I used to go to a pub in Manchester. They had a sign on the door "Please leave your religion and politics outside"
They put this sign as everyone has their own poilical and religious views that lead to fighting.
I'd seriously suggest keeping these topics off this forum for the same reasons. As has been mentioned in many previous posts, there are religious and political web sites better suited to answer these types of questions.
Just my 2c
p.s. if you want to take the piss out of my religion ... feel free, I can take it ;o)
It is fine to ask questions; pose scenarios and delve into critical analysis of any matter if one is searching for answers; otherwise what purpose does such an investigation serve- I hope you are looking for answers.
One important matter which needs to be understood is that the sharia rules (defined as the Address of the Legislator in regards to man's actions by way of compulsion, choice or according to the situation) are rules which emanate or branch our from the Creed/basis/foundation of Islam. The sharia covers all mans actions and solves all his problems. It is due to the nature of Islam that enables all problems, past present and ones that may occur in the future to be given a sharia verdict. The Islamic text including the Quran and Sunnah (actions, saying and silence of the Prophet) have laid down all that is required for sharia rules to be extrapolated for new events or realities through a combination of Qiyas (legal analogy) or through the process of Itjihad (legal exhertion by the scholar to the best of his ability to drive the sharia rule for the new event using the sources of Sharia). The Arabic language also plays a very important role since The Quran is revealed in Arabic and through the richness of Arabic the Islamic thoughts are contained therein. There is an endless amount of thought and discussion which can be had on any subject. However any thoughts to remain Islamic or rules to remain Islamic must have their basis on sharia evidence since muslims are obliged to follow the sharia and not persons per se. It is on the same basis we can determine and outweigh Islamic opinions derived by the scholars in which a difference of opinion exists. Difference of opinion exists because certain texts in the Quran are not definate in meaning and scholars interpreted them in different- these are legitamate difference in certain details- however on many issues there are no differences such as the obligation to prayer, fast, pay Zakat (alms), hajj, live under an Islamic state; ensure there is one Khalif (ruler) over the Muslims.
Thus in summary the Sharia covers all facets of life and provides the solutions to all of the problems of humanity today or what may occur in the future.
As mentioned the Sharia are the branches which emanate from the Source or the basis of Islam which is its Belief. The belief or Creed of a muslim is To: Believe in God, His Books, His Messengers, Angels, Heaven and Hell and Divine Fate and Destiny (the Good and Bad coming from God).
Muslims must come to the Islamic belief intellectually through the rational method of thinking and not have blind faith. Thus anyone who becomes a muslim must be convinced that Islam is the truth. This conviction in Islam then makes it a no brainer in following the sharia rules since the objective for the muslim is defined i.e Islam answers the greatest question for any human ; a) Where did we come from? b) What are we to do in this life? c)Where happens to us when we die? Thus the question of man, life and universe are solved for man and he can progress in life in a tranquil manner irrespective of the hardships that he may encounter becuase Islam states that man is created to worship God and to worship is to follow and obey His commands. Man hope to acquire the pleasure of His creator and enter paradise in which eternal bliss awaits or faces Hell fire where an great punishment awaits for his sins and trangression.
Going back to the rational thinking; we can prove through ration i.e what we can sense and make a jusdgment on ; that from the articles of the Islamic Belief; 3 can be established through ration. These being: 1. Existence of God; 2) Quran being the word of God and 3. Muhammed being a messenger. The other beliefs (angles, heaven/hell and fate and destiny) are derived from the Text i.e Quran
1. Existence of God- though we cannot sense God himself we can sense the effects of God through his creation. Through contemplation we conclude that all matter is created and dependant on something else for its existence. Thus all matter is limited and needy and its existence must be something other than matter since matter by itself cannot create or sustain itself. This something else by definition cannot be like matter, limited by dependency or space or time. This something has to be unlimited and uncreated otherwise it too would be limited and needy and dependant. The thing which is not like creation or limited or needy has to be the creator that sustains matter; has established the rules for matter and is above all the rules that restrict matter i.e make matter limited, needy and dependant.
2. The Quran - It is the speech of God. This article of the belief is established through ration because we can sense the Quran and thus make a judgement on it. The Quran is in arabic script. The language of the Quran surpasses all know arabic in terms of its style. The style is unknown since it neither poetry or prose. The arabs who were the masters of the arabic language at the time the Quran was revealed were humbled before its majesty. They could not match its eloquence - the best poets tried and failed. The Quran is miraculous becuase it breaks the rules of arabic language yet manages to be the loftiest of books, unsurpassed in its style; eloquence and grandeur. The challenge set forth in the Quran to all was for those doubting its authenticity (i.e denying it ot be revelation) to being one verse like it - the shortest verse in the Quran is three sentences. No-one has or will be able to bring anything like it. Thus the Qruan was not from the arabs including Muhammed (who was also an Arab) since they could not bring anything like it; the non arabs couldn't becuase they were not master of the arabic language thus the only possible source is that the Quran is from the Creator.
3) Muhammed being a Messenger - Since the proof of the one claiming messengership is through the performance of a miracle (an event that breaks the laws of the universe) Muhammed's miracle and challenge to the non beleivers was the Quran (see point 2 above). Since the Quran is proven to be revelation then the one who bought it must be a Messenger. Think about it.
The believe in angels, heaven and hell etc are all established in the Quran and the muslims are ordered to believe in them.
@adey, every person is free to do as they feel is right in Islam. Sadly you get some family members and individuals that try to 'pressure' others into following their way.
