problems with QL Community & the solutions

in recent times there has been many complains coming from some members who obviously are feeling unsatisfied with the way some other members interact with the commmunity.
According to me, i can summarize the problems and the solutions here.
- few of us read the guidelines
- disrespect for faiths from some members.
- Gay discussions
- Trying to earn more points
- attackers & defenders
- Racism...(maybe, it didnt happened to me)
- you can create your own list of problems and solutions
- We have to all read the guidelines of this site.
- we should respect faiths, some members get turned off when someone posts religious topic without evaluating whether this maybe helpfull for others (remember If this was bad the QL Mods will havee removed).
- Gays etc are sensitive topics and shouldnt be discussed openly ( and if you do, not as something normal.
- Points have not proved any significance for the most of us (it may for some) but trying to earn points by ruining other people's posts and creating conflict isnt the best way ( now there is better way , Answer Questions).
- Attackers have no excuse, defenders shouldnt try to defend their cause through bunch of comments ( its easier to let it go or report to the moderator).
- Racism - i think it exists i have read some posts against countries, (example indians or philiphines) but what makes matters worse is when (indians etc try to defend themselves by posting a boasting topic, this simply causes more fire)
thats it from me you can continue from here or correct with own views and opinions.
If there's something strange
in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?
hey hru
I'm Sorry, If I was harsh in my reply.
I'm just trying to keep my nose out of this thread.
I respect your Ideas. It does not mean, I agree with you all the time or the current author of this thread.
I have no problems at all, on how you express your ideas.
My only answer, to your statement about Mr. Realsome is the following:
Most of the time, "Vegetarians," don't sell or consume "Western hot dogs."
Just be yourself and don't stop for no one.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
In this topic thread, i guess EVERYONE agreed to "disagree" about one thing or the
Red Pope, if that's what you believe then fine, but what realsomeone is trying to say is that I'm not allowed to discuss what I believe.
Qatarisun, i am not the same person as any other Qler.. My nickname is realsomeone once used to be realsom1 and i am from Somalia...and i am not two or three i am myself.. I hope that is clear.
secondly i am not tryign to impose my views on anyone else, i already said in the thread, post your own views or correct what you differ from mine, so i dont understand why others are telling me i am imposing mine on them.
this is my believe and i made it clear some members agree with me and others dont , and that should be fine.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Normal communication also means exchanging different opinions without personal insult. We can agree or disagree and respect each other at the same time. Very often happens that some people here, if they can't accept someones opinion, starting personal attacks on religion base or nationality base, which is not good. Unfortunately one of them is the one who posted this topic.
Often it is not the topic that bothers me. No If it is a topic I do not agree with I dont answer. I think some of the answers on the topics that I look at and have been responding to have some replies from people that are OTT
ur right miss aisha
with all respect, you say
"people do not think would be an appropriate answer"..
and who are those people? this is the problem that one part of people doesn't agree with another one... and anyone can take any comment as a personal insult...some peole might take as personal insult a TOPIC
... who is judge??...
I understand what Realsome is trying to do, even though many of you do not agree with his choice of wording, but I think that all of us are fed up with some of the postings that some people put up. That is why I suggested yesterday that we start the bad point/tumb down system. This way we do not ban subjects of discussion, nor are we asking the admin to be policemen. It is like a indicator to the person who writes something which people do not think would be an appropriate answer, question or what ever. This way you saved by having to write something which could maybe nasty back. Just put the tumb down, and your point is made.
I suggested this because I am too upset at how some of the discussions are gooing. When you write something that makes sense or when one is trying to be objective, little feedback is given. But to the insults lots of comments are given. I my eyes this is not a discussion in that case, but slinging of dirt.
Please keep Qatar and Qatar living clean from that dirt. Aisha-Taweela
again with the gay thing .....
I've said it before and I'll say it again (mostly because it winds people up)....
The more vehement the homophobia is, the more likely said homophobic is to buy Men's Health magazine - just for the pictures.
Nudge nudge, wink wink, nod's good as a wink to a blind bat
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman
Gypsy said "- Gays etc are sensitive ...
"- Gays etc are sensitive topics and shouldnt be discussed openly ( and if you do, not as something normal."
There are a good portion of people on this sight who DO view homosexuality as Normal, so YES it should be discussed as something normal.
Stop trying to enforce your views on other people.
Dear Gypsy
Amazing facts about the subjects about homosexuals and Lesbians in Qatar Living.
Apparently, They cant take the heat from the straight population.
Specially, When they are being scrutinized about their concepts and views of a supposedly "Normal" life style.
