Agents Commision

I am quite amazed that people acting as Estate Agents are finding apartments for people and charging them 50% of a months rent in commision.
Some of these people are working for Estate Agents and doing this as a sideline, this being illegal to start with, you can only work for your sponser, so not only the person doing this would be in trouble with the law but the one who is dealing with this person would be as well.
Not sure why anyone would pay 50% commision to anyone to find an apartment or villa, the landlord pays the commision to the agent.
You only have to ring one of the Esate Agents in town tell them what you are looking for and they will find it for you.
And with no charge to yourself.
Why pay these people money when you do not have to.
I think it is a disgrace what these people are doing.
Not only this they tell you that the apartment or villa will be ready on a certain date and it is not, and you have no comeback on these people, as with the Estate Agents you have more of a quarantee.
It is time these moon lighters were brought out in the open and stopped conning people out of hard earned money.
You know who you are, so may I suggest you hand commision taken back to the people who have paid you, thinking that this was the thing to do.
Some of us have lived a long time in Doha and know the rules and regulations.
Sorry to read the response to you from Doharea..., not very professional to throw threats around ..... , typical, when faced with losing a debate, it's the old 'worster' will fix everything trick. You know, the same as when you are innocent in a 'rear ender', kiss and cuddle the policeman, statement in arabic, and hey presto, it's all your fault. So best you don't go to the police station. Also being in real estate he wont have any ethics either. But as he will tell you, it's their country so up yours.
Anyway, feel good that you are right, they are wrong, and they have no other means of intellectually supporting their case. Greed.
And yes he does owe you an apology.
As for naddu .... sounds typical uneducated Indian, (and I should know:-) uneducated being the key word here) cant debate, cant argue and basically nonfunctional brain under duress, so resorts to pure insult. Just as he probably will with me in a minute. He is just greasing up to Doharea ... cos he's Qatari.
As for one of your points Susi, you are right from what I have seen, a lot of the free lance agents are on their husbands sponsorship, and earning pocket money (big pocket money) on the side. It fits with their schedule of raising kids and house keeping. But still wrong to fleece the poor house hunter in the process!!!!
These people did not exist a few years ago, only came out of the woodwork once the rents spiraled up, and money was to be made - greed.
I deal direct with the Qatari owner, luckily for me a nice guy and very fair.
Oh, I am pleased I am in India now, or else maybe somebody will come a knocking on my door LOL
Well, if people hire a real estate agent, let them pay. The "renter" did not hire them!
Nadu u must be the most cinfused little man I have ever encountered.
I said nothing about what Germany calls agents, nor did I say they were criminals. I also have sympathy for you that you cannot find any other words than petty insults and name calling.
Btw, what does me living in Doha have to do with anything?
u getting brash, hey amoud,
u living in doha, n calling real estate agents a bunch of criminals cos thats wot they call em in germany. gr8, how ignorant is that. keep living online, i got real life deals to make. people hire a real estate agent, and are ready to pay. u dont wanna pay, simply go find urself a house. cheapskate!!!
oh, Adey yes they do receive a salary. And they also generally have the option to take a lower salary if they want a higher commission cut on the properties they rent out. I also stress that the commission I am speqaking about are from the owner.
With the new houseboom "agents" turned up all over the place and it became a very broad term. These middlemen started this double commission scheme as well as the re-renting.
to find out if real estate agent employees receive a salary?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
hmm, I am starting to get a bit brash here.... someone needs to come and call me an idiot or ignorant to put me in my place...
adey, perfect description. Is naddu one of them?
lmao Adey... you could also use the last bit to describe lawyers
Found this description in milliseconds LOL
"How to be an estate/lettings agent
1. Despise humanity.
2. Buy a suit.
I’m not sure what else one would need. I think that might be it.
Oh, the inability to know where to put an apostrophe in a written description coupled with the simultaneous ability to describe a tupperware tub of lumpy snake-vomit in a cupboard in an abbatoir as ‘spacious, unique furnished property in ideal location with period features great view’s viewing essential!‘ is also a boon.
But mainly being twat in a suit will get you by, I think."
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Yeah MD 'dude' ... forget that Germany is probably one of the most advanced countries in the world... you all are just a bunch of Nazi skinheads.
Nadu, the term skin head is used for neo-nazi groups and typically is applied to British neo-nazi groups which identify themselves by shaving their heads.
yeah, dude, but they're tough on criminals, too.
dude germans are normally considered skin heads
for you naddu, in Germany real estate agents are considered to be a bunch of criminals. How does that sound to your sweet ears?
who pays the finders fee, since they are the recipient who benefits the most.