Fasting is one of the four pillars but there are exceptions as mentioned (ill, too old, too young, may put health at risk). Islam isn't just about following the rules, but having a good intention. Thus fasting but not because you want to doesn't count as God sees into your heart.
As for the areas where there is more daylight, sadly that's the burden someone lives with, however if they cannot go more than 12 hours then they are permitted to eat as they are putting their health in assured risk.
Heero is just blind to my comments. Read my past posts heero and see what I have to say about the moons. It's just a guide. We're not lunatics. (Referring to Lunar worshippers not insane people).
I have tried my best to steer this around to something more concrete, articulate and intelligent rather than hypothetical nonsense about no moons or many moons.
I suppose what I wanted to test is the notion that the Islamic holy texts do not provide all the answers and have been added to with the advent of acquired knowledge and this has had an impact on the practice of Islam.
Now, one can argue that the texts have not changed but their interpretation and application has definitely, how shall we say, matured over time. The example about different geographical regions being one of them, as these areas were not known of in the 7th century.
I was just testing those who have a dogmatic literalism and trying to tie them in knots but the answers I received, including yours, were considered and open to critical and free thinking - that's a good thing in my opinion.
I know people on QL are aware of my views but I am open to having my mind changed if compelling evidence is brought forward that I could just not refute. Yes, I ask difficult questions and then go on to evaluate and pick apart the answers received. It sorts out the thinking people from those who just blindly follow what is put in front of them - these people are dangerous because these are the ones that cannot see any other position and are more likely to try and make everyone like them and will counternance no dissent. You get them in all religions, no one religion has a monopoly on bigots; it just so happens that as we live in a muslim country any religious discussion is normally dominated by Islam.
So to say it, maybe for the first time here, to all those who think I have it 'in' for Islam you could not be more wrong - what i will always test and challenge and in some cases ridicule, if need be, are those dogmatic, literalistic, quasi-fascist narrow minded followers of any faith, and I make no apology for that. On this thread today a healthy discussion with respect ensued. I apologise if sometimes I hurt some peoples feeling unintentionally when they get caught in the crossfire. I am sorry and no doubt I will be sorry in the future.
These close minded 'extremists' of all faiths have always been with us and use their faith as a weapon: have they been getting more numerous of late or just more powerful? Which ever it is, or both, these are the ones I rail against, not religion per say (although I personally think it is an outmoded and wrong interpretation of the world), but those 'dangerous followers who I think are a threat to the future of mankind, both physically and mentally. We could do with less wars and killing.
Eid Mubarak, have a good one and don't do anything I wouldn't do. :P
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
Are they waiting for God to come down to them in the shadow of a cloud, with all the angels? Their fate will have been settled then. To God shall all things return.
Re:Sura 109
But we all worship the same God. What seems to be the problem?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Firstly Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims. I pray that Allah accepts our Fasting and gives us life to see and make the most of many more months of Ramadan.
Certain rules in Islam are dependant on other things for them to come into force. For example; for Prayer; the position of the Sun determines the prayer. If the sun does not set or rise (as the case in certain geographies) then the prayer (whether the morning or evening prayer) is not applicable to those who live in such regions.In the absence of this other thing the rule does not come into force. Another example; sighting of the new moon determines the begining and end of Ramadan. If the moon is not spotted on the 29th then 30 days are completed. ( I won't get into hypothetics about what to do if the moon didn't exist as hypothetics are for those who like to waste their time). Lets stick to the reality and what affects us here and now.
There are many Sharia rules which are dependant on other causes for them to come into existence. then there are other rules which are conditional on other matters i.e. being in a state of purity is a condition of prayer but not the cause of prayer. Being sane, mature is a condition for liability in Islam...
There are other rules applicable to the sharia rules called preventors; for example the woman in menustration is prevented from praying or entering the mosque
There are such things called Licence--the traveller has a licence not to fast or he/she has a license to shorten his/her prayer.
Hope that clears some matters for you. There is a mountainous amount of detail and scholarly discussion and thoughts on the above within Islamic jurispudence.
7:199 ...Show forgiveness, speak justice, and avoid the ignorant. If Satan tempts you, seek refuge in God; He hears all and knows all...
2:210...Ask the Israelites how many conspicious signs We Gave them. He that tampers with the gift of God after it is bestowed on him shall find that God is stern in retribution...
9:065...if you question them, they will say 'We were only jesting and making merry.' Say:'Would you mock God, His revelations, and His apostle? Make no excuses. You have renounced the faith after embracing it. If We Pardon some of you, We will punish others, for they are guilty men.
25:33...We have revealed it thus so that We may sustain your heart. We have imparted it to you by gradual revelation.No sooner will they come to you with an argument than We shall reveal to you the truth, better expounded. Those who are dragged upon their faces in to Hell shall have a viler place to dwell in, having strayed further from the right path...
14:21 They will reply 'Had God given us guidance, we would have guided you. Neither panic nor patience will help us now. There is no escape for us.'
Now can you tell me what Sura 109 is? can't seem to grasp this one...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Heero I find all ur posts silly, same with this one. But just would like to add that even the Hindus and Jews to name a few that I know off follow the lunar calendar. Even in Christianity, Easter is determined by the phase of the moon. I think it's just that in Islam, the moon sighting is given inmportance, while in other religions they calculations r made in advance with astronomy, so i guess many religions will have problems without the moon.
