Shocking behaviour in a 5* hotel
By Voyageress •
At Habanos Cigar Lounge, Ritz Carlton this evening an obviously drunk "gentleman" at the bar yelled down his mobile phone that there were "no (curse word) women here.. just a bunch of A-rabs". The room fell silent as most people sat in open-mouthed shock while he continued his obnoxious conversation in a loud drawl. At no point did the bar staff or manager intervene! Much to everyone's relief, he eventually staggered outside to find his friend at Qube. Why is this sort of behaviour tolerated?
A Drunk is a Drunk if he comes from the Harlem of NY or from Hackney wick...
No excuse
The police were too kind.........he would get 4 months in the Emirates!
Thank you, Red Pope - that was a good ending.... :-)
I did call my Pinoy friend, who works in the Havanos Bar.
He told me, that the guy was from Canada and was very drunk.
He was escorted by the police to a taxi-limousine, The police did refuse him to access his car, due to his alcoholic state of mind.
Nicely done my Bravo Canadians!
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
And the Irish eyes a smilin' always give them away. (And they smell of Irish Spring soap, too, dontcha know), but I never could tell a Scot unless he blew his bagpipes right next to my ear drum, so now I know I just have to look at the man's legs and then I'll know.... ;)
Can´t be Canadian unless they are riding a horse and wearing a funny hat!
Surely they ain't Irish coz they ain't got no cloverleafs in their pockets? LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Now, anyone whose a "Brit" make sure your lower half is showing so I can tell where you're from! LOL. And if you are a Scot, make skirt-swishing noises when speaking over the phone!
Its easy...The scots are wearing the plaid "skirts"
Only someone who was from the US or who had lived there awhile would figure out what you even said.
To clarify why a drawling Yankee is not possible--
Yankees in the US are "northerners" and their regional speech patterns are not "drawling." Only those from Southern US states have a drawl.
I'm about as ignorant when it comes to "Brits"
Can't tell a Scot from a Londoner.
"Being drunk is not an excuse in a so-called classy establishment"...?????????????????????????????
Rather bigoted remark. Being drunk and obnoxious is not an excuse in any etablishment..
"A Yankee of course"
Now THAT was an ignorant comment!
And also absolutely inaccurate. The original post stated that he was "drawling" self-respecting Yankee would have a "drawl"! Only southerners drawl!
Sheesh! Ignorance is free, anyone can take as large a slice of the pie as they want......and some people are such gluttons!
charanmafiriyals said:
Becauae All the ills in this world are created by Yankees (Americans)
Don't worry, my alien friend. You always be, my replicant of world illness.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
Maybe he's an alien?
╬ Sotally Tober ╬
happen in qatar everyday.. or in any planet of some sort.
what planet are you from?, seems like this isnt your first time to see such scene.
already pictured out what an intoxicating drink can do to a gentleman.....behave worse than an animal. So unless your self-discipline is so strong to control your drinking, better not start it. Moderation is on a person-to-person basis so no one can really say when one become rude and wild?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
The Habanos man wasn't British (since someone asked several times!), and although his shouting was plain rude, it was the CONTENT of his conversation that really offended everyone! He was oblivious to everyone when he made his sexist/racist remarks and we all felt uncomfortable (i.e. the elegant couples of all ages and the two or three Qatari gentlemen present). Being drunk is not an excuse in a so-called classy establishment! Thank you to everyone who commented....
drunk became deaf, that's what i figure, lol.
After the game, the KiNG and the PAwN go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
Becauae All the ills in this world are created by Yankees (Americans)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
why did you say he was a Yankee OF COURSE?? I know many rude folks that aren't Yanks...and they live here in Qatar...Besides..what difference does it make WHAT nationality he was...fact was that he was RUDE and verbally abusive in public!!! They should have yanked his azz out of the bar asap and slapped him in jail for public intoxication.
And a point you should always remember..the drunker you are the worse your hearing gets and the louder you either stop drinking or get a muzzle if you are an obnoxious drunk.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
The gentleman was probably old and useless that he had to go leave in search of cheap women..
That's what he is... regardless of his nationality.
╬ Sotally Tober ╬
eewww, can imagine the type, pi$$ed and drooling all over the cheap women.....yukkk
He was a Yankee of course ;(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
what nationality was he for the third time?
Ritz...Qube, Qube's in Ramada!
Normally what would happen is that the Manager of Security would escort that person somewhere where they'll try and explain what an idiot he is being. But maybe they didn't have the manager there at the time, but I would not expect the Bar staff to do anything, i think they are told to not intervene
Oh dear.. People are desperate eh?? get him a flight back home!!!
Where is the world is he from wher he gets gals free with his drink ..LOL
You can't teach experience
UkEngQatar said what nationality was he?
Probably English...J/K
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
that isn't shockin, okay he is drunk and he is yelling maybe because he is deprived of the sense of hearing. d.d. (drunk and deaf)
After the game, the KiNG and the PAwN go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
Can u blame him?
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
he expect to see chicken and he find was a wolf.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Cant cant harm you if you slap them and if they will then they will be charged double. so better start going to gym for a perfect powerful slap.
LOL, DaRuDe. Next time I'll be better prepared then...
should just haved slapped him there and then rushed out to call the CID sitting there at the entrance of Ritz Carlton
And the Gentleman is.......????????