However...that being said, the fees the realtors charge over here are horrendously expensive!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Just a simple question.
Do the employees not receive a salary from the real estate companies?
If I wish to rent a car, I pay the company for the use of it only. I don't pay them extra for them going to the car park, locating it and saying "there is your car sir!!!!"
The car rental employee is paid by his company to 'find' the car.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Forget it MD, to know the concept behind real estate commission is to understand how this works globally, hence the reason most of the agents here dont think it is extortion.
MD is right, the agent takes the burden off the owner, and it is actually a sort of "favor" that renters are looking for these properties, saves you on advertising etc (which in the global market generally comes out of the commission fee).
Now perhaps you can understand why so many expats get a bad feeling about paying commission? The real estate market is not just Doha based.
am in a tanker an ma guns are all ready, n m a specialist sniper lol
naddu, bulls**t. The agent does the work the owner would normally do. Therefore the owner has to pay!
Rentor asks the agent to search for a house and u expect the agent not to get his money for the hard work he did for u....
He gets it from the owner is none of the rentors business,
He does the owner a favour as well he gets paid for his hard getting rentors for the owners house.
If the owner is ready to pay for the house why not the rentor. its not extortion its plain simple, u hire me, u pay me, i dont work for u for free.
Just having a little fun adey.... Nadu came out both guns blazing.. calling us idiots, how could I refuse :)
naddu, the owners are supposed to pay them the commission.
On a Friday as well!
Bring back duels and pistols at dawn I say!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
U cant read the posts above Naddu?
why shudnt agents charge rentors for commission???
Please answer me!
bring it on amoud
lets see where ur senses lie. U wanna argue maturely lets do it.
Tell me wot ur point of view about this whole discussion is?
.. hard to have a battle of wits with a person who has no ammo. Later Nadu
You know Nadu, the first sign of desperation is resorting to childish name calling. Perhaps you are upset because you cant rent to the expat community due to your lack of communication skills.
No one denied either Doha, gopalestine or Susies comments. It is a discussion forum and I feel saddened I have to explain that to you.. but you know we are just ignorant.
Susie will go to another agent who doesnt chardge her commission, so what if Doha feels it is his right to charge commission? If people will pay it why not.
I think perhaps you are missing the point here, but as I am from Alien and speak duffer maybe I am just an idiot.
Yes, I am from Alien .... duh.
She suggested that because he threatened her ... duffer?
I am the idiot? I am from Alien and read duffer lol
why didnt u read susies post duffer, it was susie who proposed to meet at the police station, where u from Alien? planet nutcase? lol
HOw do you get Doha realtor is being nice and not threatening? Even after the suggetsed meet up he proposed a police station? What is that? She is gonna be arrested for having a different opinion in a discussion forum?
Grow up everyone.
There are enough properties on the market that NOBODY should have to succumb to this extortionate practice. just another angle in which unscrupulous people make money off of others in a perceived tight housing market. Properties are getting more numerous by the day and if you do your research, owners are more open to negotiation now than they were a year ago. Nobody has to pay commission now. there are plenty of properties avaible direect from the owners
Now susie coming to the basic of this topic and to finally end it by saying few thoughts of mine.
Doharealtors seems to be a nice n decent fellow. I don't simply get it what is your problem with few people trying to make some money to make their lives a little more happy. If you have been in Doha for long, you must also be realizing that Doha has become an expensive place to live. Now in such times even if there are couple of free lancers trying to make some extra cash what in the sweet name of susie, is your freaking problem? Please dont tell me that you have never seen any freelancers in your life. its as plain and stupid as to say that you got a leak in your house and u hire an plumber to fix it without u ending paying him. If you are so offended by real estate agents trying to get u a decent house of ur choice, why do u hire them, in the first place. Put yourself in their positions and then argue. Let ME know if you would like to personally meet up and i can show you how this business is simply done. and i totally agree with Doharealtors on this topic. He was right in his position, basically offering to explain it in simple terms, and you were acting all immature and plain stupid. you dont even sound like the queen of insecurity your self to keep insulting hard working people like that.
Ahoy fellas, I have been following this forum, since last few days and am i amazed to see the ignorance and the heights of idiotic thinking in few people. Cmon suzy, first of all you start of by insulting hard working people who, work day in and day out to, basically, are doing a favor to you all you people by searching for an accommodation. secondly you say that they have NO RIGHT to ask for remuneration. How old are u gurl? 5 or 10 years? I am dead sure you havent spoken to ANY real estate company or their consultants, and you are simply trying to create unrest among people. Just incase u turn out to be more stupid than i imagine, here is how a normal Real Estate consultant really works.