I understand - but in the winter, whatever a clerly defined day or night is, could be 2 hrs of daylight or in summer 2 hrs of night. Thats why I asked how is it calculated the number of hrs to fast (coz you could not fast for 22hrs a day in summer.
I suppose the question is now what and who decides what is a "clear sun up, sun down."
I am not being picky just curious how this works on the periphery. What are the rules, coz there has to be some otherwise it's a free for all.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
"and if there is not such then closet geographical place"
That bit is not in the Qu'ran or in any hadith though - that is a very modern addition, no doubt issued as an edict, fatwa, advice(whatever you want to call it) in the 19th or 20th century - yes?
Qu'ran just mentions sun up and sun down as you said.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
Allaahu 'Akbar, Allaahumma 'ahillahu 'alayna bil'amni wal'eemaani, wassalaamati wal-'Islaami, wattawfeeqi limaa tuhibbu Rabbanaa wa tardhaa, Rabbunaa wa Rabbukallaahu .
Allah is the Most Great . O Allah , bring us the new moon with security and Faith, with peace and in Islam, and in harmony with what our Lord loves and what pleases Him. Our Lord and your Lord is Allah
I believe that eskimo issue has been raised before somewhere. Apparently eskimo-muslims are expected to follow the fasting schedule of the nearest country with a distinguishable day and night.
That would not work. All time zones in the Artic circle are the same because of the angle of the earth. You would have to follow down a line of longitutude but all time zones have varying hours of daylight within them.- Time zones don't tell you anything about daylight hours , that is determined by latitude - how near to the equater you are.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
"God gave us a mind to interpret the Qu'ran. That's why you have modern thinkers and closed minded extremists."
"we don't fast in Ramadan if it puts our health or life at risk. So your Eskimo example doesn't work."
Thank you Amnesia for giving a reasoned intelligent reply to the question unlike those (naming no names that cry Mocker, blasphemer, islamaphope at the first opportunity)
qatman I forgive you and ignored the rush to attack to the person, and not the question asked, in you first reply when you said "Your intelligence amazes me." forgive me if I got the wrong impression there. Your second response showed an intelligent and considered response. So thanks.
One more question - and I think I know your answer to this as I think you have said in the past, is it a muslims individual decision whether to fast or not - this is a true story I was told by the individual concerned here in Qatar, is it ever justified to put the fear of god into someone in order to make them fast? The example is a muslim youngster who was ill and needed to take some food but would not because their father had said "if you don't fast you will go to hell."
Your thoughts if you have the time or inclination please.
Many thanks,
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
Adey, God could have done many things, Now why has he not done it. Well, if you ponder you can get the answers, I am sure you are wise enough to get them as you are wise enough to pose them.
You had a question and I have answered it and now if you want to keep pulling things then it is something else
It is very well mentioned in Quran about it, from Dawn to Dusk, and if there is not such then closet geographical place. Moreover it is clearly mentioned in Quran that anything either small or big is mentioned in this Quran, however one has to understand.
We have our prayer times fixed by the sun light, we fast from the Fajr (the first ray of sunlight) and till Maghrib(when the sun sets) and yes if it takes 14 hrz or 12 hrz it doesn’t makes a difference to us.
Hope it suffice your apatite of knowledge about Ramadan.
Now tell me which religion do u follow, I’m sure I’ll put u in puzzles with some theoretical questions.
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
So many questions, but rbakali here is getting hot under the collar so I will have to live a life of ignorence and never find the answers to my qustions (like that is going to stop me :) ) Or maybe he is referring to heero?
But one last question, I do understand about sun up and sun down being a way for people to measure time before the age of time pieces etc but wouldn't it have been easier and clearer for a god, knowing all time and space, to predict that and say 12hrs(for example) fasting everyday where ever one happens to be in the world?
And on a very serious point, if a muslim lives in the far north or South(as in Antartic researchers) what hours would they keep? It is about 14hrs of sunlight here (at this time of year) so would they have to fast for that long or could they decide to fast for say 12 or 10hrs?
Genuinely interested how it would be calculated.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
QT Again you are making some funny remarks that shows you are misinformed and hurt as well. Try to be in a stable piece of mind, you look disturbed and so many people enjoy it.
Yes you used the word fun. Nothing funny exsists in a religion you are talking about. That is why i am trying to tell you that this is not funny, try to relise and if any question you need to ask about Islam then it is not for the sake of making some fun to let other people laught. You cannot do that for this religion. Just try to understand the theme.
I believe that some people here are making Jokes about Islam, Islam is complete and perfect way of life, and giving such comments about Islam is very serious offense, and if continues we shall complain about it to local authorities which will than take required actions.
No but this not a fun?. You are an adult sensable peson and you know what you are trying to convey.
If i say something about your religion (if you follow one) in a mocking way and then say that oh come on i was having a dinner and wanted some fun, does it look logical to you. You accepted that you did it in a mocking jesture. This is bad. Ask question about Islam but dont try to mock by having some fun.
Answering your question now, if you are an educated person then field astronomy is a big knowledge which cannot be ignored by the modern surveying methods even today. When i was a student in civil engineering we were taught to find the bearing of the line using sun (during the say) and the moon (moon during night) even in this modern era. It is always a double check on every work done by the most modern theodolites even today.
People, I DIDN'T EVEN MADE THE QUESTION SERIOUS! You don't even need to use your brain to respond! I wasn't asking a pleasant response, adnan! Just...have fun, ok?