Like you said:
Stop trying to enforce your views on other people.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
Forgiveness is life...:)
of people gathering to discuss and thats what QL allows us to do. The moderator of QL has not specifically banned any topics he moderates them if they get too ugly. So let him do his job and you do yours. If some discussion offends you or hurts your sentiments withdraw from the forum BUt do not try and impose your reservations on some topics on us QLers.
Here we come from varied nationalities, religions, backgrounds and cultures etc. bringing with us varied views and we discuss things which for me personally I find so many views enlightening and even opens my eyes to anew perspective on isues. So please do not try and curb our minds with your problems with some issues.
I thought you were offended coz you didn't get to marry an actress.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
realsomeone, or is it homophobe?
move to another blog if you don't like what's discussed here.
WTH is THAT?? you bloody scared me to death with your bloody flying Raccoon!and WTH is that?
Forgiveness is life...:)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
heero that was a very stupid topic you had created
Forgiveness is life...:)
Forgiveness is life...:)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
IP should be banned for the trouble-makers!
now which problem YOU want to solve??
wallah, i have a feeling that you and realsomeone is the same person..what "problem" do you want to solve? the one you guys create yourself??
there is no any problem except of complaining about some "problem"...
ya'ani too much ya'ani...
Stop it, brit! I can't stop laughing in your replies!! ROFL!!!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I find your comments totally offensive.. I refuse point blank to believe that forgiveness is life..
Forgiveness is life...:)
I tell you, you're only going to lose the popularity of this website if you do not give some openmindedness a chance and make it limited to your own ideas...
Now, do you wanted to be termed 'one of the PC brigade', realsomeone?
I would rather listen to Qatar Idol's reply. It's plain common answer.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
all subjects can be discussed rationally, each have their own views and others may not like them but as long as they arn't aimed at any one person in particular and are instead, discussed without provocation, I see no reason to ban any topic from QL
there's a one-liner for you say it all in one
Forgiveness is life...:)
friend ,some of ur arguements are correct and some are not,anyway better use QL PLATFORM for the betterment of our members and thus for expatriate society..if genuienly and seriously taken ,the QL PLATFORM is one of the best interactive platform in qatar for xpatriates
well..."the way some of us interact..." is subjective issue...
you see? for example someone finds it absolutely normal, and probably even proud of himself and soo happy about himself, while sending this kind of stupid messages to the stranger :
"Do u like this in weekend with good decent friend?"... well.. obviously he considers himself "good" and "decent" and even already "friend"... I consider him a jerk.. so what??? is that a problem? no. just erase the message and move on. there are hundreds of people on this site... you cannot make them thinking as ONE.... whatever is good for you, might be unacceptable for me, and otherwise... is NOT a problem!it is a World diversity! you should be happy to have this chance to get familiar with various mentalities, cultures and points of view, ...instead of complaining about it!
Religeous Fanatics & Mullahs are a real big Problem :(
"do we have ANY problems...?
...artificially created “problem”.
...why to create a "problem list" since THERE IS NO PROBLEM! created a "problem"
and what us to believe in it."
The problem is: you words are gems...ya'ani...wallah!!!
Ksarary is right. Religion drives people apart, never together. The more Realsomeone bangs on about how unethical, amoral and hypocritical Islam is, the more I despise it.
I for one have to agree that, fcking never can religion bring 2 people didnt happen, and it wont freaking happen...thats the sad way of life...damn it...but thats has to go on...!!!LOL!
We all learn something from these discussions. We might not convert to the other's view , but we can discuss.
of course there is no problem with the Site but with the way some of us interact with it is a problem.
Gypsy I know what i have said always and i know what i believe in my heart...
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
do we have ANY problems with QL community?
I think this issue by itself IS artificially created “problem”.
Similar to “...why dont you just create your own problem list and write "Gays are normal" ”..
you know why? why to create a "problem list" since THERE IS NO PROBLEM!
you created a "problem" and what us to believe in it.
I'm just saying realsomeone that what you're saying now and what you've said in the past are two entirely different things.
Forgiveness is life...:)
Disagreeing with a topic and voicing that disagreement is not provocation, if you post something you need to take the negative with the positive.
britexpat i personally will avoid gay topics so it should be fine with the rest of you therefore discussions with all topics should be fine.
Gypsy are you trying to create your own problem list or trying to create it for me?
I already told what i dream about. so i guess you wont say it for me.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
if people don't mind & can't share anything, just leave the topic, don't speak, don't post.
now, if you trully care, then be it. say it. post it!
this are the normal people do.
and to all provokers... this is not your place!
