women try to open door mid-flight

The women, aged 26 and 27, were drinking heavily and had to be held in their seats by security staff until the plane landed in Frankfurt.
They were arrested and released after two hours, Frankfurt police said.
The XL Airways plane was flying from the Greek island of Kos to Manchester when Wednesday's incident happened.
An airline spokeswoman said the women were thought to have been smoking in the plane's toilet, and were suspected of bringing their own alcohol on board.
She said they had started to swear at and threaten staff who refused to sell them any more alcohol from the bar.
The woman had then said they wanted to open the door to get "some fresh air" into the plane
We won't tolerate this sort of behaviour. The cabin crew did an excellent job and were very professional."
Reuters news agency reported that the 26-year-old woman tried to strike a flight attendant with a vodka bottle.
The incident happened at an altitude of about 10,000m (32,808ft) while the plane was flying over Austria.
Hartmut Scherer, a spokesman for police at Frankfurt International Airport, said the captain had thought the best option would be to make an unscheduled stop in Frankfurt and remove the women from the plane.
"Someone from the security held them in their seats until the landing," he said.
The women face charges of grievous bodily harm and violating air traffic regulations, according to Reuters.
The flight, XLA 237, which left Kos at 1445 BST, had 214 passengers and seven crew on board.
After stopping at Frankfurt, it later flew on to Manchester after a two-hour delay, landing at 1825 BST.
Meanwhile the women were questioned by police but released and allowed to return to the UK.
The XL Airways spokeswoman said the airline was considering taking legal action against the woman.
Mr Scherer said police were deciding whether to press charges, adding that the pair could also be fined or forced to pay compensation.
Of course they were British! We have a load of drunk slappers in UK now - especially in Manchester. One flew from there yesterday on QA.......at 11 in the morning the airport was FULL of drunk Doreens ready to fly off to Tosser Del Mar. Bring back hanging I say! These drunks should not be allowed on planes and neither should fatties or Lard assssses......one drunk lardy on the flight ( ECO of course ) wedged herself into the toilet! Yukeeeeeeee! Still, I suppose its to be expected in Economy class right? Full of really cheap people........hic.............Gin Time
you know about the foot work too. oh man i am never going back there again
about your foot work.
Anyway, time for bed, enjoy the rest of your night ;)
ah jeez that was my first time and now every one knows it :P
about your dancing, i'm sure I did, only recently :)(Mr Paul's night out).
oh yea right and i would have joined them and hijacked the whole plane yalla land some where on Hawaii :D
and Lima shh quiet no secrets on QL forum.
I don't :p
I'm sure with your dancing, they will find you!
lol Darude, im sure you would like to have been on that plane..
2 wow now thats a wonderful pair i will like to see them to make friendship with them do you have their add?
Lol, there were 2 of them not 1.
still a less stupid she was suppose to be full stupid by smackin the bottle on the airhostess head atleast one injury.
I know you you did not mean every Brit, that's why I put a :) at the end :)
Brave Darude? More like stupid///
watta brave chick she was
lima i know not everyone is the same..trust me am just talking about the drunken one's who ruin it for everyone else out there..
it was selfish on their part for causing all this ruckus in the plane, thank god the cabin crew was quick to action!!
speaking of drunken ppl, i had a drunk Saudi guy cause a spectacle when he tried forcefully sitting next to me...crazy weirdo thank god the cabin crew guy made sure he was seated in the last row and didn't let him get close to me..all he kept on muttering was i want to talk to you..please like you even know me to talk to me!!
glad you agree but not all us Brits are the same :)
Lima, their passport should seriously be confiscated and they shouldn't fly!!
what is with them drunken brits, don't know what it is but its definitely their season!!!
wouldve been bloody scary to witness that on the plane..Agreed, they should have their passports confiscated and prosecuted..
take their passports off of them & make so they can never fly again. Shameful
why does it always seem to be the British :(
Agree Britexpat, name and shame the idiots!!!!
These morons should be prosecuted , named and shamed..