Can anyone help the Tig on this issue?

Last week when I was in Paris going bankrupt while indulging my daughter, a friend of mine in Doha borrowed my car. While he was using it a truck ran into it reducing its length from 17 feet to aproximately 15 feet. I was blissfully unaware of all this until I returned to Doha.
Anyway, my friend got a police report which said the fault was with with the truck driver and that his insurance company should pay for the repairs. The insurance company of the truck driver is Islamic Takaful and they nominated a repair shop in the industrial area. My friend took the car there and they are working on it.
Now this is the point where I need some advice. The insurance company say that because the car is more than one year old, they will not pay the work to be done by the authorized dealer. Further, they say that if I insist on the damaged parts being replaced by genuine parts, then I have to pay 40% of the cost of the parts. This sounds crazy to me. Is this true? Has anyone else come up against this?
The car is a 2006 Lincoln Town Car (yeah, embarrassing I know)and of course, the replacement parts have to come from Lincoln. So I have to pay 40% of the replacement parts costs for an accident that was not my fault. How the hell does that work?
Any advice gratefully received.
Gypsy so even on the road eh??? lol..
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Woo Hoo I rock! :D
So Sorry about this.... this is why I bought my car - cash from the megamart notice board... didn't want anything too decent.....
The minor bump I sustained... cost ME money and the guys insurance company was most obnoxious. All the running around...paper work rubbish - is done by the victim and you are without a vehicle...!!!!!!!!!!!
And it just isn't your fault
I think then the onus is on the driver at the time of the accident to pay... but it doesn't seem right.
Except for Gypsy (she gets all the luck) everyone seems to have the same story to tell. At least I know for the next time. And there will be a next time. In Qatar that's one thing you can be sure of.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Tig..In Qatar insurance companies are like that......It sucks..........
Last month my brother faced same problem. for getting his vehicle repaired from Nissan workshop he paid 20% of the total cost.
btw - quick related question - do you have to use the garage the insurance company recommends? Or once you have the stamped letter from the insurance company can you take it anywhere?
I wasn't even given a chance to get a quote - the other guy's insurance company just said "go to this garage and get it repaired, and pay 50% if they use genuine parts".
When I got hit by a bus I had to claim everything through the other guys insurance. They never batted an eye at the quote that I got from the dealer. And this was only last November so the car was almost 2 years old at that point.
Maybe if I was a hot young chick like Gypsy, I would get a better deal but it looks like I am stuck with this one.
I think buying a decent car in Qatar is a waste of time. Wish I still had my old Jeep Wrangler which was pretty much indestructable.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Gypsy - perhaps it's different because Tig and I were dealing with the other party's insurance company, not our own. Perhaps there are different rules for 3rd Party claims and Fully Comp. claims.
Or perhaps they're just screwing us stupid expats over.
Wow guys, I have totally never had this problem. When I got hit the other guys insurance paid for everything.
what I know is, if the car is more than one year old then they can't fix it in your Agency [Toyota, Nissan for example] which automatically means, you have to take it somewhere and that somewhere is a garage cooperating with the insurance company and that garage will look for the cheapest parts of course to fix the car.
Just wondering, what is the benefit that we get from paying those insurance companies ... If you get hit and you need them to repair the car, they will come up with hundreds of reasons to make it difficult while your reason is simple ... I need to fix my car only ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
So the insurance company will pay the whole amount for crappy parts made in a workshop somewhere but if you want your car restored to its original pre-crash condition, you have to pay between 40-50% of the costs of replacement parts if you want genuine parts. Well I guess that's Doha for you.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
NO that's not right at all! I'm with Qatar Insurance Company and I drive a 2006 Hyundai Tuscon and they actually insist that ALL my repairs be done by the dealer, they won't let me go anywhere else to do so much as get a scratch painted over.
Believe me I'm at QIC every other month and I've never heard that from them.
That sucks Tigasin...dont know either. If it is true make your friend pay! :)
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Wishing you all the best in sorting this out. And wishing you all the best always.
Goodluck. Hope it will all go well in your favor.
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)
When we had a minor knock the insurance company said we'd have to pay 50% of the cost of parts if genuine parts were used. Crazy, but apparently true.