Internet! INTERNET!!!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Adey, That doesn’t mean what ever you assume. Simple for you to understand is that the sun or moon were used to determine time in those days. Where it is not possible you have exceptions when a reasonable period can be set, This could be the biological clock.
Heero Moon will always be there like Islam. Nothing will happen to both of them dont worry.
Dont try to be smart in making your comments, they are not funny at all. Stay pleasant and you will have the pleasant response, you seemed to me a deeply disturbed person by your recent threads.
good answer. so that means they are just guidelines there is no hard and fast rule about sun up and sun down - its just dont eat whilst you are awake..... er, how can you eat whilst you are asleep?
So forget tha Quran and Hadiths it's all down to common sense? A lot of people didn't get that memo!
I know I am being naughty :P
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
Adey, A good question. Your intelligence amazes me. I hope you understand the difference between framework, guidance and rules. The rule is you fast for a month. The guidelines is to determine the period by day and night, What if there are no day and night? Simple! use your commonsense. Now don't tell me the Eskimos never sleep
the universal bit, for all places(on earth) and times, has always puzzled me. If Islam is designed by a god to spread through out the planet, and he has set his rules down and they can't be changed coz he has sent a last and final prophet......my question is......
Would all the Innuit(Eskimo) muslims all die of starvation and dehydration when Ramadan falls in the middle of summer? I can't believe this was overlooked 1400 years ago.
Just food for thought. Anyone got an answer.
Oh and Eid Mubarak everyone.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
@Magic, since your'e being so serious, fine, I'll put your mind at ease.
We don't follow the moon just because it's there, we use it as a natural guide to know when to start and finish. We emulate what the prophet did and follow what God says.
So if there were 10 billion moons, you can count on the fact that God would have given us a different way of following Ramadan.
Actually, my friend, the question might have had a serious background. Imagine a world with people, living on a planet with six moons. Would Islam be the same? I don't think that such a question is disrespectful.
Islam is well defined way of life, it is very well define in Quran that there are twelve months, so no point of IF TWO or THREE Moon, I suggest you to understand what is Islam, then these question will not arise.
casanova....yaa i beleive you require some tosses u Sl*t....please would you mind translating this into English...have you hit the bottle a day early mate?
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I agree - there is a specific forum sub-group on QL for this, not on the Lounge forum.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
STUPID QUESTION OF THE CENTURY .. tell me, what will u be if there was no earth ???
I used to go to a pub in Manchester. They had a sign on the door "Please leave your religion and politics outside"
They put this sign as everyone has their own poilical and religious views that lead to fighting.
I'd seriously suggest keeping these topics off this forum for the same reasons. As has been mentioned in many previous posts, there are religious and political web sites better suited to answer these types of questions.
Just my 2c
p.s. if you want to take the piss out of my religion ... feel free, I can take it ;o)
Did you Google it first?
That's why GOD is so clever that human being like us only dwells on EARTH in harmony. We have to respect other's faith that's how so simple for us.
to know more about this religion...
care to cut'n'paste this onto the thread I stared expanding on my last post here?
I am studying and formulating a rebuttal to your very well written post.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
It is fine to ask questions; pose scenarios and delve into critical analysis of any matter if one is searching for answers; otherwise what purpose does such an investigation serve- I hope you are looking for answers.
One important matter which needs to be understood is that the sharia rules (defined as the Address of the Legislator in regards to man's actions by way of compulsion, choice or according to the situation) are rules which emanate or branch our from the Creed/basis/foundation of Islam. The sharia covers all mans actions and solves all his problems. It is due to the nature of Islam that enables all problems, past present and ones that may occur in the future to be given a sharia verdict. The Islamic text including the Quran and Sunnah (actions, saying and silence of the Prophet) have laid down all that is required for sharia rules to be extrapolated for new events or realities through a combination of Qiyas (legal analogy) or through the process of Itjihad (legal exhertion by the scholar to the best of his ability to drive the sharia rule for the new event using the sources of Sharia). The Arabic language also plays a very important role since The Quran is revealed in Arabic and through the richness of Arabic the Islamic thoughts are contained therein. There is an endless amount of thought and discussion which can be had on any subject. However any thoughts to remain Islamic or rules to remain Islamic must have their basis on sharia evidence since muslims are obliged to follow the sharia and not persons per se. It is on the same basis we can determine and outweigh Islamic opinions derived by the scholars in which a difference of opinion exists. Difference of opinion exists because certain texts in the Quran are not definate in meaning and scholars interpreted them in different- these are legitamate difference in certain details- however on many issues there are no differences such as the obligation to prayer, fast, pay Zakat (alms), hajj, live under an Islamic state; ensure there is one Khalif (ruler) over the Muslims.
Thus in summary the Sharia covers all facets of life and provides the solutions to all of the problems of humanity today or what may occur in the future.
As mentioned the Sharia are the branches which emanate from the Source or the basis of Islam which is its Belief. The belief or Creed of a muslim is To: Believe in God, His Books, His Messengers, Angels, Heaven and Hell and Divine Fate and Destiny (the Good and Bad coming from God).
Muslims must come to the Islamic belief intellectually through the rational method of thinking and not have blind faith. Thus anyone who becomes a muslim must be convinced that Islam is the truth. This conviction in Islam then makes it a no brainer in following the sharia rules since the objective for the muslim is defined i.e Islam answers the greatest question for any human ; a) Where did we come from? b) What are we to do in this life? c)Where happens to us when we die? Thus the question of man, life and universe are solved for man and he can progress in life in a tranquil manner irrespective of the hardships that he may encounter becuase Islam states that man is created to worship God and to worship is to follow and obey His commands. Man hope to acquire the pleasure of His creator and enter paradise in which eternal bliss awaits or faces Hell fire where an great punishment awaits for his sins and trangression.
Going back to the rational thinking; we can prove through ration i.e what we can sense and make a jusdgment on ; that from the articles of the Islamic Belief; 3 can be established through ration. These being: 1. Existence of God; 2) Quran being the word of God and 3. Muhammed being a messenger. The other beliefs (angles, heaven/hell and fate and destiny) are derived from the Text i.e Quran
1. Existence of God- though we cannot sense God himself we can sense the effects of God through his creation. Through contemplation we conclude that all matter is created and dependant on something else for its existence. Thus all matter is limited and needy and its existence must be something other than matter since matter by itself cannot create or sustain itself. This something else by definition cannot be like matter, limited by dependency or space or time. This something has to be unlimited and uncreated otherwise it too would be limited and needy and dependant. The thing which is not like creation or limited or needy has to be the creator that sustains matter; has established the rules for matter and is above all the rules that restrict matter i.e make matter limited, needy and dependant.
2. The Quran - It is the speech of God. This article of the belief is established through ration because we can sense the Quran and thus make a judgement on it. The Quran is in arabic script. The language of the Quran surpasses all know arabic in terms of its style. The style is unknown since it neither poetry or prose. The arabs who were the masters of the arabic language at the time the Quran was revealed were humbled before its majesty. They could not match its eloquence - the best poets tried and failed. The Quran is miraculous becuase it breaks the rules of arabic language yet manages to be the loftiest of books, unsurpassed in its style; eloquence and grandeur. The challenge set forth in the Quran to all was for those doubting its authenticity (i.e denying it ot be revelation) to being one verse like it - the shortest verse in the Quran is three sentences. No-one has or will be able to bring anything like it. Thus the Qruan was not from the arabs including Muhammed (who was also an Arab) since they could not bring anything like it; the non arabs couldn't becuase they were not master of the arabic language thus the only possible source is that the Quran is from the Creator.
3) Muhammed being a Messenger - Since the proof of the one claiming messengership is through the performance of a miracle (an event that breaks the laws of the universe) Muhammed's miracle and challenge to the non beleivers was the Quran (see point 2 above). Since the Quran is proven to be revelation then the one who bought it must be a Messenger. Think about it.
The believe in angels, heaven and hell etc are all established in the Quran and the muslims are ordered to believe in them.
More to follow.
@adey, every person is free to do as they feel is right in Islam. Sadly you get some family members and individuals that try to 'pressure' others into following their way.
Fasting is one of the four pillars but there are exceptions as mentioned (ill, too old, too young, may put health at risk). Islam isn't just about following the rules, but having a good intention. Thus fasting but not because you want to doesn't count as God sees into your heart.
As for the areas where there is more daylight, sadly that's the burden someone lives with, however if they cannot go more than 12 hours then they are permitted to eat as they are putting their health in assured risk.
Heero is just blind to my comments. Read my past posts heero and see what I have to say about the moons. It's just a guide. We're not lunatics. (Referring to Lunar worshippers not insane people).
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
I have tried my best to steer this around to something more concrete, articulate and intelligent rather than hypothetical nonsense about no moons or many moons.
I suppose what I wanted to test is the notion that the Islamic holy texts do not provide all the answers and have been added to with the advent of acquired knowledge and this has had an impact on the practice of Islam.
Now, one can argue that the texts have not changed but their interpretation and application has definitely, how shall we say, matured over time. The example about different geographical regions being one of them, as these areas were not known of in the 7th century.
I was just testing those who have a dogmatic literalism and trying to tie them in knots but the answers I received, including yours, were considered and open to critical and free thinking - that's a good thing in my opinion.
I know people on QL are aware of my views but I am open to having my mind changed if compelling evidence is brought forward that I could just not refute. Yes, I ask difficult questions and then go on to evaluate and pick apart the answers received. It sorts out the thinking people from those who just blindly follow what is put in front of them - these people are dangerous because these are the ones that cannot see any other position and are more likely to try and make everyone like them and will counternance no dissent. You get them in all religions, no one religion has a monopoly on bigots; it just so happens that as we live in a muslim country any religious discussion is normally dominated by Islam.
So to say it, maybe for the first time here, to all those who think I have it 'in' for Islam you could not be more wrong - what i will always test and challenge and in some cases ridicule, if need be, are those dogmatic, literalistic, quasi-fascist narrow minded followers of any faith, and I make no apology for that. On this thread today a healthy discussion with respect ensued. I apologise if sometimes I hurt some peoples feeling unintentionally when they get caught in the crossfire. I am sorry and no doubt I will be sorry in the future.
These close minded 'extremists' of all faiths have always been with us and use their faith as a weapon: have they been getting more numerous of late or just more powerful? Which ever it is, or both, these are the ones I rail against, not religion per say (although I personally think it is an outmoded and wrong interpretation of the world), but those 'dangerous followers who I think are a threat to the future of mankind, both physically and mentally. We could do with less wars and killing.
Eid Mubarak, have a good one and don't do anything I wouldn't do. :P
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
What earth will be without the moon?
I believe that is the question we need to be asking.
The answer will be:
1- No religious lunatics and mooddy people.
2- No lunar eclipses.
3- No ocean tidal waves.
4- Massive failures of crops, The weather patterns will intolerable.
5- The rotation of earth will be out of control.
