Eid sad story for bachelors

ASIAN bachelors were beaten with whips and even kicked during a heavy-handed police operation to prevent them from entering Doha’s popular souq areas yesterday.
Several encounters, witnessed by Gulf Times, saw Heritage Police Officers using stick-like instruments to herd labourers away from cordoned areas along Grand Hamad Avenue.full Sources : http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=245299...
Hardtime and sad story for bachelors.
Any solution to avoid this will happen again
Too bad the Human Rights people are not doing anything about this. Qatar has a good human rights record compared to other GCC countries like Saudi and Kuwait.
it was really sad and i took photos...
with one official i asked him to let the guys on the Corniche but no no no...and it wasn't only Asians being turned away...Arab men and African too...
I did the same at Villagio but no no no
it was really sad...- took away my Eid holiday buzz.
pathetic carnts, obviously the "D" in doha doesn't stand for decency.
if ever terrorists come here, i hope they become the first target... racists!
Night Clubbing! Great name for it! See u tonite Club in hand! Oh and maybe some gin! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cant wait! R there prizes for how many u can club? ic!
This gives a new meaning to the expression "Night Clubbing".
It's bad enough that many of these guys (many of whome are not bachelors - they have wives and children back home) are away from their loved ones for months if not years at a time, put up with dreadful working and living conditions, are often paid in arrears (or not paid at all)... Believe it or not, some of these "bachelors" even have to pay a hefty bribe to a recruitment agent, in order to get the job in the first place.
Duh? I am blonde so i dont know u c
Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........its tonite - bring your own clubs. Venue: Start at the sheraton and head towards the airport - Its free and on a 'Club as U ogo ' basis! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Lve it! Fabulous! Gin time again Hic!!!
The poor guys weren't even allowed on the Corniche until after 7pm.Where are they supposed to go?
May your dreams take you travelling all through your life.
I am truly shocked, especially by the picture of the Heritage Police involved. I had always considered them to be like "Officer Friendly" and to be good will ambassadors for Qatar. The full article is even more disturbing than your excerpt. Thank God for the press, otherwise we might not know about these abuses. I pray for all involved.