Car Tint

By consciouseffort •
I intend to tint my car:
1. Back seat windows - full tint
2. Front seat windows - 25% top
3. Front glass - 25% top
What are the legal requirements to this? A friend of mine told me to get police paper first & then get this thing done otherwise I would be under penalty. My car's permit is going to expire in the first week of September. Shall I apply for police papers during this renewal.
I need proper guidance from someone.
Dont like tinted glass.
How much this solar reflective film cost & from where can I get that done
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
I have done my car tinted with out any permission, but now I think I should go and take permission from traffic by paying them. Can I take car with existing tint to traffic for the permission? Do I really to remove the existing tint and go for permission? If I have bachelor visa status, will they allow me to tint my car? I mean, they might ask since you don’t have your family over here, why do you need privacy of tint.
Any folks outta there have same dilemma?
Moving on is simple; it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult .
Thanx to all :)
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
I want to do the same with my car, is it the same building with car registration department in madinat khalifa?
What are the requirements? pls. help thanks
An End Does Not Justify the Means
Iwent to traffic dept for Renewal of my cars Road Permit they charged me 100QRS for renewal of my Car Tint Permit when the car tint only costs to meabout 30 QRS!!
I normally use the flap up dowm screen for my rear glass.. they asked me to pull it out as well.
IMI - The Screen Behind The Mirror
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend."
LoL DaRuDe,
Someting wrong with UR PC ??? LoL
lol dejavu
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
The law is 30% in the back unless 100% is needed for a family or female. (as I mentioned). Although anybody can just say "I need it". Trust me.
Side note: super black = 100%
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
30% on back??? are working too much today i guess
the law is a maximum of 30% tint on the front and rear windows
You can have super black only on the back windows if you say that a woman will be in the back seat and wants privacy.
It is illegal to have tint on the back and ESPECIALLY illegal to have tint on the front windscreen.
Yuo are only allowed to have transparent sun block (e.g. from titanium)
Yes there are those that do it anyway, however I can tell you that when the police stop you, you are fined on the spot and forced to remove it in front of them.
It's happened to alot of my Qatari friends who thought they could get away with it.
Car Tint in Qatar
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Don't tint your front windows - it reduces visibility - something you need lots of here! I used a solar reflective film that only cuts out UV and heat but is still 95% clear.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
30% on back??? are working too much today i guess
30% on back??? are working too much today i guess
Go to traffic dept get permission for it you will i think need to pay 50Qr dont know if its the same.
back windows you can do full 100%
front you can do 30%.