6- No decent Honey Moons, everything will be dark and dull during the night.
7- Extended long periods of fasting during ramadan until the lantern bug comes out.
I will be rich by selling artificial LED moons to the public.
In archaeological perspective about Divorce woman, lots of pharaohs have succumbed to their tombs due to their actions.
Are they waiting for God to come down to them in the shadow of a cloud, with all the angels? Their fate will have been settled then. To God shall all things return.
Re:Sura 109
But we all worship the same God. What seems to be the problem?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Firstly Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims. I pray that Allah accepts our Fasting and gives us life to see and make the most of many more months of Ramadan.
Certain rules in Islam are dependant on other things for them to come into force. For example; for Prayer; the position of the Sun determines the prayer. If the sun does not set or rise (as the case in certain geographies) then the prayer (whether the morning or evening prayer) is not applicable to those who live in such regions.In the absence of this other thing the rule does not come into force. Another example; sighting of the new moon determines the begining and end of Ramadan. If the moon is not spotted on the 29th then 30 days are completed. ( I won't get into hypothetics about what to do if the moon didn't exist as hypothetics are for those who like to waste their time). Lets stick to the reality and what affects us here and now.
There are many Sharia rules which are dependant on other causes for them to come into existence. then there are other rules which are conditional on other matters i.e. being in a state of purity is a condition of prayer but not the cause of prayer. Being sane, mature is a condition for liability in Islam...
There are other rules applicable to the sharia rules called preventors; for example the woman in menustration is prevented from praying or entering the mosque
There are such things called Licence--the traveller has a licence not to fast or he/she has a license to shorten his/her prayer.
Hope that clears some matters for you. There is a mountainous amount of detail and scholarly discussion and thoughts on the above within Islamic jurispudence.
7:199 ...Show forgiveness, speak justice, and avoid the ignorant. If Satan tempts you, seek refuge in God; He hears all and knows all...
2:210...Ask the Israelites how many conspicious signs We Gave them. He that tampers with the gift of God after it is bestowed on him shall find that God is stern in retribution...
9:065...if you question them, they will say 'We were only jesting and making merry.' Say:'Would you mock God, His revelations, and His apostle? Make no excuses. You have renounced the faith after embracing it. If We Pardon some of you, We will punish others, for they are guilty men.
25:33...We have revealed it thus so that We may sustain your heart. We have imparted it to you by gradual revelation.No sooner will they come to you with an argument than We shall reveal to you the truth, better expounded. Those who are dragged upon their faces in to Hell shall have a viler place to dwell in, having strayed further from the right path...
14:21 They will reply 'Had God given us guidance, we would have guided you. Neither panic nor patience will help us now. There is no escape for us.'
Now can you tell me what Sura 109 is? can't seem to grasp this one...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
aww... isnt that sweet. Eid Mubarak to all of you, and I have to work tomorrow :(
Say takbeer
this word is created by shias
Heero I find all ur posts silly, same with this one. But just would like to add that even the Hindus and Jews to name a few that I know off follow the lunar calendar. Even in Christianity, Easter is determined by the phase of the moon. I think it's just that in Islam, the moon sighting is given inmportance, while in other religions they calculations r made in advance with astronomy, so i guess many religions will have problems without the moon.
I understand - but in the winter, whatever a clerly defined day or night is, could be 2 hrs of daylight or in summer 2 hrs of night. Thats why I asked how is it calculated the number of hrs to fast (coz you could not fast for 22hrs a day in summer.
I suppose the question is now what and who decides what is a "clear sun up, sun down."
I am not being picky just curious how this works on the periphery. What are the rules, coz there has to be some otherwise it's a free for all.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
See? Even adey knows the geographical thing is not in the Koran. I too believed it's not in the Koran because this is not how you read Koran.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Anyway, I'm off to bed!
Goodnight ClearBlue!
Goodnight all!
aha!! i was right! *victory dance*
"and if there is not such then closet geographical place"
That bit is not in the Qu'ran or in any hadith though - that is a very modern addition, no doubt issued as an edict, fatwa, advice(whatever you want to call it) in the 19th or 20th century - yes?
Qu'ran just mentions sun up and sun down as you said.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
you talking to me heero?
I dont believe there's a reference in the Quran, but I do have a source.
*sniff* *sniff*
Allaahu 'Akbar, Allaahumma 'ahillahu 'alayna bil'amni wal'eemaani, wassalaamati wal-'Islaami, wattawfeeqi limaa tuhibbu Rabbanaa wa tardhaa, Rabbunaa wa Rabbukallaahu .
Allah is the Most Great . O Allah , bring us the new moon with security and Faith, with peace and in Islam, and in harmony with what our Lord loves and what pleases Him. Our Lord and your Lord is Allah
As you see from a previous post with MagicDragon about verses, I really did open up the Koran again to see if he's right.
Still got my Koran in my lap. Show me the verses now and I'll reply with the details to see where we get the 'facts' right.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
...but I'm sure you'll find some intelligent humour to use it against me in the future!
I believe that eskimo issue has been raised before somewhere. Apparently eskimo-muslims are expected to follow the fasting schedule of the nearest country with a distinguishable day and night.
Good Question…
Islam is very flexible in terms of following it; no father can insist his son to fast if his body can not afford fasting.
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
That would not work. All time zones in the Artic circle are the same because of the angle of the earth. You would have to follow down a line of longitutude but all time zones have varying hours of daylight within them.- Time zones don't tell you anything about daylight hours , that is determined by latitude - how near to the equater you are.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Adey, If medicine is not administered properly will you blame the medicine.
