Unlock for iphone 2.0+ is out!

For MAC: use Pwnage from Dev Team is release!
For Win: use Winpwn
ALternative: you can use Quickpwn to jailbreak iphone or ipod touch.
tutorials are available at www.applei.ph/one
so iphone users, let celebrate! yey! :D
cheers guys.
only first gen or 2G iphone is unlockable by today.
the 3G is can be unlock only by sim solution. so far no software yet. (just wait for 1 or 2 months for the software unlock if 3Gi phone)
hahaha. lol.
team applei.ph < www.applei.ph >
For your iphone needs! :P
Mom_me The easy way is have someone reinstall the software for you. This should surely solve the problem and you should have WiFi on your phone.
Qatman and Dandy, thank you for your advise. I am not technically savvy, so I think I have to revisit the site and figure things out again or the easy way out is get hold of the chinese who sold it to me and ask him to fix it LOL.
what software specifically? have u tried winrar to open it? or you have downloaded it and the file is corrupt. maybe try downlaoding again.. or maybe the link is removed because software is out-of-date.
bdw, if you are trying to upgrade to 2.0.+, you dont need software anymore. just download the custom applei firmware.
just DFU and restore it with your iphone and your done in 5 minutes.
anyway, if you want the pwnage tool, you can downlod it anywhere. just search in google.
anyway, can i ask your username in the site? :P
just dropby again then i will assist you personally. ^^
team applei.ph < www.applei.ph >
For your iphone needs! :P
Mom_Me What is the version of Software you are using and is your phone the 3G version ? If not, you could just reinitialize your phone by reinstalling the software.
Dandy I have already downloaded some software from this site - I guess in the past there were a few discussions about IPhone and I had read most of them where you mentioned this website. Unfortunately, the zip version of downloaded softwares do not open for some reason.
mom_me, if you want to learn more about iphone, click my signature below.. that site is dedicated to iphone and mac users. :)
team applei.ph < www.applei.ph >
For your iphone needs! :P
Thanks qatman. In case you are still online, my problem is - to turn the Wi-Fi on I should get something like 'Settings - Turn Wi-fi On' but no such Wi-Fi option is there. Not even in the Airplane mode.
Plus my camera does record but the end result is like an infra-red thing. I tried to play with the settings but no results. I am able to use the phone - SMS etc.
Mom_me unlocking iPhone simply means enabling the phone to work with any SIM card. There is no extra software for wi-fi, It is a buit in feature. If you let us know the exact problem maybe it can be resolved.
Wow, some explanation !! Thanks anyway.
It means, making all the features work!
May I understand what does unlocking mean (Dumb question, is it) ? I have 8 GB Apple Iphone - the sim from Qtel is working but other features like wi-fi is not. I went to recommended Apple website but could not find any software to make my IPhone work.
would suggest not to waste ur time on the new iphone. the HTC phones are way better. n the iphone battery sucks to the core. or carry a extra battery o phone with u. the new iphone just has GPS and 3G. big deal. huh.
you can check the classified adds. i think iphone999 is selling iphone 3G with turbosim. i saw his deal and i think his offer in ok compare to others.
team applei.ph < www.applei.ph >
For your iphone needs! :P
How much they're selling in Qatar?
sorry kind :(
better put your name on the list, i am in demand for sending iphones :D
tra la la
all of my dreams of having one vanished now :(
Don't say that or I would make you send me one from there :D
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
The new ihpone should be availible in Qatar in January!!
tra la la
sorry for the late reply because im busy moderating some site. :)
to answer the question, yes you can update to 2.0 now by using PWANGE TOOL (for MAC) or WINPWN (for windows).
its is very easy, you can do it by 10 to 30 minutes.
team applei.ph < www.applei.ph >
For your iphone needs! :P
I think it's high time I updated my old Nokia 6230i to something more advanced. So for somebody who has NO iphone and is about to buy one, what's the best deal? Wait for Vodaphone, or buy an older unlocked version and update, or buy a new one from the states and unlock it? I don't wanna have to constantly upgrade/download/patch anything. I just want an iPhone. And where to get one and for how much. Any advice would be highly appreciated.
Can we update older to 2.0?
Have A Great Day.....
Dandy, i hope you can be my hero! I've been annoying Da asking for help and he highly recommended you.
Please send me your cellphone number.
“They say you can't live without love. Tell them oxygen is more important!.”
- G. House
Vodaphone has an exclusive deal to release the phones in Qatar. I guess as soon as they start then this will be their big release project which may be towards the end of this year. However I'm thinking the regulator might step in if the phone is tied to Vodaphone's network only stating unfair competition......
You can buy then here unlocked from other countries but that has risks....
the old one, that is why I'm planning to buy the new one :)and thank you for the help pal, it is really appreciated.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Give me 30 mins and I see what I can find out for you.
Not sure why you would want one if you have the old one. There is not much of a difference and the battery life on the 3G version is terrible. Its like going back to the mid 90s.
Next year? Please if you have any information share with us here ... Like Date of release, prices and so ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
The new iphone will be available to buy in Qatar and is the first place in the gulf for the phone to be launched.
yap. 2.0 is unlockable right now.
the unlock is very very easy.
tutorials are avilable in the site we are working on.
(see my signature)
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
mean that the new iPhone can be unlocked now as well? :)
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
hi. i just arrive in doha last week.
my sim number is not working anymore, i think it got expired... :(
i will buy new sim so that u can call me again. bdw, 2.0 is out now.
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
where the hell are you man
was looking for you and your cell was off :/