About Purchase of Ford Explorer 4x4

Hi dear all
I intended to shift my car from sedan to 4x4 i.e. ford explorer 2005 and up model. Is it really worth to do so?
and i aslo want to know about the vehicle which i want to purchase i.e. Ford Explore 4x4 Full Automatic. How good is this vehicle? like performance, maintenance and rating of this car?
I would suggest against a Ford Explorer if you value your life they are very dangerous vehicles. No wonder people on this site have cautioned you against ever taking it off road. They are even more dangerous the more you carry in them. Ford never recalls vehicles they have a long history of dangerous vehicles the Ford Exploder is also one of them. If you are interested I can show you what the vehicle looks like when they do roll which is often. All the glass goes out of it and the roof caves into the drivers head so even if you are seat belted you have little chance of survival. Pay more money and get a safer vehicle driving in Qatar is dangerous. Ford is a 4 letter word SHIT
It's a great 4x4, very good on road and ok off road. Not the best off Road, but very much capable if you are a ok driver.
My boss owns a 2006 model and its doing well. Indeed its heavy n stable but the weight goes against its off road capabilities. If you have a big family then you could be a winner and if off road is what ur looking at then its a complete no no.
very strong car....
It's not the most capable off road, but on road it's ok.