Traffic lights !!

By Adham EL-saaty •
i really hav to say that traffic lights sucks , it makes the traffic more heavier ..
also , they depend on it ,in a terriable way , even in the ROUNDABOUT !!
Qatar now is growing and attract alot of ppl , so they should act responsibly with that prb
i think they should build bridges or something ,specialy in the crowded areas .....
who is the lucky guy wow u never mentioned about him before
thts all bcoz i got a nice lovely driver.. :P
but i dont remember u stuck in traffic :)
I adore Traffic Light. It keeps me smooth while driving :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
Over laps and bridges are so expensive and not applicable everywhere. but u r making good point! they should in some places! and the trafic lights are not solutions here. They put them just to make people stop in order to give others direction! but not to solve traffic !! the roads are not well studied!
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
They should build flyover or underground bridges or subways to lessen people who will buy car :)
when talkin about crowded areas , definatly traffic lights are the worst solution , even here or in the big cities .
we need traffic signls but not that much .
well but al least these lights have some limit...atleast signals provide equal time for all the lanes....but the worst part at traffic areas are the traffic controller...i find there is more traffice jammed due to them rather then signals...
Yes, lets remove all the traffic lights. The traffic will definitely flow smoothly then. All those other major cities around the world that use traffic lights have obviously got it wrong!