1.) They drive around town looking for properties, (there are many ways of contacting prospective property owners). Make a deal with them and agree on the terms based on multiple criteria. AND ALSO AGREE TO PAY COMMISSION TO THE AGENT.
2.) Real Estate Consultants post ads in the paper, spread the word by putting their contact numbers on the property, and loads of other marketing strategies to attract people.
3.) Prospective parties contact the agents, and give them their preferences and budget. The Agent selects the best available options from a pool of properties he handles and shows them to the client( such as people like you and other NORMAL and SANE MINDED PEOPLE).
4.) While showing the house they tell them the terms and conditions as to how to rent the house, such as guarantee checks, 12 months post dates checks, one month advance, AND THE COMMISSION. Now it is true NOT ALL REAL ESTATE COMPANIES CHARGE COMMISSION FROM BOTH SIDES. SOME COMPANIES DON'T CHARGE THE CLIENT ANY COMMISSION, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY CAN AFFORD TO. BUT MOST OF THEM ACTUALLY DO.
5.) IN REAL ESTATE BUSINESS there are many terms and conditions as to how the landlord would like to make the contract. some landlords are insecure about their tenants and ask them for guarantee checks etc. some dont.
6.) some landlords dont pay the real estate guys nething and the real estate guys have to make do with commission from the rentor/clients. now to make ends meet they end up charging more than 15 days. its all on agreement. but standard is 15 days. PLAIN AND SIMPLE THIS IS HOW BUSINESS IS DONE.
Now i hope susie has understood this point, unless she still ignores to accept the fact i can clearly assume that shes been jumped by some smart bugger claiming to be a real estate agent. lol
So when do you want to meet. I dont mind meeting
up at the police station. And no I was'nt threatning you.
The words what you use BU*****it is that proper. I never mentioned on the forum that i am a Real Estate Agent why are you becoming offensive. As i told you earlier if you cant afford paying dont. Nobody's keeping a gun to your head and telling you to pay right. I am not going to apologize you should to all those hard working Real Estate Agent's out there whom you are trying to BOYCOTT. It's easy for you to say that, but once work as a Real Estate agent and then tell other's how it is to WORK once in life. And no I'm not acting smart being a Qatari National
I mentioned that stating that i can work as a Legal Consultant. The law is the same for everyone. It's time to take back your words.
I was not being offensive, this is a discussion on a forum, to find out what and why things are done.
I does not make any difference if you are a Qatari National or not, I did not insult you, but you have threatened me, by your post below.
"And mind your words lady. This is a Stern warning.. If you have any doubts let's personally meet up to clear your doubts"
I think you should apologize, is this a threat that you are going to harm me in some way, if you like yes I will meet up with you I have no problem in doing so, maybe the Police Station would be a good place.
Please read what I wrote, I did not state anything about the Estate Agents I just pointed out the commission some where charging for finding people property.
And no I still do not believe that the Tenant gets charged commission, it is the landlord who pays the Estate Agent.
Get real lady, you should not have to pay commission to anyone.
Dear Susie,
I do resent your comments.I am married to one of these hard working real estate agents that you so freely insult.FYI, they do charge commissions, percentage of which varies. You really are clueless! We ourselves are not exempted from these commissions if somebody else will find a flat for us.You dont know what you are saying. Do you honestly think these agents just show you a flat then get commissions in a blink of an eye? True once in a blue moon. But most of the time these people show a single flat to six different couples. They are as hardworking as those who works in banks or engineering firms.
If you are fortunate enough to transact straight with the owner then you dont get to pay commissions. But have you ever wondered why these owners try to avoid dealing straight with people like you? Simple, they want to avoid headache.
So if you cant pay, you are right, you have to do everything yourself. And when the drain pipes get clogged, maybe you can fix it yourself rather than disturb your agent so he can inform the owner that there's a problem in your flat. That way, my husband can just go on showing flats/buildings/villas to prospective clients, earn honest money and not waste time in just troubleshooting for people who after paying trivial amount thinks they employ the real estate agents (some not all).
Ciao for now.
its sayin in hindi "Jiyo aur Jine do" , live and let others live,
realestate freelance agents are working hard for rentors in searching property as rentor described and also their budget, however some of them are charging lot of money, one person asked from me, 1 month commission and rent was too much( double the normal rent).
Now Depends on clients.
Clients should decide to give commission to agent, if their requirements meet i.e budget, rooms
Doha your posts seems moderatly threatening, no way to get anyone to see your point of view.
