Ramadan to begin Sept. 1

Ramadan to begin Sept. 1
by Dylan Bowman on Saturday, 16 August 2008
The Islamic holy month of Ramadan will begin on Sept. 1, while the religious festival of Eid Al-Fitr will begin on Oct. 1, according to astronomists.
Researcher and supervisor of Sharjah Planetarium Ibrahim Al-Jarwan said calculations show the Hilal (crescent moon) will be born on Aug. 30 at 11.58pm, but it will not be visible to the naked eye until the next day, state news agency WAM reported on Saturday.
In Islam, Moon sighting determines the beginning and ending of Ramadan.
Al-Jarwan said the last day of dawn-to-dusk fasting will be on Sept. 30 and therefore Eid Al-Fitr will fall the following day.
Both the private and public sector are granted a holiday to mark Eid.
Doctora, thanks :)
thexonic just to correct a mistake you stated : islamic month is either a 29 or 30 days , never 31 days.
Tallg, see the thing is on the last night or second last night of the arabic month the moon is almost invisible. Predicting if the moon will appear or not on the 30th is hard to say, if the moon doesnt appear on the 30th, then there are 31 days that islamic month. But if it appears then the next day is considered as the 1st of new month.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
adding a question to taalgs reply. Why is used the moon and a star as a symbol of Islam?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
thexonic - I've always been a bit confused by the whole moon sighting thing. Perhaps you can enlighten me. In this day and age it must be possible to predict exactly when the new moon will occur, so why is there always a bit of ambiguity about when it's going to be. Does tradition dictate that the new moon must actually be seen by someone, so cloud cover can delay when it occurs?
Yea well moon sighting cannot be predicted, the first of Ramadan could be on 2nd aswell. It's not even the right time to decide when the moon will appear, anything can change at the last minute.
Who the hell needs pot when u got Cookie dough :D
Looking forward to get some much awaited sleep.... ;)
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
Looking forward for fasting in the holy month
Yep, can't argue with that.
Useless Hubby :D
Sometimes I wish I was jobless! And I don't think having a dog counts as being a Dad!
let her work you Jobless Dad :D
my wife too :(
At least you get paid more, but time off would be better.
me being one of them :(
not everyone gets shorter working hours :(
no comments ......
Wat happenz After 9 ?? LOL
Now now dont tell me u still did not get ur PC in ur office...:(
not starting work until 9 today so enjoying a little time here :)
yea yea brandy .... GM to u lady, how R U 2day ?
shorter working hours, thats a bonus :)
Ramadan starts from 01st..tatz great!!
I will have to work less(06:30am -11:30am), sleep more ....Zzzzzz
Goody Morning Friendz !!!
please accept my apology for hijack,
now back to the subject...
do you find it difficult fasting during the daylight hours??? Cant imagine me being able to, am always hungry :(
hope you manage to go somewhere really nice :)
ahhh the Holy month of Ramadan :) the best time of the year with regard to work hours of course...evenings its better we all stay at home coz people drive like maniacs!! Now i wonder where i should go for my 10 days Eid holiday...hmmmm
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
yes yes agree with ya hon -yellow roses for moi pls- thank you in advance......>bats eyelashes
Life is what you make of it.......so quit B******G about it.
green tea: for brandylady
chewing gum: for spicemom
brandy- i drink plain green tea . i get wind fr chewing gum so i stay well away fr that!lol
drac- calm ya say??seems like ya gonna hit the ceiling soon, now forget the coffee and go back to yr coffin .you only come out at night and tis sunlight now.....now shooooshhh off ya go
Life is what you make of it.......so quit B******G about it.
I drink green tea with mint, but, it has the unfortunate effect of giving me wind :(
Good morning spicemom.
As i told ya before...calm..i am verrrrry caaalm. :)
drac- me just got the good ol hic-cups , just need lotsa liquids to cure it- it aint the marhabtain's hics-----hehheheehhehhe
brandy- good idea that>winks
green tea anyone??
Life is what you make of it.......so quit B******G about it.
me not getting the meaning??? lol
harram means forbiden!
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!
day time you're an heero,huh?
let see ya after 18.34 pm :P
does this mean haram means no???
during day time=haram.
after sunshine=ok :)
yup, to be on the safe side he going back tonight for a top up :)
No way we can run out!!! lol
"hic hic hic" at 06.24 am?
best get him his coffe quickly or he may start drinking something else!!!! ;)
gm brandy, will that be enough stock for a lil over a mth??hmmm better be prepared than not, in this case more is always good.......hic hic hic
Life is what you make of it.......so quit B******G about it.
62 lager /beer
2 bottles brandy
red wine
white wine
They are only staying 1 week!!!! lol
Morning Brandylady, Dracula
BL we can go out for dinner but have to abstain on Liquor, during Ramadan, good point is you can stock on Drinks with a quota of 3 Months
Boss, give me a coffe.
Medium sugar.
After, i'll tell ya "Good morning!" :)
and thanks for the info, wondered the exact date it would start.
Got my son and his wife coming on 14th Sept, does this mean we can't take them out for dinner or is it ok on an evening??