Camel Spiders in Qatar?

Just recently i was visiting Dukhan and once of my friends said he saw a camel spider crawling around. After searching around for a while outside a Mosque, it eventually re-appeared and *SPLAT* one of the guys squashed it with his sandal.
Just thought you may want to see what it looks like in case you find one in your bed one day :-)
want to know more about them google "camel spiders".
There are some very informed descriptions that also tell you what is myth and what is not.
holy moly (youtube vid).. and who said not to kill that baby spider we found? i mean what if it grew to full size and decided to eat your toe like the poor lizard!!!
but i agree in general we should'nt kill spiders but the sanctity of human life has priority (well just a little more than deadly spiders anyway)
here's a short clip of one on Youtube ...
and they have them here just as big. They are not actually spiders but some kind of distant relation to scorpions which look like spiders, apparently. I'm scared what an elephant spider looks like...
...a baby elephant spider, that is...
...and no lookin' fer the momma...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I also heard from someone well informed that the US soldiers would put them in boxes and make them fight with rats or mice. Usually the camel spider would win apparently. Maybe myth.. i don't know!!
If thats a baby i dont wanna see her momma!!
Camel spiders do sometimes run towards you. To get in your shade.
When you take your shoes off (particularly in the desert) put your socks over them to keep nasties (mainly scorpions) out.
AbuAmerican is right about the other stores......urban myth.
They always told us to beat the sole on the ground and shake out our boots good... IN CASE AN EVIL CAMEL SPIDER CLIMBED IN!!!!
They made it like they are the ally of al Qa'eedah or something...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
If i knew there would be this hideous picture, I wouldn't have opened the thread LOL
harmless my arse....
In Oman US Marines would catch them and scorpions and fight them, of course money was involved....
Camel Spider would come out on top 65% of the time I would estimate...
There was a story that went around regarding a military member sleeping in his tent and having the tip of his nose bit off too... The story said that they had some numbing agent in their venom or something.... And the guy didn't realize it til he went for a shave...
Yah, it is a baby for sure... not enough hair on the body.
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin