African E mails via Qatar living!
By marhabtain •
I have had 3 requests from Senegal asking for bank details in the past few days. If you get em do not respond - ntake a look at these Jam Jar boys are con artists Duh!
I have had 3 requests from Senegal asking for bank details in the past few days. If you get em do not respond - ntake a look at these Jam Jar boys are con artists Duh!
There are bad people all over the world and they dont have to be from Africa.........because most successful people in the world are also Black men................................i also believe only greedy people can fall for a con or a dupe so look out for people who just like you for no special reason......
I am Bongo. My Grandmother was shot and hacked to the death by bad Government 10 years ago. She was rich old Bag and she has 10 million US$ but dat is stuck in da Goverments bank. I think as u r a member of QL u is DUMB enuff to send me your bank details and da blank letter head signed and den I can clear you out.
You can't teach experience
I have some mail from S. Africa. saying want to have relationship..They said they found my prfile thourgh QL.
Put more tonic in..........i have plenty if u need some! yippeee
Well shoud nt that be a surprise?
Check that out guys.....go to the gallery - its a good laugh!
Marhabtain, the main con artists are from Nigeria. The main victims are from the USA and from Britain.
superdoc, not only in the States, the problem is also major in the UK, according to yesterday's show.
Senegal is in africa which is where these swinding jungle bunnies are writing from - OMG - r they related to Obama? God bless American, Fanny Mae and of course Krispy Kreme. Praise da lord
Its a shame for americans that they manage to con people in USA.
I've seen an ad for pups for sale and the guy was from somewhere in Africa and he'd ship the pups for some money... doing a google search helped:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
This was on Dr Phil yesterday. These guys' day job is to con people. It's a 9 to 5 job, believe it or not. If memory server me right, more than USD100k a day outflow from the US to con men.
i've had one on QL and i even got one on skype last night.
Just send the user names to Qatari and he will take care of them ...