I can't see why they've introduced this. What benefit is it to Qatar to stop people coming in on short-term tourist or business trips? Surely it can only have a negative effect.
But i cant see any reason behind this move.
have nothing to do with that Qatari boy incident in UK? Some kind of.......
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
cos its stamped " cancelled" all over it.
But yer could come in as a tourist for 30 days, on a tourist visa.Thats how i used to come and see my QL mates.
But now they have banned ANY enry, of any type, if yer had an RP visa.
This to me is plain stupid.Why stop tourists ??
And just think, if yer have an Rp, yer buy property, then leave Qatar, they might not let ya back in, house or no house....Then what are ya gonna do ???
As one of my "long-staying" friends (26 years in Qatar) once said:" They do what they want."
well why just Brits?
with cancelled RP, you can not return to Qatar for two years. I think it will be imposed for all expats. IMHO, there is no tourism thing yet NOW in Qatar, so maybe, they change the ruling by the time they needed legitimate tourists in the future.
At least now, we learned that Qatar is not giving extra accomodation to westerners as highly perceived by us Asians.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
So why the bright idea? any reason?
this straight, people have been using their RP to fly in and out even though they are no longer residents and can't do it anymore. Wow those customs guys have a lot of nerve.
Yes, it also applies to US, on of our employees went home for 6 months and had to reapply for a work permit to enter Qatar although he had a RP already which also means he cannot screw the US out of taxes.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
waiting in the departure lounge....I wasnt told the reason why i wasnt allowed in, in fact, like i said, i felt like a criminal.
Thats the bit thats pissing me off, the rudeness and ingnorance of the immigration muppets........
All they had to do was explain it to me.
Again it is the duty of the embassies to inform their people rather than have hundreds stranded at the airport.
Embassies are furnished with new rules and regulations, and if they have not been informed then they sould have some serious negotiatins with the Ministry of Interior.
The British Embassy is a complete no show as far as information in concerned. They often advertise things on QL in the hope that this will reach all British expats but of course is doesn't.
The Embassies are serving their Governments the people are voting for the Governments, so therfore they are here to function for ex-pats besides bilateral relationships and not dinner parties. Recently they even had a shortage of more page passport - I mean seriously what kind of management are they under? They always seem to wait until the baby is in the well.
It took them ages recently to realise there telephone main number had not been working for days.
As usual the newspapers also failed to communicate any information on this but what can you do?
Mr. Paul take it up with your MP and see what doesn't happen lol lol
Whoever thinks of these new regulations - seriously need their heads looking at - chances are they are inbread or have no brain!
Just think of all those kids off to university worldwide and had their RP cancelled - they can't come back to see their parents at a moments notice.
Friends and Family who have lived in Qatar in the last 2 years and cant go and visit friends and family left in Qatar.
Historically without the knowledge and expertise of many Brits - Qatar would not be the country it is today..... Who really set up this country? - and this is the way they get repaid!!!!!
I think someone will eventually realise the huge can of worms they have opened and put a stop to these 'silly' changes.
Can you imagine if this continues what it would do for the country.....? It will be utter Chaos! The Brits and Americans do loads for Qatar.
Would be interesting if as MR PAUL said that Qataris were given the same treatment from the UK..... We certainly would soon hear the uproar!!!
Bet a Visa has to be applied for through an embassy eg Qatar Embassy in London Like it used to be..... When the service was not great!
@MR. Paul, I was sent to a lounge with no explanation for hours in England, Japan, US, and France.
It's a rule for people that had an RP and now need to apply for a visa through the embassy rather than get it at the airport.
So you're solution is to ban all Qataris?
Btw, the British embassy should notify their people.
I think I shall wait to see what the reasoning behind this is before making any judgement.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
and the twats didnt let me in then either, so who knows what the dickheads are playing at.....
Maybe the UK should round up all the Qataris, kick em out and ban them as well, then let them see how they like it....
Bleeding morons !!
That was not a smart post on my side. I apologize.
Again I see lack of communcation from the British Embassy, as usual, they are significant in no show and not informing their ex-pats about new regulations.
If they are representing Britain here in Qatar surely this goes for informing British expats of change in laws an rules affecting entry and departure rules. If they don't have an explantion for this then it is hgih time they do.
Great job British Embassy as always not notification no information well done again.
it will be overturned soon.
One of my grandkids was resident until last year so she won't be able to go and visit her dad.
Shot themselves in the foot good and proper.
Someone didn't think this one through at all!
I just asked my boyfriend who is at work now in the airport and he said on the memo they have in the office it says Americans too....
Hey hun, yes my boyfriend works in immigration in the airport but theres certain things he cant help me with like breaking the law... But i dont think this applies for me coz i never had an RP in the 2 years ive been here so its cool... Im relaxed now :)
Alexa, I don't know if the new regulation applies to other nationalities.
Suggest that you check with your embassy.
first, yer BF works at the airport, and second, how the hell have yer managed to stay and work for 2 yrs as a tourist???
But seriously,you dont have a cancelled RP in yer passport so yer have no worries......
Relax! U are a fit bird so they will let u in. Just only go to a bloke immigration person not a bint okay! If u get a bint be scared - be very scared! Yippeeeeeeeee Good advice from uncle Gin! Hic!
Is this really true, i have lived here for 2 years on a tourist visa, and i have to travel next week to renew next week by going to Bahrain, does that mean i cant come back in....?? Plz someone tell me im scared....
In view of this new regulation, maybe it's time for all westerners working in Qatar to seriously review their situation.
Oh I say that sounds awfully like a naughty word and I am sure it is not intended. Phhok em is far more acceptable. hic! Gins are flowing! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
It was simply the shock! I mean dubai has great pork! But its okay now as I had a Gin Mucho Magnifico Cocktail so I feel a lot more yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hic! Hey that Azillanna - wot a corker! Mwah!
This is the first time I've seen a post from you which does not include the words 'gin' and 'yippeeeee!'.
Are you OK or have you run out of booze?
Does that mean no more Shaggathon trips to Dubai?
yer leave to another country, YOU CANNOT ENTER AT ALL FOR 2 YRS !!!
Not on business, or as a tourist.
So no more trips to see my QL mates.
Mr.P, please let the rest of us know the details!
What exactly is the new policy?
When i arrived on wed morning to do a visa run, they witheld my passport and i was confined to the transit lounge for 6 hrs.WITH NO explanation at all.Talk about been treated like a criminal !!! Phucking idiots !!!
In fact, when they gave me my passport back as the gate opened, only then did the stupid woman explain that now, if yer previously held an RP permit and left Qatar, yer are now banned from re-entering AT ALL for 2 yrs....
Well done Qatar, nice moves on alienating Tourists....
So as far as Qatar is concerned, it can go phuck its self now...Next time i will go and spend my money in Dubai or Abu Dhabi...
I think it only applies to Brits who have previously held a Qatari RP.
I'm trying to get more info but nobody seems to know the true situation.
gawd, I hope that doesn't apply to brits with previous UAE RP's too! I'm buggered then!