It is also menatioed in the Quarn that
Arabic: Izza Khtebona Jahloon Qalo Salama
Means if uneducated people speaks to you stay quite
"God gave us a mind to interpret the Qu'ran. That's why you have modern thinkers and closed minded extremists."
"we don't fast in Ramadan if it puts our health or life at risk. So your Eskimo example doesn't work."
Thank you Amnesia for giving a reasoned intelligent reply to the question unlike those (naming no names that cry Mocker, blasphemer, islamaphope at the first opportunity)
qatman I forgive you and ignored the rush to attack to the person, and not the question asked, in you first reply when you said "Your intelligence amazes me." forgive me if I got the wrong impression there. Your second response showed an intelligent and considered response. So thanks.
One more question - and I think I know your answer to this as I think you have said in the past, is it a muslims individual decision whether to fast or not - this is a true story I was told by the individual concerned here in Qatar, is it ever justified to put the fear of god into someone in order to make them fast? The example is a muslim youngster who was ill and needed to take some food but would not because their father had said "if you don't fast you will go to hell."
Your thoughts if you have the time or inclination please.
Many thanks,
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Adey, God could have done many things, Now why has he not done it. Well, if you ponder you can get the answers, I am sure you are wise enough to get them as you are wise enough to pose them.
You had a question and I have answered it and now if you want to keep pulling things then it is something else
He seems to discriminate against "emotional" men.
It is very well mentioned in Quran about it, from Dawn to Dusk, and if there is not such then closet geographical place. Moreover it is clearly mentioned in Quran that anything either small or big is mentioned in this Quran, however one has to understand.
We have our prayer times fixed by the sun light, we fast from the Fajr (the first ray of sunlight) and till Maghrib(when the sun sets) and yes if it takes 14 hrz or 12 hrz it doesn’t makes a difference to us.
Hope it suffice your apatite of knowledge about Ramadan.
Now tell me which religion do u follow, I’m sure I’ll put u in puzzles with some theoretical questions.
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
Actually, is it me who needs to be said 'don't be too quick to judge'...or is it some?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Lol, interesting question.
TYPICAL!!!! Only something stupid can be come up with from Heero....you never stop with your inflammatory and retarded topics DO you??
Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back.
Extremists wouldn't or couldn't answer that...because they can't.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
So many questions, but rbakali here is getting hot under the collar so I will have to live a life of ignorence and never find the answers to my qustions (like that is going to stop me :) ) Or maybe he is referring to heero?
But one last question, I do understand about sun up and sun down being a way for people to measure time before the age of time pieces etc but wouldn't it have been easier and clearer for a god, knowing all time and space, to predict that and say 12hrs(for example) fasting everyday where ever one happens to be in the world?
And on a very serious point, if a muslim lives in the far north or South(as in Antartic researchers) what hours would they keep? It is about 14hrs of sunlight here (at this time of year) so would they have to fast for that long or could they decide to fast for say 12 or 10hrs?
Genuinely interested how it would be calculated.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I'll save it for another day to expose your stupidity!
@magicdragon, I never said that there are different versions. Nor did I imply that.
I said people do their own thing. People are free to do as they please especially with their beliefs.
God gave us a mind to interpret the Quraan. That's why you have modern thinkers and closed minded extremists.
@adey, we don't fast in Ramadan if it puts our health or life at risk. So your Eskimo example doesn't work.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
QT Again you are making some funny remarks that shows you are misinformed and hurt as well. Try to be in a stable piece of mind, you look disturbed and so many people enjoy it.
It's your perception to think they're the same.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Yes you used the word fun. Nothing funny exsists in a religion you are talking about. That is why i am trying to tell you that this is not funny, try to relise and if any question you need to ask about Islam then it is not for the sake of making some fun to let other people laught. You cannot do that for this religion. Just try to understand the theme.
Yet, these minority post numerous times...
I think that is why so many people get their backs up against the wall even if someone posts a legitimate question.
I didn't say I 'accepted it as a mocking gesture'! Have you read between my posts???
Oh. And the last paragraph you said...uhh, is this your way of answering senseless replies?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I believe that some people here are making Jokes about Islam, Islam is complete and perfect way of life, and giving such comments about Islam is very serious offense, and if continues we shall complain about it to local authorities which will than take required actions.
No but this not a fun?. You are an adult sensable peson and you know what you are trying to convey.
If i say something about your religion (if you follow one) in a mocking way and then say that oh come on i was having a dinner and wanted some fun, does it look logical to you. You accepted that you did it in a mocking jesture. This is bad. Ask question about Islam but dont try to mock by having some fun.
Answering your question now, if you are an educated person then field astronomy is a big knowledge which cannot be ignored by the modern surveying methods even today. When i was a student in civil engineering we were taught to find the bearing of the line using sun (during the say) and the moon (moon during night) even in this modern era. It is always a double check on every work done by the most modern theodolites even today.
I didn't even read the thread!
People, I DIDN'T EVEN MADE THE QUESTION SERIOUS! You don't even need to use your brain to respond! I wasn't asking a pleasant response, adnan! Just...have fun, ok?
Internet! INTERNET!!!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
hehe dumb question-_-
Adey, That doesn’t mean what ever you assume. Simple for you to understand is that the sun or moon were used to determine time in those days. Where it is not possible you have exceptions when a reasonable period can be set, This could be the biological clock.
