Fannie May and Freddie Mack!!!!!!!!

By marhabtain • I KNOW the Yanks are BONKERS - what names for Bankers!!!!!!! Would u put ur money in them with names like that!!!!!! might as well shove it in Mc Donalds or Krispy can anyone take the USA seriously!! Duh!
Hendricks? I cant afford it - after all 5 bottles a day would rather break the bank......hic!
@marhabtain - Variety is the spice of life; Try Hendrick's, with a slice of cucumber. Easily holds its own against Gordon's and Sapphire!
I soooo agree - thankyou so much for thinking of my needs. Oh and Thankyou for being You and well, God Bless American and Gordon's and Blue Sapphire. Alexa, do u think I should put more tonic in it? See u at the party hic!
I soooooo agree.................this is a very sensible outlook and i like u for this. U r a very nice person. God Bless America - oh - and Krispy Kreme and Fat People. Hic! Back to that gin
Why not do what your fellow countrymen do and stuff ur face with Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts.....u will end up a really chubby chap then but would u change ur name to Michelin Boy? Its an acronmy of Fat Slob righ? Back to the gin hic
Even if they do stand for something serious, you have to admit they are pretty weird names for federal banking institutions.
FNMA is a much better name for a bank than 'Fanny Mae'. And it isn't even as though Fanny Mae is just a commonplace nickname used in place of the official name - it is the real name.
Maybe if they hired a good manager, rather than a good marketing person, they wouldn't be in such a mess.
Oooh, nice one rami-leb! Every day's a school day on QL!
I think they are more properly called 'portmanteau words':
Agreed, they're easier and more convenient ways of referring to the full title but I don't think they can be acronyms, cos where does the 'e' at the end of 'Mae' and the 'i' at the end of 'Freddie' come from?
Tigasin321 - don't worry. I am worse than you but nothing happened to me so far :)
My attempts to maintain peak physical condition have failed miserably. All that happened is that I got very skinny. A strong wind can blow me away.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Oh mate, calm down! Just let those Barbary pirates succumb to your privateer words.
I want to be a Pirate of the English Crown, with their image of bloodthirsty, one-eyed, peg-legged men, who bury treasure and force people to walk the plank.
For I do not want to deny in any way that God’s power is able to make a body be simultaneously in many places, even in a corporeal and circumscribed manner. For who wants to try to prove that God is unable to do that? Who has seen the limits of his power?
According to Webster's they are acronyms:
ac·ro·nym (kr-nm)
A word formed from the initial letters of a name, such as WAC for Women's Army Corps, or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as radar for radio detecting and ranging.
I guess it depends on how tight a definition you want. But I think the usage is clear. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are easier and more convenient ways of referring to the full title and that is what acronyms are meant to do. Whereas Krispy Kreme is just a brand name and is not an acronym for donuts. You agree?
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
MR PAUL...Peak Physical condition.....accronym...thats has to start with "P"
if im standing next to you and yer rippling conditioned body ?
Wouldn't miss it for the world. Already committed but I will not have a drinking contest or arm wrestling match with Gypsy. I am tired of her kicking my butt.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
And are yer gonna drag yer butt out on the 24th ?
But you have to admit they're not acronyms, eh tig?
I have no problem with laughing at the USA. God knows there is plenty to laugh about. Anyone familiar with my posts will know that I don't take things very seriously and only come onto this site for a bit of light relief. No offense taken.
It was just the stupidity of the post that I couldn't resist taking a swipe at. Its fun putting down the idiots (not including you in that category).
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Acronym of Fed blah blah is Fannie May? Oh I see so the Acronym of Krispie Kreme is Doughut?
Good one...mate...
I too cant associate what Tigasin said
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation = Fanny May/Freddie Mack
....unless its some kind of a slang with Pun intended.
Not sure if they're technically acronyms, more like nicknames of the acronyms and NYSE codes, but I see what you're getting at tig;
The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) (NYSE: FNM), commonly known as Fannie Mae
The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) (NYSE: FRE), commonly known as Freddie Mac
Either way they're definitely not banks, which makes this post decidedly stupid.
Acronym Definition
FANNIE MAE = Federal National Mortgage Association
So Fannie Mae is not an acronym? Okay genius, guess I am not as educated as you. Keep spreading the charm, intelligence and humor. And don't forget the bad spelling and poor grammar.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
I have nothing against the USA, my post was just a joke, a play on the initials thats all.
Yes i do know what an acronmy is and sure as hell Fannie Mae aint one.
Hey lets call the Bank of England ' Brenda Does ' ?
Have a nice day you all...........
You clearly do not know what an acronym is and you seem to struggle with the English language although I suspect you are a Brit. Go back to your gin, perhaps the world will make a little more sense to you after a couple more.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
U and posess charm, intelligence and humour but of course both of us are also educated. Need one say more? Back to the gin! lol
That was more directed at marhabtain who wears his ignorance with pride. I mean, what a dumb post and where is the humor?
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Acronym of Fed blah blah is Fannie May? Oh I see so the Acronym of Krispie Kreme is Doughut? Yoh way to go Doughnut! loooooool God Bless American and all its Doughnuts.
was having a bad day, now am an idiot, cheers but I think its called humour
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not bankers you idiots and you don't put your money in them. They are acronyms. Eg Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. A federal agency purchasing first mortgages, both conventional and federally insured, from members of the ...
or Fannie Mae.A private, shareholder-owned company that works to make sure mortgage money is available for people to purchase homes. ...
It amazing how many experts we have on the US with a collective IQ in single figures.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
FM = f**king mental!!!!!!! ;)