I am not trying to put religon on yout throat, as i said , it maybe usefull for someone else.
and i dont only post about Islam , you only pay attention to my Islamic posts.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
That is not what you dream about, it's quite obvious from the disrespect you show to many of the members on this forum that what you dream about is everyone agreeing with you!
I think all topics should be open to discussion. The main thing is that we should be able to discuss rather than insult, or take things personaly.
Islam down our throats.
The stuff yer post about should be well known to Muslims anyway, and a lot of Non Muslims probably dont care.
How about yer post about something other than Islam for a change.
King edshel what you said about religion is exactly what i dream to see on QL. agree with you.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Realsomeone as long as you continue to post about Islam being a religion of peace and tolerance, and at the same time post about how gays should all be killed, people will continue to mock and ridicule your views.
well if my posts are all about Islam it should be fine and QL mods dont think it breaks the law it maybe usefull for some of us.
therefore rest of us should let it go and leave it alone.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
brought people together as everyone thinks that his/her religion is right. We know that two won't agree on this matter, but still we can exchange information.
We can talk about these things with open mind just to clarify things from the other party. Their point of view or their religion point of view in something, not to end up fighting or saying in the back of your mind holly Cr** or Sh**.
Starting such a conversation knowing that it would lead to no where or to a big conflict is just a useless one. Respecting what the others believe should be the base of any of those conversations and discussions.
Try to be smart at delivering your point to the other people to find acceptance or at least have their respect to your point of view.
Provoking the others is not a healthy habit, irritating the others with useless comments would lead to nothing but trouble.
We are trying here to discuss things in a civil way between us, what do I believe in is for me ... what do you believe in is for you ... While both of us got their own believe, why should the two have conflicts?
Conflicts would always be there, but there is a difference between a healthy conflict that would lead in the end to a solution or an agreement and the other conflicts that destroy far worse than build ...
Best Regards ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
So basically what he's saying is Atheists are open territory for anyone to try and force their views on and be ignorant towards because that's not a religion.
yer posts are about Islam.
I didnt said i am sad, the site offers other useful parts so i am fine with it. after all i have been member for more then 2 years.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
You're right. People on here have different opinions. This is a discussion based site, after all. Most people log on here to discuss things, which would be pretty boring if we all had the same opinion.
Realsomeone, if you don't want to be a member of a site that discusses gay relationships, criticizes religion (in a thought provoking way) and questions moral/ethical/political values, then I think it's YOU who is on the wrong site.
The rest of us are very happy to have these discussions. You're the only one complaining.
I dont consider Atheism as religion. being excessive in religion is different for different people, for us no separation between religion and life so if you find that excessive i cant help.
Politics are controversial but people shouldnt use politics to attack others or to blame.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
I appreciate what you're trying to do realsomeone, but unfortunately your post just reinforces the issues you're trying to address - people have different opinions on things such as religion, homosexuality, racism, etc, etc, and that will always be the case.
As a result, there will always be arguments on QL. The solution is for the mods to start deleting anything remotely controversial, but that would surely cause even greater uproar.
people who arent Muslim, or Atheists, you included Realsom.
Good thinking Realsomeone. Within one comment on religion an argument is already brewing.
Any other topics you want to censor?
How about discussion about politics?
I believe people not being able to respect other peoples beliefs and constantly attacking them, or saying such silly things as "They aren't worth talking to because...." is the problem.
I believe religion is the solution not a problem at all. that is my believe.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Excessive display of a religion and its beliefs in an Open Community is also not advisable, I mean with all due respect, one's religion is great to his/her, so talks barring religion can be a healthy start...
And about Gays, Lesbians, well hell no that aint abnormal, ok stupid for the thoughts of the society, but no harm discussing about it, but then againg people start attaching Religion to this, so there goes WAR!!!
and regd other things, well points, just for fun, faith right on that my friend,and about Racism, well wouldnt want to comment on that, cos i dont talk about s5it at this site...
OK that should be fine, why dont you just create your own problem list and write "Gays are normal and should be discussed and shouldnt be condemned"....
that are my views, write your own views.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
So you don't think religion is a problem at all?
Not like 'gays'?
One is natural, one is made up. You choose which is which.
"- Gays etc are sensitive topics and shouldnt be discussed openly ( and if you do, not as something normal."
There are a good portion of people on this sight who DO view homosexuality as Normal, so YES it should be discussed as something normal.
Stop trying to enforce your views on other people.