knickers reflect your mood, sometimes we want to feel super sexy and wear lacy shorts or thongs, at other times you can't beat cotton for comfort, it's like a hug :)
If knickers are the "window" to the soul, wouldn't the idea be to "look through" them to see the soul? If so, why are you spending so much time "looking at" the window when it's the soul you are trying to see?
Maybe it should say knickers are the door to the soul. After all, nobody wants to be knocking on a window. LOL.
Guess that underwear in general is very personal, and so explore the same with underwear. Suppose this statement is far more relevant to women than men, coz I would never be able to explain the holy whities that are difficult to throw out. LOL :)
jackmohan, thongs are the most exotic and erotic underwear on women, g-strings specially oh my... *ok thexonic come out of the fantasy world* sorry got distracted, but yea go and check them out u will know what im talkin about.
She said "I have always believed knickers were a window to the soul. My grandmother said nice girls wear knickers; without them, "you'll get a cold down there". They spoke our subconscious mutterings. They were our Freudian slips. If outer garments told the world how we wished to be perceived, knickers told them who we really were - good or evil"
So, my question..
Do you agree with her statement !
Would you feel differently about a woman if she was wearing a thong for example ??
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fever of thursday evening MP
I'm sure some men do like to wear lace & silk knickers, 'tis a funny old world...
Torque 8-)
silk if we (ladies) want to feel/be sexy on occassions or not...Cotton are for comfort.
It's like that movie, "Carie and the wiener factory", ever heard of it?
..mention silk, on ladies I must stress....!!
Need to go to bed, far to stimulating a thread... ;-)
Torque 8-)
knickers reflect your mood, sometimes we want to feel super sexy and wear lacy shorts or thongs, at other times you can't beat cotton for comfort, it's like a hug :)
The knickers should be worn or not worn as a form of expression..
Cotton doesn't do it for us men...
So which are you preferring to?
I did mean 'prefer', not 'refer'...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
i prefer cotton...
You've probably got the Khaki ones as worn by Florence Nightingale..
Azi.. Get silky ones... Can't beat them..
I do read about the knickers the ladies wore in england specially the renaissance period...
only superman wears knickers.....
Knickers are worn by women, unless you're a perv..
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I can see that philosophy is wasted on you guys..
Igs!! LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
...although I can't save the misspells of the word in the other thread...
You sure know how to spell it right. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
When a man sees a woman fully nude, his weiner doesn't salute.
But when he sees a woman with a knickers, then it salutes more...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
If knickers are the "window" to the soul, wouldn't the idea be to "look through" them to see the soul? If so, why are you spending so much time "looking at" the window when it's the soul you are trying to see?
Maybe it should say knickers are the door to the soul. After all, nobody wants to be knocking on a window. LOL.
I'm getting out of this boys locker room ASAP....
Aha Jackmohan, u r not that innocent urself, talking about "Italian **** job" there u go a little tease lol.
thexonic ....that was a
Jackmohan, its a good thing to be teased. "What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger"... Nothing degrading about being teased.
yup, the second time.
MagicDragon, u r married??? :O didn't know that.
thexonic degrading for us men....
Ok the fares have to be prepaid.....just like mobile!
Maybe my wife will hate you then, Thexonic.
MD dont worry, im gonna get a hooker escorted to you lol.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
azi girl...Run!
someonenew....I know...
I borrowed from your link.... but this one is "Panties" and has 2 models near the bottom of the page ;)
No more comments here...i'm staying away from this thread for now...before the topic becomes
hehehe i beat u to it jackmohan!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
achi, you'd be the last I'd want to tease. You are on my buddylist.
Getting teased by women...
-------- check this out
only slightly shorter, white and starched (it could stand by kinda sheer :-)
Azzi check this link
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
thex, according to my health status I must be teasing a lot. Thanks for remembering me.
azzi, check here:
ah man then u need to start dating if u r not yet. Tease is good for health.
boxer shorts?....
"Time is money", thexonic.
Ah man Jack and Magic, u guys r quick... u guys need some lessons in teasing call some strippers or hit the strip club lol.
Guess that underwear in general is very personal, and so explore the same with underwear. Suppose this statement is far more relevant to women than men, coz I would never be able to explain the holy whities that are difficult to throw out. LOL :)
I suggested that in my post at 5:21 already, jack.
Hun u dont wanna get involved here :P, things are about to get harsh in here :O
Stop chasing girls with ones
Where is this topic leading to?
hmmmm....boys will be boys...
you mean fresh thongs,?\ right......
..., but they never suited me to be honest.. 8-)
i beg to differ,
i d rather believe that thong is the second sexiest undies ever invented....
though, i think it is a bit " stinky" lol,.
jackmohan, thongs are the most exotic and erotic underwear on women, g-strings specially oh my... *ok thexonic come out of the fantasy world* sorry got distracted, but yea go and check them out u will know what im talkin about.
-------- ....not on myself
Jackmohan did u try them? lol
Hell! I hate thongs....worst undergarment ever invented!
And I am not joking.
Anything with lace or normal well cut cotton whites much more preferable than thongs.
Before I'd make up my mind I'd wait to see when she wears nothing.
She said "I have always believed knickers were a window to the soul. My grandmother said nice girls wear knickers; without them, "you'll get a cold down there". They spoke our subconscious mutterings. They were our Freudian slips. If outer garments told the world how we wished to be perceived, knickers told them who we really were - good or evil"
So, my question..
Do you agree with her statement !
Would you feel differently about a woman if she was wearing a thong for example ??
britexpat ....I guess you had a
Is it "Soul" or "Hole"?
That's why I don't wear them, brit.
That would still say something about the person..
They do only in Britan
I dont think underwears can be the gateway to someone's soul... hmmm... or could they?
U can only tell soo much about the person by looking at the knickers... I wonder where u r going with this..
So what if the person wasn't wearing any....??!!
Torque (male & str8)
do these old fashioned clothes still exist?