Firstly I'm a Legal Realestate consultant and secondly,
I'm a Qatari national, I dont get it why are you becoming soo offensive well any ways, who i work for is my business. It's illegal to work as a real estate agent that's true for more than one company not as a Legal Consultant.What i suggest is dont call any of the realestate agencies go and personally deal with them, on the phone everyone says they dont charge, personally almost everyone charge, and no law states that this is illegal, as long as u are not a free lancer. And mind your words lady. This is a Stern warning.. If you have any doubts let's personally meet up to clear your doubts..
yay another lawyer. Corporate law is the shiznit! Denny Crane!!
Lol Susie, cods wallop.... I havent heard that one in a while.
Too true, the REPUTABLE firms here in Qatar do not take double commissions. The standard is half months rent on a 1 year contract and a full month on a 2 year contract PAID BY THE OWNER.
Any firm in Doha that takes from both, or re-rents property are parasites taking advantage of the current housing boom. It is funny that when anyone will suggest that it is indeed these "realtors" who have driven up the rents they will be the first to blame it on the greedy owners.
Ok doharealtor,
Tell us who you work for, as a Senior Property Consultant.
You state you are working for 2.
But the law clearly states that you can only work for one employer.
So how come you are working for 2.and if you are you are breaking the law.
Would be interested to know who you think are the 2 Top Leading Real Estate Companies in Qatar, then I can give them a call to ask them what they have to say about Commission.
And no it is not normal for the Real Estate companies to charge everyone, that is a load of cods wallop, just in case you do not know what that means it is the same as Bulls**t.
Where have all you people who advertise on here about finding apartments gone to, would be interesting to hear what you have to say about your commission you charge, and who you work for, is it full time with an Real Estate or are you a moonlighter.
I work as a Senior Property Consultant for 2 of the top leading realestate companies in Qatar, both of them charge. Well it's simple as saying take it or leave it. But normally everyone charge. If u want to pay, pay for it or leave it...
No way do they do what you are saying, I got an apartment from Appollo, six months ago and never gave anyone a single Riyal to get my apartment.
It has always been that the landlord pays the commission to the Agent.
It is just that there are far too many people jumping on the bandwagon and getting apartments/villas for people, you only have to look on this forum, there are a load of them all doing it as part time work, and working somewhere else as well.
I have checked with several Agents today, and they have all told me the same thing, that the tenant does not pay any commission.
I think it is time to stop the greedy people from taking money from the tenants.
this is business and people wants to get advantage of it... they will not take care how others are suffering...
the management of al sultan compound(ain khalid) asked for half months rent even though no agent or any other agengy was involved!!!!
we refused ofcourse!
Doha, even on villas the renter is not charged... Check Homes2rent, Al Asmakh and other long standing estate agencies. It is unprofessional to take from both, and such agencies do not re-rent buildings.
Big realtors take the whole building and then re rent it for more profit. That's the reason why the tenant it not charged. Check it again...
Big realtors only take from the owner, not the renter. check it.
As a Property Consultant what i advice is call up any of the big Real estate Companies in Qatar from Century21, Remax, Al Asmakh, Retaj, Emadi etc... Every one takes a commision of at least 15 days both from the client as well as the owner for small properties, if we were to look at commmercial properties worth over 100,000QR some realestate agencies even charge a 100% commision from both parites which is totally agreeable. Realestate companies who are into property management make their money, by charging tenants more money every month in the rent itself as they sublet the house from the owner. so they wont go around asking for commision. My advice for free lancer's is never give out cash to any free lance realestate agent and read the contract carefully. After signing the contract try to meet the owner "if possible" and normally 15days is the commision for residential properties....
Finally... welcome 2 de real side of estate agents... People go beyond anything des days 2 get a living here in Qatar... Sadly, no authorities look into dis matter and de game keeps goin on and on...
Susie, I have a friend who had to. 2 months commission! Plus the deposit.
I think you may find that it is the person who is showing you the properties who is asking for commission, are you sure it is the Estate Agents.
Would be a good idea to check what they are wanting before you deal with them.
I have lived in the Gulf for over twentyfour years and have never paid any commission when I have moved, either to the Estate Agent or the person showing me the property.
It is about time this greed was stopped.
Do people really pay up to two months commission to get somewhere to live.
Its not only the free lancers, the established big real estate conpanies are also asking for half month rent as commission...They dont want to make the most out of the deal...
and we dont have a choice...
...You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...
1/2 a month worth of commission? That's nothing, some people pay 2 months!