Is mixed sex singles (or lone halves of a married couple) accomodation legal in Qatar?

By Skander_UK •
Hi - we have some company houses on a compound, which are usually inhabited by single or married men, on their own. If we bring out single or married women (without their partners) can they stay in the same house as the men, or do we need to orgainse a seperate house?
If you know of any formal website or law in this regard, I would appreciate the link.
Many thanks indeed
Many thanks for the opinions.
It seems to me that a fair summary of your various comments is as follows.
There is no actual legislation banning this practice, and as Qatar is not governed by the Sharia you will not be prosecuted, however out of respect for the country, and in order to preserve your company's good name, it is recommended to seperate all single staff members of opposite sex, even if they are married but without their partner ?????????
Best wishes
thexonic!!! lol !! an iman....let me guess the answer :-))
"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?"
Albert Einstein
Eerrr no, no, no,....
How about you ask an imam from a mosque.
u see, some things go in here without saying, without any written law and it is respected as unwritten rules of the country.
If you look at it from legal point of view, this is so called moral order/law...
all in all it is not a desired situation to live with somone frm opp gender that is not ur family/spouse.
the way u wrote it is as if u were asking, just in case, can u defend urself in the court by saying that there is no such law written- no, u can't.
"morality", the moral order and certain behaviours/traditions/habits...all that goes above the written law sometimes.
Also, Qatar is a free country, but a Muslim country.
Which means that being a non-Muslim you also fall under their rules. You don't have to be judged or prosecuted in the same way as Muslims in Qatar, but you can be jailed and deported for example.
Hope it answers your question :o)
Its depand upon companies to do separate accomodation to men or women..
It goes without saying and does not need to be regulated by law, given the traditions of the country it is a common practise for companies to provide accomodation for males separate and away from accomodation of females.
You need to take care that the reputation of the company or the employer is at stake and no wise employer would do what you are suggesting.