i guess it had been posted recently yet am not sure if it is the same case it was...
"" I would like to inform you all of a very serious incident that occurred with one of my colleague on the 22nd July, 2008 near the DASMAN CENTRE in NAJMA.
He was traveling in his car from office back to his residence in OLD GHANIM along with two of my other colleagues, who were to be dropped at their respective residences. One of them was dropped in the Al Monsura area and the other one at NAJMA behind Dasman Centre.
The colleague he dropped at Najma, was then accosted by a stranger who introduced himself as a CID official and started asking him various questions like:
Where do you work?
What is your salary?
What is there in your bag?
Show me your ID card, ATM card etc.
He threatened him for no reason and also checked his valet. Since, this person did not find anything valuable, he asked him to call the person who dropped him for further inquiry and not to disclose that he was a CID official. My colleague got worried and called my friend to come immediately at NAJMA where he dropped him.
When my friend came back, he was questioned and his car checked by that “CID” official.
He sat in his car and asked my friend to drive to Dasman centre and after parking the car in the parking area, he ordered him to take a bank statement from the ATM to verify his transactions.
Since the mini statement was not generated, he took him to the ATM near the Hot bread Bakery where he saw his ATM PIN when he was entering the same. My friend was very tensed and worried as to what was the problem, but the “CID” told him that he would come to know in 2 – 3 days. The “CID” person took him back to the Dasman Center and told him to take photocopy of his ID card. My friend who was worried and tensed left his car keys, purse and mobile in the car as he was convinced that he was a “REAL CID” while going to take the photocopy.
On coming back, he found that this “CID” had vanished with his ATM card, mobile Phone and Qrs. 500 in cash from his valet. He also came to know that within 5minutes this imposter has withdrawn Qrs. 4500/= from the ATM machine near Doha cinema that was in his account. My friend was actually caught by a FRAUD CID PERSON whose intention was nothing but to steal.
Now, a police report has been lodged and investigation is going on. This is to inform all of you to be cautious and be on a look out for such type of fraudsters.
If a "policeman" is questioning you You should ask a policeman his Id if:
1. Not in uniform
2. Is in uniform but his number/name plate is not visible.
If he wants to inspect you or question you, please ask him to accompany you to the nearest police station for you to have witness as to what he finds on your body.
Also note down his name.
In qatar I guess there is no police who would get out in the hot sun without his police-car! So the police car is the biggest Identification.
And of course you must be Qatari...
Nice way to start in QL!
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
you and your friends must be Indian.
not only to be caught...
they must be jailed....:)
~~~proud to be from where i was i shall return with~~~
these people need to be caught
Good comment, Superdoc. I would also ask to see the CID's official ID (although this, of course, could be faked) and then take a photo of it! There is no reason why a legitimate policeman would want to know anyone's salary level let alone demand to see their recent bank statements. At least we have all been warned...
By the time he was asking for "bank statement" by ATM card, your friend shud have guessed.
But anyway, similar frauds have occured at many countries, while visiting Germany i was warned of similar fraud and told that if anyone stopped you for questioning, tell them you will only answer if taken to police station.
yeah, same story...