Need your advie to motivate me...

Hi to you all,
first of, good day to you, how much will i lose if i attend the gym including aero daily and in the afternoon? its been 8 days from now but looks like im not loosing any weight, my previous weight is 62, and i maintain to eat small meals before going to the gym because it's not good when it is very full to go to the gym. After the gym i am not eating anymore as these are the advices given by some of my friends in the gym but when i try to weigh myself in on weighing scale i was surprised that i weigh 63-64. Is it because of drinking water everytime i do the gym aero + the machine for cardio? I sweat a lot in the gym but looks like i am not loosing weight.
Please i need your advice to motivate myself and not too much discourage. Has anyone of you experience the same?
your input is much appreciated
again, thanks a lot for the input and advices you have given me, I really don't know who is this name "good girl" but to you miss "good girl" since it was mentioned in your letter that you do not accept replies to your message, i hope you read it from here, yes i go to the same gym, as your advice to me, ok i will drink lots of water is 1.5 liters enough? or should i drink more than that?
and to some who do kindly reply and give advices to me, ok from now on i will not go to the weighing scale to weigh myself in, every after the gym, the only thing i will think is to think that i could loose weight or burn calories as long as i stay in the gym
("instead of comfort food, shop for clothes that are two-size smaller, this will motivate you to lose more weight." -m isabel)- thanks a lot for giving me idea on buying clothes, yeah you're right, as i can observe myself, before i wear medium clothes and now i still wear size medium clothes and the only difference is that there is still some "little muffin tops" unlike before as what they say.
I may not loose weight quickly but i have observe something in my body, my belly is starting to shrink a little bit and the "muffin tops" it is slowly fading away.
So i will gonna do what advice you have given me and the next time i will do the forum talk, i will update you how i did on my workout and through all your advices, this already motivate me to do well in the gym for 3 months.
thanks for motivating me for your kind words and advices.
ur not loosing because u goyt none to loose,u will fall down the drain if u loose any more lol be happy
Is not a motivator it fact it is a good way to make yourself more depressed about your weight loss and can turn you back to your old eating habits and comfort food.
Remember to allow yourself a treat every now and then, when you achieve a milestone in your programme, this is an even better motivator as it gives you something to work towards.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Amber, the only thing I would add is to try not to be too obsessive about weighing yourself. Try to only weigh yourself once a week or, if you can't stand the suspense, then maybe once mid-week as well. Everyone has daily weight fluctuations, so if you're constantly weighing yourself, you're not getting a true picture. It can be very discouraging.
So try to wait a week, and when you do see those results, it will encourage you to keep up the good work.
instead of comfort food, shop for clothers that are two-size smaller, this will motivate you to lose more weight.
m isabel
to all of you who give me such a good advices. before i went to the gym i weigh around 62 and my BMI is 24 which is in the level of average. When i came here i weigh 55, i attend the gym and doing the warm up workout like going in the treadmill for 30 minutes (including running) and loosing around 100+ calories (don't know if the calorie counter on the treadmill machine is accurate) and then i go next to the octane fitness for about 10 minutes, i mostly attend the aero for 1 hour which helps me sweat a lot. By the way i am 5' 2" in height. Before i used to go snacking, since i do the gym, i never felt the need to eat chocolate and ice cream, i never skip breakfast and for lunch i ate at least steam fresh fish and a half cup rice. Since i go to the gym at 3pm for this ramadan time, i eat 1 apple fruit and drink 1-2 glass water before the aero or warm-up workout. The only thing i notice is that my watch, i mean my watch is slipping on my arm unlike before, and at night before going to the gym, i eat fruits instead of bread, since i don't have any idea to what to eat during and after i only rely on fruits and vegetables. So i hope this will help or any advices that you can give me aside fruits and vegetables.
Last night i went for my comfort food, i went to nandoos and eat Mediterranean salad, my stomach is not very full but i know it is enough, so now i need to burn that calorie again.
I need to go and stick to a small portion not full not hungry and i will go with all your advices.
below mentioned are my fave comfort food that i have avoided since going to the gym:
ice cream
(anything that you can add in here?)
thanks a lot.
First of all never eat before exercising always have your meal after, if you need too, have a banana before you exercise to keep your energy levels up and save your meal for after wards this is when your body needs it most not before.
Irrysa is right by not eating properly or thinking that you will reduce your weight by eating only one meal a day will cause your body to store more fat and calories for when it needs it.
Never go by weight alone this is a common misconception - while you'll initially lose actual weight, the more you train and depending on body structure you'll find that eventually you may seem to put this initial weight back on. Go by look. If you feel you look like your loosing weight then you are, eventually you'll really see the difference and so will others..
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
62kg? how tall r u? 1.5m?!
maaan, then i shld just go and shoot myself rite now!
my dear, first of all balance ur diet, eat around 5 small meals per day, in this way ur body will get used to getting small portions of energy on time and won't be storing for later (this happens when u r eating 1-2 big meals per day).
eat bfast, this is very important. sth small, that wld give u energy.
leave ur "snacks-in-between", if u will eat those 5 small means per day, u will not feel like having sweets too much anyway.
balance ur training and do drink water more than carton juices.
btw, if u will kill urself with crazy training and eat once a day, no wonder that ur body will try to save itself by storing all the calories and fat.
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
62 kilos and you're worried... Soetimes , as you exercise, you build muscle , which leads to increased weight..
"'s more about eating the right food at the right time"
I do believe so. I gave up butter today. :(
If that dont motivate u nothing will!!!! Yippeeeee! If u cant lose weight drink gin! Hic!
First 62 (kilos I assume) is not heavy! How tall are you?
It's common to see an initial rise in weight, and remember that weight loss is a long term process. You will not necessarily see improvements immediately.
Also, as realsomeone says, it's not a question of giving up food, it's more about eating the right food at the right time.
Also, try adding some weight exercises to your cardio workout. Studies have shown this accelerates weight loss.
If you're serious you should seek advice from a proper expert. From my experience "friends at the gym" rarely know what they're talking about and often give bad advice.
63 doest seem much to me, but if you are playing gym to lose wait and you notice gaining maybe you are doing the wrong excises.
secondly you dont have to give up food, you can eat healthy food. maybe running will be good idea too. I am sure there are experts in this stuff in QL which should help you soon. good luck.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi