Electronic Classifieds : Are they real??

Hello dear QL follks,
There are a lot of classifieds listed in QL nowadays for Electronic items on sale by people outside qatar. The price of these items are one fourth of the original price!!!! They claim that its the new item and says it will be shipped in 2 or 4 or 7 working days...!!
Are these people true??? Did anyone buy items from them???? Just check today and yesterdays electric items post!! Before I loose my hard earned money... i wanted to take the advice of u all...
damn it!!
if it sounds to good to be true, it usualy is!
Did you not see the tip posted at the top of all classifieds pages;
Quick Tip: Make Sure the Seller is in Qatar by checking for a local phone number and don't ever buy anything listed in $. Read Avoiding Scams and Fraud for more advice.
You have been warned.
all these are [please refrain from swearing or your account will be closed] frauds.. they all need to hanged till death...