Love stories, do they really exist?

By dark_knight_begins •
what does it mean when we say we fall in love, does it mean that a guy would love only one woman, or a woman would love only one man, is it really possible that a person would love only that specefic person, and it wont be attracted to someone else?????
insha'allah..:).. i will share my success with you, my dear friends..:)
and we could say , yes we played pool, had coffee, a few drinks together once upon a time when i was in
Life is what you make of quit B******G about it.
Yea you might become the next J K Rowlings.. you never know gal....
one day soon i before you start to put it down on paper)
Life is what you make of quit B******G about it.
one day gals one day... maybe even i will write a novel which might become a
maybe she is busy today or her story will take ages before it is finished......?
btw i would love to hear them too....:D
Life is what you make of quit B******G about it.
Would love to hear..why not today? lol
Dark Knight.. what you feel for all attractive females is pure lust and not love... Love is beyond physical attraction... It does exist ...but not very common these days..
of course it does exist.. i can share with you couple of real true love day.. :)
dark night begins ... its not that you can love only one man or one woman ... but to love him/her the most ... feel happy with him/her no matter what ... its kindda happiness i guess that can only be reached by ""a single soul inhabiting two bodies."" i think that thousands of people think that they have reached what so called love .. but its an illusion,, i see love as a very divine situation that very few people can reach
Love is LOVE it's up to you to understand....
You won't, till you learn to get the "hand"
i could elaborate , but its a family show!
would one slice be enough MP??:D
Life is what you make of quit B******G about it.
If so, where can i get a slice ?
Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Tom Cruise.. - Cris age 7
Be inspired and renewed with inspirational thoughts and stories..
Not with MY Jude.. Jeepers:)
Fran movie love is all about sex lol.
a coisa mais importante em vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
nope.. in the movies, I think. Jude Law. Now that goes beyond lust....mmm, definitely in love.. and not happy about him cheating on me with Nicole Kidman either:(
Love stories hmmm... lol
a coisa mais importante em vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
Lol..Hey, though, doesn't Love work on loads of different levels? Like- I had this Canadian mate that said that said that in every relationship someone has 'Hand'. I asked him to elaborate and he explained that it meant 'Upperhand'.. control.
There's not an equal balance in any relationship, is there?? It usually works out better I think, if the woman has 'hand' .. but then women are equally likely to stray as men, no? I think I've just reached a valuable conclusion in self evaluation if I'm wrong on this theory..
Or- maybe it's just that I've never been in love- maybe it was just infatuation, or lust.
You guys. You keep me awake making me think about stuff..:)
Good for you!
Hope you both have a happy life and may all your troubles be little ones..
I am 24 and I can honestly say that ever since meeting my girlfriend of 4 years now, I know what love is.
The only way to put it into words is that I honestly think shes the most beautiful woman on the planet and I am still as crazy about her as I was 4 years ago.
Were getting married soon btw =D
one of the laws of attraction is to make people laugh, therefore just hang around glum people.
between "I love" and "I like" ... I like to taste that bowl of soup, after tasting it ... I can say that I did not love it ...
You can only love one person, and that would be the challenge to proof that you really love that person ...
If you would be gathering and collecting as much as you can or what you can find in your way and then come to tell me that you love them all?
Sorry but it does not work this way and you does not know what does the word sincere means ... You got love the wrong way ... You don't love someone because he/she is attractive or beautiful ...
There are many other things that make the person lovely and lovable ... other than beautiful faces with the ugly inside ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
sorry can you translate that?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
love doesn't necessarily ended with ... a very definite story... coz.. along the way... it still never ends... story has to prolong the way love has to exist...
love isn't singular not even a plural... so why people meant each to give meaning seeing at it differently. One might tell is good to share to many, one might tell, love should only be for the ONLY one..... :D
so love is a circle....!
~~~proud to be from where i was i shall return with~~~
you're kissing butt? charing.
i can kiss your butt if it isn't that skinny,like your ..
mall rat dont be a butt kisser, and dont attack someone in person just for his openion
lol, good definition, only tards will not understand it.
r u telling me that the lust passion has nothing to do with heart?
In its simplest form, lust comes from the pecker, where as love comes from the heart...
every body tells me they are different, no one is telling me why?
It is possible for u to love someone but that does not stop u from been attracted to another person. Love and attraction are two different things.
Life is like riding a bicycle,you dont fall off unless you stop pedalling.
they r the same, we just fool ourselves to justify our desires
I think you are confusing lust with love!
pls define the love for me if u r in the light about it
"if they were attractive enough"..
I think you're still in the dark regarding love..
could be, why not.
that's why there is this lyrics of a song that says;
"torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool, loving you both is breaking down the rules"
But in your case, it is torn between three attractive girls. Just don't confuse in-love with lust.
I agree with u i
love is not the same as attraction.
love is a very complicated thing...
you will go crazy if you will try to get the root of this called LOVE. :P
team < >
For your iphone needs! :P
love and lust are two words that describe the very same thing
"Drink Beer Save Water"
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
You can't teach experience
it does, but it is like a man can love 1000 females and a woman can love 1000 males
I can be crazy for 3 or 4 girls if they were attractive enough, does it mean I love them all?
it is not love if your aren't crazy for this person.