iPHONE or Blackberry phone...which is better?

By azilana7037 •
I did research on line, read some articles about these two phones...but which is better?
Both phones definitely are NOT cheap...BUT IF YOU wanna get your money's worth, what would you prefer?
I thought of this question coz my current mobile phone just died (maybe the battery). And since the new company i work for would/could provide me a phone (on salary deduction, of course), I am thinking....
Your views/opinions, recomendations, suggestions are most welcome...
I've used both and it's really difficult to compare.
First I had the Blackberry and it's best feature is e-mail and messaging. If you are a business type and need to be connected to your hotmail and business e-mail 24/7 with the ability to reply back, in addition to super-fast SMS messaging then you can't go wrong with the Blackberry. It also synchronizes well with your Outlook if you use that. Be sure to enquire as if your company actually supports pop or Imap, because if they use an Exchange server then they will need additional licenses for your blackberry to use the e-mail service and that might not be available. Web browsing I found very difficult to do in most cases due to the way the page is renderred.
And then my Blackberry was stolen :( so reverted to the iPhone. The iPhone on the other hand provides a much more fun experience. Granted e-mail and messaging are not as quick and easy to use or as organized on the iphone, but you get loads of other applications you can download, web browsing is a much more pleasant experience (almost same as on a PC), and if you have a lot of music you've got 8 or 16 gb worth that you can have with you on the go.
So if you were a business type who cannot be without e-mail access then the blackberry is for you, otherwise if you enjoy the media capabilities of a phone then you can't go wrong with the iphone.
Best of luck in you choice! Cheers!
on my opinion, i dont think that these two phones are comparable. As iphone is not a business-oriented phone. unlike the blackberry phone.
Not sure how much E mail would cost with Q tel???
You can't teach experience
as i need to be in constant communication with the Main Office in Cairo, Egypt.
I'm gonna check out the actual phones this weekend....
Black berry is a much better phone than the i phone. I phone's battery cannot be replaced once it is gone.
It is more of an i pod but less efficient as a phone itself. I have seen my friend using an i phone here in Qatar and it seems amazing once it connects the wireless network and then can play youtube videos but when you want to use it as a phone then it lags behind black berry which i have used.
I have now motorolla razor from T mobile USA (unlocked) and i think that it is the best as it is very thin and can be easily handeled. Black berry is amazing.
You can't teach experience
If you can find it...
You can't teach experience
./`I don't wanna waste another day-Keepin it inside, it's killing me./`
I'm still undecided....still got time though, my boss would ask me once he gets back from a trip...
Still like the blackberry for emails.. however it does little else.
I phone depends what you use it for. In my opinion it is still user unfriendly for the internet!
My husband keeps a blackberry and that serves his purpose quite well.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
id go for the new 3g iphone.. no idea about the price yet.
of each phone?