Saudi and 'lover' facing total of 950 lashes.

after phone sex affair that led to her divorce
A Saudi man is facing 600 lashes and his 'lover' 350 after a phone-sex affair that led to the woman's divorce.
Today a Saudi appeals court upheld a jail and flogging verdict against the biochemist and his female student whose research contact was ruled to be a front for the affair.
The biochemist, Khalid Zahrani, said today that he found out this week from the court offices that three judges had approved the verdict.
He was sentenced last year to eight months in prison and 600 lashes and his student to four months in prison and 350 lashes for establishing a telephone relationship that the court said led her to divorce her husband.
The man said the only recourse left to him was the Supreme Judicial Council, a court of cassation that only views cases if requested by the king. He also hopes for intervention from the government's Human Rights Commission.
It was not possible to verify the appeals court ruling and a Commission spokesman was not available for comment.
The hospital where the biochemist worked in al-Baha in the southwest of the kingdom put him in charge of the masters research the student was doing at King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah in 2002.
The woman obtained a divorce seven months after she was married in 2004. Her husband then raised the court case, saying the supervisor's telephone calls led to the break-up.
Rights groups and Saudi reformers have criticised what they say is an arbitrary justice system, based on uncodified Islamic sharia law, unsuited to the needs of a country of 25 million people.
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama
it's ok, AbuAmerican. I was stationed there as a German soldier as part of the Fourth Allied Tactical Force (a NATO unit).
well, I was stationed in Ramstein Airbase and I drove over a red traffic signal, and I was judged by US law because the airbase was considered US territory. Maybe it's not like this anymore.
Wrong Dragon. US MILITARY law applies to military members not US law. And German law applies to American civilians working for the military in Germany.
If an American in thee military desires a divorce in Germany they have to go through the German system, or the American system back in the US...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
The guy was an American soldier in Germany. The US law is applied on him.
file a divorce against his wife. Is divorce legal in Germany?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
will definitely go to hell. He also have an anger-restraint problem----just talking? never caught-in-the act??????
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
like I said...those folks are really a brick short of a full load in the mental department!!
BUT, your comment reminded me of the Bobbitt incident in the States a few years back...we now refer to Bobbitting someone if they are cheating...lmao Difference is he was physically abusing her AND cheating at the same time and she had proof!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
There was a case in Egypt a few years ago , where a woman cut off her husband's willy, because he "talked" about marrying a second wife!
Saudi man and 'lover' facing 3248 lashes for internet sex
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
VERY least, they had a taping of some of these conversations!! I mean if they are just going on the word of the husband..that could lead to just about anything. Good grief, he could have said they were plotting to overthrow the government and someone could have believed him!!
wow Abu...that's one person who was a bit off in the mental health department!! You've got to wonder about someone who is so insecure to kill another person for just talking with his wife...or turn them in for having supposed phone sex...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Two of my guys got caught with homemade alcohol and received 100 lashes, 20 lashes each Friday X 5. Funny that I nver heard them saying " Thank God it's Friday"
He who dies with the most toys wins.
And this is why Saudi will still take a few more generations to become modernized :(
Brain Cramp
yeah couldve but was it?
their "so called" conversation on phone could had been recorded? uff awful!
It doesnt state in the article if there was any witnesses? It only states that her husband said these phone calls lead to the divorce. There has to be witnesses or a confession(from the accused) of guilt before sentencing, or am i missing something here?
i don't think any sharia punishment go beyond 90 lashes, i think thats teh maximum number given in sharia
that's crazy!
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
When will they learn? LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach