HELP! Netgear Wi-fi Router Settings!!
By Back2Qatar •
Guys, I really need your help!
I just bought a netgear wireless router from Carrefour Villagio, and spent the whole day trying to configure it.
It recognizes the local network, but doesn't recognize the internet. Qtel were no help at all.
I have the settings as follows:
VC 35
IP- assign automatically..
DNS - Couldn't be detected automatically, so i assigned and
and the username and password from qtel.
After all that, the testing page doesn't load, and times out.
What am i doing wrong?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you QLers!
Dont run the test page from the netgear router,as this is buggy, half the time its incorrect in the firmware.
Other problems that could be occuring are
a) Make sure you are connected via the ethernet cable hat came with the router and not wireless, until you know your router is operational.
b) Make sure that your network card is set to obtain an IP automatically, as some people leave their IP's as manual, and therefore it points to the wrong gateway, and this means your internet will not work on the PC you are trying to access this. If you dont know how to do this PM me , and i'll explain, its very easy.
c) Make sure that the lights on the router are showing for ADSL LINE, and Internet, if only 1 light is on for ADSL line, it means that your authorisation is wrong, as you have entered the right settings. Also check that the MTU is not set too high, as on PPPoE, netgear defaults to 1500 MTU and this is too high, the max you can have is 1492, on netgear to fix this click on Advaned ADSL , but again if you dont know hot do do this PM me,
d) make sure that your username is exactly correct, its usually a letter and ur phone number e.g s344343344
and then your password case sensitive watever that may be, to ensure this works I would log into the qtel website e.g to check your web mail or dsl account to make sure all the credentials work or ask Qtel to reset your password which is usually qatar1234 etc
e) try doing a factory reset on yourrouter, this is don by the smalll tiny little reset button at the back you need to hold it in with a needle for 30 seconds, and then turn off the router and back on and then its factory reset, this genereally can resolve alot of problems.
f) If all of the above fail, add meto msn messenger [email protected], and I'll talk you thru things to get it working .
HOpe this helps for now
you can call qtel help desk for support. anyway if it is a linksys wag200g it is a nasty one. you get disconneted at top speed. you can find more the articles in the internet. the dns not needed to set up it will assigned automatically 8/35 and pppoe is a correct setting. but dhcp should configured for pcs to connect. the best thing you can do is connect your old modem ethernet to wifi router ethernet port and dissable dhcp from wifi router. then modem will give dhcp and internet and wifi router gives wifi connetvity. this works faster
Thank you for your quick reply.
The modem and router and access point are all integrated in the wireless modem router i got.
As for the automatic dns, i tried that too, without any use.. the username and password work fine with the old modem..
I have no idea what to do.
what type is your modem? for it to function with a router, the modem should be in BRIDGED MODE. maybe thats the reason why you are not connecting. once it is on bridged mode, connect the router.
if it is pppoe, just make sure to obtain IP and DNS automatically, no need to force the DNS (meaning assigning numbers to it).. just type in the username and password.
just click apply at the bottom.
for a netgear router, all you need is the username and the password, when in pppoe mode.