stranger in Qatar

By robinson crusoe •
Hi there,
soon i will move to Qatar and i feel strange cause i know nothing about the country.
first i wish you help me find a place where i can find some European neighbors and a place to live in.
and more i want to know about culture there, traditions and all about this country, this would help me a lot to get into environment fast and avoid me many troubles and mistakes and misunderstanding.
i respect all and love all.
am so glad to find such place which help me a lot to talk to people and get advices and get friends in Qatar.
wish you all the best
Civil marriage and kiran???????
what is civil marriage ? and kiran? whats that?
yes the continent....nude sunbathing and foreign languages
we are the island nation...gracious we will be taking the euro next - heaven forbid ;)
How welcoming you all are! I think he should be scared - VERY scared as he has started on the wrong foot - joined QL! A potential Luvvie perchance!!!!!! Oh well, when he gets here he will have angaging chats with QLs Lusty busty Termagents! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Bring some gin mate! Hic!
GEOGRAPHY & MATH-related subjects weren't among my favorites back in high school...
But it's not too late...(*opening a new tab and typing "europe")....
Azzzzzziiiii!!! JUST SAY NO! (to those pills I mean)
I'm not European! No wayyyyyy, no howwww!!! But I can understand why you're confused...its my blonde hair and turquoise eyes, yes?
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
Strange are the pathways Lord!: =)
Thank you MD:)
Take my hand, brother.
I am:)
but ethnically Asia, vukpop? Or what? You must feel lost.
Well, geographicly part of Europe :)
strange, masha, that a World War can start out of Neverland.?
not Asia, Neverland
Asia, vukpop??
Welcome Crusoe!!!
No I am not from Europe, I am from Balkan:)
Yes but I work for a german company so I'm surrounded by them all the time.
just eat another pie
so, I mentioned those I know who came from that part of European countries...though I forgot to mention Irrysa and Vuk...
With your question..there's a lot of EUROPEANS here...lambda, magic dragon, pieman, torque, oryx, jauntie, our very own ALEXA, china syndrome and JBH.
So, I guess you'll be comfortable when you come here. JBH started with QL just like you...
There is a big German community in Qatar, PM me when you arrive and I will introduce you to some.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
I'm FAT and UGLY and I bite...LOL
She can not stop lying. It is in her blood :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Charan is right, azi, stop lying.
thx for ur advice macgyver.
RULES which i wanted to know to not break cause this means for me respect.
best for all
here in QL, and you know that...I BITE, remember!!!
Azilana is the prettiest Girl in QL :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
if there are Europeans around...if it makes him comfortable knowing that he won't be feeling isolated when he comes to Qatar....just like the rest of us felt when we came to the QATAR the very first time.
Dont worry, RC...everyone would welcome you once you're here....and listen to CHARANMAFIRIYALS...I BITE...roflmao
just a piece of advice crusoe...just be yourself. don't pretend to be someone that you're not. in the end, it will show who you really are. qatar is a nice place but there are days when you're really, really pissed off about these country.
a lot of europeans in here, i guess, so you won't be feeling lonely and bored. loads of extra-curricular activities around especially now that ramadan is almost over. for sure, you'll fit in just fine. have fun---just don't break the rules :-)
welcome to qatar, rob!
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....Martin Luther King
Beware of Azilana :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Arien - Robinson doesn't like the curry smell :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
you are welcome as a friend Azilana wherever you are from.
nice and kind people are nice and kind wherever they were coming from.
Thx wlcoming me Mr Arien.
i think i dont have a reason to lie to you or to anyone here.
and what i said up there is my reason to search European people at first cause they are more experienced than me in Qatar and am not searching only European friends.
seems my words offended you which i didnt want it for you and for anybody else.
with my respect to all races and nationalities in Qatar, am doing my best to not hurt or offend anybody and seems i didnt have a good start.
i have friends whom are black and white and from other colours.
and for me religions and cultures or nationalities doesnt make my decisions about whom i take as friends and whome not.
I'm Asian...from the hinterland/island in the far south east asia but I'm mom said I ;-P
So better be careful when I'm around...I bite....roflmao :-D
Hi , Welcome to Doha Mr crusoe...
There are many, if you reapect all races why was that demand of european neighbours only,, I guess you owe us an explanation.
what you wrote is not convincing.. sorry
I work for money...$$$$$
If you want loyalty,
Hire a Dog!!!
thx a lot casanova an masha.
unfortunately Friday couldn't make it so am alone now lol.
i would get a great help with Friday but it is so now.
thx a lot and best for all here. you will come in qatar island? ship or plane? friday is expecting you.
"Only in Dreams but Never in Reality"
are you coming alone or with Friday?
Hey... Welcome Robinson
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
Thx a lot supernurse.
Look up the do's and don'ts of living in a Muslim country, you can't go far wrong if you know about them!
i didnt mean anything bad i respect and accept every human on earth and have nothing against other cultures and nationalities.
am just careful getting mixed with people in Qatar cause i dont want to appear not respectful or understanding and for this i want to know all about this country so nothing from my side would hurt anybody even when i dont mean it.
cultures are so many and so different in this world and i might do or say something not hurtful or bad in my culture but same time it might be so for others and this i dont want and for this am careful.
so i hope u all dont misunderstand me.
wish you all the best.
Is it because I'm black?
lol you naughty girls
there are many Europeans here
BTW why do you want only Europeans whats wromg with the rest of us
Anyway welcome to Qatar
labda06 is one of the Europians here :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
labda06 and azilana7037 thank you very much welcoming me.
realy there is no European in Doha?
i knew there are many !
anyway am glad to be welcomed here :)
then we'll welcome you in person...
But there are no Europeans here...:/
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------