ladies n gents

Come out this Thursday sept 18 to Zubara Towers for the GetRight Party. Location Zubara Towers (west bay/ diplomatic area) On the first floor (to include recreational area, pool and Jacuzzi)
Directions: From Villagio mall go towards Qatar Sports Club. Go thru four stoplights to sports roundabout. The Grand Regency Hotel will be on your Right. At the next round about make a left you will see the fire station. Go down and go under the bridge/overpass. Go to the qatar sports club roundabout go straight and make 2nd right at west bay petro station. Go pass the school on your left make the first right and turn into the Zabara Towers parking lot.
IM just relaying a message for a friend i wont be there ill be in germany but hey if anyone wanna stop by your more then welcome for food and drinks so come on out specially the ladies
No way! sounds particularly dodgy if you ask me!!
blood donation??
am poor labor and lil smelly cos i work under the sun can i still come along??? am bored at my accomodation.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
marhabtain, you are going to sleep, yes, sleeeeep, close your eyes, no open them, burn your computer and wake up in a week with no recollection of how you got to Qatar, no idea of how computers or the Internet work but with a deep longing to return to whichever country regurgitated you, gin in tow.
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
R U NUTS!!!!!!! A Gay party in Qatar! OMG - bring back hanging!! Zippee de doo da, Zippee dee day, My oh my now Darude has come out Gay! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
yea i think it will be a great gay bash party
hahahaha Darude, thats the best idea yet...start with that psycho who was all over you this morning!!! Talk about a bad rash, yuck!!!
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
i think i will send all those to you whom i am rejecting from social group now adays. will be agood place for them to enjoy.
Hhhmmm... imagining all those people going to this house wearing bikini and trunks.. hhhmmm.... still a nice party
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
this is a trick.. this is a trick.. :D i've seen this one before.. an advertisement to go to a certain place, owner of the place is clueless of soon to happen... bottom line the advert came to an enemy.. want some revenge by inviting people to mess up the enemy's place..
i could be wrong.. lol
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
gonna be some kinda party i bet.........have fun yall, bikini or not and tell us abt it later.......ciao
psssst, better out the front than out the back......heheehehhehehhe
Yea, won't be able to make it as well. Have a dinner party at home hosted by the parents csi csi
LOL labda... that will be nice to see.. (hhhmm... thinking what color should I wear)
Dang.... you got a very hectic sched MD..
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
you can bring something to swim in the pool will be open
Thursday is not possible, brutus. Already invited somewhere else.
ashok, men can wear bikinis...they might be a bit uncomfy at first but you'll get used to them.
Brutus, you'd look nice in a bikini, dump the trunks, hehe
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
Yeah, brit, what do men wear when women wear lingerie?
Hey MD.. you're coming?? (hhmmm..... wondering where is the other half)
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
Hhhmm.... bikini and trunks then.. (nice party)
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
nope kiddies sorry
kids included??
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
nooooooooooooooooooo come as you like
brit already suggested that: bikini!
Man i already know how its going to turn out.............but i can knock the folks for trying
britexpat, Im trying to get a feel for the thing, trying to decide what to wear, red bikini with blue wig or yellow t-string with, orange wig. Women need to know, brit, innit? We like to plan dont we???! Let the man speak.
Crunch crunch...
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
Is this place anywhere near City Center / Beverly Hills?
I presume it will be dry given the time of the year?
It would be worth going just to kill the time as weekends dont seem to be the most exciting in Doha (esp for single men!!)
dont know dont care ill be gone like i said i just posted this for a friend
What time does this event start?
Really (chews apple-excusey) and what pray tell will happen when half of Doha shows up?
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------
You cynic... No catch.. Just wear your lingerie and have a geat time.. Don't worry about the hidden cameras, they're just there for security..
Just have fun..
no catch at all everyone was just bored decided to have a lil get together it was in house but now i guess they decided to invite the whole city
Whats the catch?
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------