Plight of a ........... ( you can fill it)

What do you call someone who explodes a bomb and kills innocent people? - A terrorist
What do you call someone who drops a bomb from a plane and kills innocent people?-A brave American pilot.
What do you call it when a Palestinian uses violence against the Jews who have illegally occupied his land? - A terrorist attack.
What do you call it when an Israeli helicopter fires rockets at Palestinian youths armed with stones?- Self-defense
What do you call it when someone gives money to a government official in return for favours? - Bribery.
What do you call it when a large corporation gives money to a government official in return for favours?- A campaign contribution.
What do you call the form of government where a small elite exploits and intimidates the citizens? - A dictatorship.
What do you call the form of government where a small elite exploits and intimidates the citizens, and the citizens can choose every few years which part of the elite should occupy the government buildings? - A democracy.
What do you call it when a group of people take the law into their own hands and kill people without a fair trial? - A lynching.
What do you call it when the US takes the law into its own hands and kills people without a fair trial? - Operation Enduring Freedom.
What do you call someone who steals from the rich and gives to the poor? - Robin Hood.
What do you call someone who steals from the poor and gives to the rich? - The US government.
What do you call a weapon that can kill thousands of people? - A weapon of mass destruction.
What do you call a weapon that has killed 1.5 million Iraqis, including more than 500,000 children? - Sanctions.
What do you call an army that will fight for whoever pays the most money? - Mercenaries.
What do you call an army in Afghanistan that will fight for whoever pays the most money? - The Northern Alliance (or United Front).
What do you call an attack on the Pentagon, a command and control centre in the US? - A cowardly attack on American freedom and democracy.
What do you call the destruction of an Afghan village by US bombs? - An attack on a Taliban command and control centre.
What do you call it when just over 3 thousand people were killed in the September 11 attack on the US? - An atrocity.
What do you call it when nearly 5 million people were killed in the Vietnam war? - A mistake.
What do you call it when very rich people exploit poor people? - Greed and selfishness.
What do you call it when very rich countries exploit poor countries? - Globalisation.
What do you call it when people are slaughtered? - A massacre.
What do you call it when 100.000 to 200.000 Iraqi’s are slaughtered by the US at a loss to American forces of 148 (46 of which were killed by friendly fire)? - The Gulf War.
To me that means "This Is Turkey" and explains many quirks over here.
summoning huh.. when you put it like that janey, he sounds like a spirit,...:)
Hmmm I hope someone is not summoning 7aaseb... csi
read further up, they defined FFs already...
Tig.. since when are you going back in your age?
..can you teach me that trick please ??!! I would pay for that miracle, rather than for your virginity!
FOR FUXX Sake :)
coz life is like this there is fair and unfair always
LiFe Is ShOrT TrY tO UnDeRsTaNd It...
but i am lazy today...
Even I know that and I am 12.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Alexa: wht does FF's sake mean? Shud say I am Quite dense when it comes to chat lingo n abbreviations :(
aaahhh...lets not 'turn' this into anything!! I mean...its not the first time we are hearing this and, as usual, it all depends from which side of the fence u look at it, I guess... :)
Read this in some paperback (think it was Mclean)"Petty larceny on the part of individual is called theft, when govts engage in grand larceny, its called economics!!"
If you are going to cut and paste from other sites, please give them the credit for it!
This is on so many sites it's no longer new.
Indians had enough now your turn
"Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated"
....G.B. Shaw
Oopz this is not a western bashing thread...
just read it somewhere..copy paseted here to make some people happy/sad..
i know she got exams coming soon so she wants us to help her
No Problem FS you can come to corniche at 2am will sit and study there you make any mistake and i am going to throw you in the sea.
whats all this gal cant you make it short dont like reading all this might get dizzy