Farm joke LOL
A farmer rears twenty-five young hens and one old cock. As he feels that the old cock could no longer handle his job efficiently, the farmer bought one young cock from the market.
Old cock to Young cock : 'Welcome to join me, we will work together towards productivity.
Young cock : What you mean? As far as I know, you are old and should be retired.
Old cock : Young boy, there are twenty-five hens here, can't I help you with some?
Young cock : No! Not even one, all of them will be mine.
Old cock : In this case, I shall challenge you to a competition and if I win you shall allow me to have one hen and if I lose you will have all.
Young cock :
O.K. What kind of competition?
Old cock: 50 meter run. From here to that tree. But due to my age, I hope you allow me to start off the first 10 meters.
Young cock : No problem ! We will compete tomorrow morning.
Confidently, the following morning, the Young cock allows the Old cock to start off and when the Old cock crosses the 10 meters mark the Young cock chases him with all his might.
Soon enough, he was behind the Old cock back in a matter of seconds.
Suddenly, Bang! ...... before he could overtake the old cock, he was shot dead by the farmer, who cursed, 'Hell ! This is the fifth GAY chicken I've bought this week !'
Darude, that's actually a wolf's butt stuck on a stick :P
"War is not the answer"
i thought thats the polar bear butt sealed with a flag :P
just kiddin
Lipstick thanks :)
Harsha, may be in email :D
"War is not the answer"
xonic.. but i remember seein it here.. or maybe some email.. dunno..
yeah, peaceful-content avatar, keep it up,
mr. thexonic.
Harsha, i didnt see the early post or didn't find the title.
Mallrat thanks lol.
"War is not the answer"
i guess dis was posted earlier..
farmer is anti-gay, hate him.(making face)
thexonic, cool avatar.
After the game, the KiNG and the PAwN go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
in farm
safe safe only ducks and camel and sheep
i love old cock, lol
lol ok Charan i'll look it up. Thanks for the info.
"War is not the answer"
4000 jokes ??
Are u in some kinda CIRCUS - Charan ??
Charan the JOKER .... LoL
I have a Joke encycglobedia witch contains 4000 jokes :)
why is it tat Mr. CHARAN reads all the jokes in advance, which has not yet landed or issued ??
Murali confiem your participation in "Mafi Kitchen" thread :)
You guys started again.
thank u
Ask skdkak for varification
I don't how look for those :(
charan where is it? show me the link and i'll delete it
"War is not the answer"
so old joke :( posted here 100 times :(