Heero Moon will always be there like Islam. Nothing will happen to both of them dont worry.
Dont try to be smart in making your comments, they are not funny at all. Stay pleasant and you will have the pleasant response, you seemed to me a deeply disturbed person by your recent threads.
good answer. so that means they are just guidelines there is no hard and fast rule about sun up and sun down - its just dont eat whilst you are awake..... er, how can you eat whilst you are asleep?
So forget tha Quran and Hadiths it's all down to common sense? A lot of people didn't get that memo!
I know I am being naughty :P
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Adey, A good question. Your intelligence amazes me. I hope you understand the difference between framework, guidance and rules. The rule is you fast for a month. The guidelines is to determine the period by day and night, What if there are no day and night? Simple! use your commonsense. Now don't tell me the Eskimos never sleep
the universal bit, for all places(on earth) and times, has always puzzled me. If Islam is designed by a god to spread through out the planet, and he has set his rules down and they can't be changed coz he has sent a last and final prophet......my question is......
Would all the Innuit(Eskimo) muslims all die of starvation and dehydration when Ramadan falls in the middle of summer? I can't believe this was overlooked 1400 years ago.
Just food for thought. Anyone got an answer.
Oh and Eid Mubarak everyone.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
thanks labda.....same to you...
Yeah, I go, too, before this tread gets closed by the mods because of personal attacks.
sleep tight mjamille. x
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
thanks, MD... you too...
Sleep well, mjamille.
hey labda, you're here.... nighty-night!!!!
Guys MD is just another arseh*le.
clearblusky, I assure you heero never has any motive. He's much too confused to go to that level.
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
thinking about that.. how dumb is it to dig a well on a hill lol :P
enjoy the debate and the name-calling everyone, im outta here and will be tucking in my comfy bed....
"Jack and Jill, sat on a hill" ...
I can't agree with you on that, cbs. Islam is a "universal" religion as they say. It cannot exist in different versions then, or not?
ahh.. i've always dreamed of this day, ever since i saw that cow jumping over the moon :)
maybe thats why its called moo..n
@Magic, since your'e being so serious, fine, I'll put your mind at ease.
We don't follow the moon just because it's there, we use it as a natural guide to know when to start and finish. We emulate what the prophet did and follow what God says.
So if there were 10 billion moons, you can count on the fact that God would have given us a different way of following Ramadan.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
corleone, not if you wear your safety belt!
majid, to whom do you address such a remark?
Flan, some restaurant in Doha actually belong on the moon!
Well, MD, the question remains... what will I hold on to?? one wrong thrust and for all I know, I'll be in orbit
Actually, my friend, the question might have had a serious background. Imagine a world with people, living on a planet with six moons. Would Islam be the same? I don't think that such a question is disrespectful.
supernurse, stop being b****y and respect people's religion if you want to be respected.
Imagine, corleone, what you could do. You'd only weigh a sixth of what you weigh on Earth. S*x must be much easier!
that reminds me... eoin colfer is writing a sixth book to add to the hitch-hiker's galaxy series :D
and OMG, the Fireworks are soon going to break my windows :S .. They are too close and loooooooooooooud!
Yaa MD and the action is undefined yet...
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
Chill out people. Tomorrow is Eid, you should be celebrating not arguing online.
And I actually enjoy reading heero's threads. They are quite entertaining, until some jealous people come and hijack it.
Knock some sense into yourselves and be happy!!
Welcome to Qatar Living.
moon-tested condoms, hmm they might just invent one...lol
that reminds me of a restaurant on the moon....great food but no atmosphere.
Super Nurse, you mixed somebody up totally. He doesn't mind if he gets banned if you say one more word against Islam.
i'd like to know the answer to that too... do they have moon-tested condoms?
it would be the same as QL without you.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Islam is well defined way of life, it is very well define in Quran that there are twelve months, so no point of IF TWO or THREE Moon, I suggest you to understand what is Islam, then these question will not arise.
casanova, name calling is a bit too much, uncalled for..
lol MD....
Supernurse.... why dont you get a life...
one more word against Islam and i wont mind being banned from QL...
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
I wonder if condoms will work on the moon?
casanova....yaa i beleive you require some tosses u Sl*t....please would you mind translating this into English...have you hit the bottle a day early mate?
Typical dumb question from Heero, why is this idiot not banned yet?
yaa i beleive you require some tosses u Sl*t.
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
oh for gods sake lighten up people......
from moons to condoms,....this is a good one...
what wud happen to QL if heero_yuy2's fathers condom didn't get burst.
casanova.....shut up and take your filthy comments to someone whos gives a toss....
ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer..
And the days on Saturn are between 10 and 11 hours (depends where you are because Saturn is flattened at the poles).
The answer is simple, you will either have Eid or non. That's all!!
I believe its enough of fun supernurse...
you have no right to speak utter filth about islam...
All... please dont post further...
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
One orbit around the sun takes 29.5 years for Saturn. So they can squeeze in many months, Super Nurse.
19 ramadans of hellish traffic and dog breath....mmmmmmm
19 Ramadans of fasting and closing shops? And you say they're lucky??
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
how will they fit 19 ramadans and eids in 12 months???.....
MD .. thats gr8 .. lets go and work there, its always been a relaxing month...
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
The current number of Saturn moons is 19, so they have 19 Ramadans and 19 Eids. Lucky Saturnians!
saturn has more than one moon, wonder how it works there?!!
the same as rest of the world would be without Sun... and you without ur sick sense of humor. :P:P:P
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
stupid question