Yummy Yummy Food

Have you ever been in Chicken Chef Restaurant in Azizia?
You can have wonderful British style Fish and Chips.
Variety of sandwiches
The only place in Qatar that offer healthy cooking Shawarma
Try the Tasty Baked potato
Specialized in Baked Chicken that you will eat your finger with it...
See it for yourself in the link below and I am sure one you try once you will not eat anywhere else in Doha..
See you all thire :)
beurk !
HI...thtn wht abt the price compared to other restaurants?
So saaad people...
I was busy this morning.
Thanks guys for last night I really enjoyed. I am glad I met you.
SM let their imagination run wild thats what we are here to bring some excitement in their lives
why tcom rachel and i 'enjoyed' sandwiching you -lol(what will ppl think hmmmph?)
we 'hijackers' are taught by the best to liven up the thread......heehehhehhe
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Good Day all i did have a nice time with SM on one side and rachel on the other side hmmmmmmmmmm felt like a sandwich between these two lovely ladies lol
You guys are so naughty in hijacking
SM how come i was never invited to your house
roger that will look for somehting appropriate for ya......>winks
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Hell no thats not what I want, a Blow UP DOLL...naaaa geee thanks but not kool...LOL!!!
Something that can go to the showcase in ma room and something that i can put under saying: "from Dear Spicemom"...
What do ya say...?
mafiriyals - you got PM matey
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
spicemom - can you buy some Movies for me on the way back :)
Sarat is on 'mission starving' from today. Lets all support him....Shall I also join you ...I need to loose 10kgs LOL
Mafi...shall I sponsor yu some food vouchers? LOL
KSA - never fear my larder is well stocked up, as you know i love 'feeding' and 'treating' my friends hence plumping them up.....ooops i mean giving them a treat and yes i will look for that blow up doll in florida for ya..........>giggles btw what color would you prefer>>lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
DEAL You have it there...get the ingredients for the CAKE READY GIRL!!! Cos this one's coming to me for sure...before which you ought to remember to get something back when u return from holidays...dont you dare forget that...LOL!!!And if I may Add, It was lovely seeing you last night!!!
I will buy you a bottle of you know what.
Count Down Began :)
KSA - if ya lose some weight in 3 mths , i shall bake you a lovely moist choc cake.......hows szat?is it a deal??
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Khanan thanks for backing me up,. and you too FS...such a sweetiepie...LOL!!!
And Well Mommy .. you can keep that laurel hardy crap to yourself...I say!!!
Just hold on people 3 mnths it will be...and then we shall see who has the final laugh...
mafiriyals - be nice now, remember fri and steam chicken rice and chilly ginger garlic dip???>muhahahhahahahhahha
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
F.S. - "you look malnourished..." Yes I have "Mafiriyals" to buy any Nourishments. What to do????????????
FS- you and i are so gonna get 'whacked' for this.........hahahahhahhahaha>oooops cowers in fear
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
but KSA is determined to decreas his waistline...he promised again for 8th time ...that this time he is "damn fcking" serious.....:)
If you look at what you do not have in life;
You don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in life;
You have everything.
Spicemom - Go back to make Som Tam and Green curry for the Pilot :)
Good joke..lol Mafi you dont look healthy...you look malnourished...lolz
KSA and Mafiriyals- the both of you remind me of Laurel and Hardy..........lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
India measure the prosperity on waistline method :)
Above the maximum limit of waistline :)
KSA - hey that is a sign of prosperity aint it??>winks
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Yeah right, o trust me mate, I cant be healthier,, and moreover, to play a comment light,
Atleast people like me show the world that India is no more BELOW THE POVERTY LINE!!!LOL!!!
then it is true abt You are What you eat thenhuh??>giggles........>me wicked :P
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I am leading a Helthy Life style not a Fatly life style ;)
that was his twin 'lotsariyals'.........hehhehehehhehheeh
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Well I must say, fcking playing the same thing on me like yesterday eyy,, but hey as the discussion goes, its better to be on this side of the game rather than on the more hunger-striken, blood famished, deep strotten side like YOU!!! Christ man, strong winds and you are husssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh... next moment, you are GONE WITH THE WIND!!!...No wonder you prefer stayin in Qatar...
so was that your desperate soul sitting near me shouting about currys :?
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
DaRuDe - why I was not invited :(
HUNGER STRIKE all the while... Not Bad considering your SIZE :)
nice one....bravooo....
ROBIN!!! To The Batcave!!!
the topic my dear is food food food and yummy ones too......>winks
sure thing notfrhere i shall be yr life coach and also yr personal trainer if ya like>winks
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Lol spicemom! KSA, I was just thinking I want spicemom as my Personal Life Coach! She gives great advice!!
Now, I really AM going, so have a great day and now you can all get back to the original topic.....what was it again?......
KSA dont ya wanna be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise??duh.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Thanks for that girl, but now come on, ONE LAST CHANCE!!!PWWWEAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEE!!!LOL!!! I'm sure you can do it for this boy, (who's after your d******ER) LOL
Hell when I get married I aint letting my wife come anywhere close to you two ladies, otherwise I might have to go on a HUNGER STRIKE all the while...LOL!!!!
Ah KSA, I always smile at your posts, sweetie.
And FYI, I dont' have to listen to your empty promises any more. VIP pass, hah! Darude came through for me, AND has not even asked for baked goods or anything in return.
tell him it is 'world hunger day' today and no eating is allowed until after midnight>winks...........lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Good thinking, spicemom. I didn't think of that. Whew, I guess that means I'm not a true addict yet.
Sure, I'll just tell hubby that we'll be having lunch at 1:00 A.M!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on now dont be so mean by seperating two hearts one soul...LOOOOOOOOOOL!!! (trust me thats a movie dialogue)...LOL!!!Freaking I enjoyed that, tell me the truth it gave you the momentary jerk smile or not...LOL!!!
And well we shall set the time for sending you the VIP Pass girl and ofcourse I aint forgetting the RED CARPET...and you BETTER NOT FORGET MY BAKERY ITEMS...LOL!!!
nope it aint 11 pm yet but is past 11 am.........lol, which GMT did you want btw?lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Heck yeah KSA, I'm getting her as far away from you as possible, LOL!
Anyway, she's too busy. It's me that's the one with too much time on my hands.... that's why I'm here on QL, LOL!
My, my, look at the time. I gave myself till 11:00 on here. Dang. It's not 11 yet, is it?????
NFromhere, hell no we are letting you leave w/o a meeting...so when are you leaving, just out of curiosity ( i knwo curiosity kills the cat) is your daughter leaving with you as well...LOL .... no girl, this time come on one chance only...come on...Give me a chance to prove myself...(LOL!)
Khanan, hell no they both aint for me, one of them is for you...so youmight as well have it cos I aint taking it back once you have taking it...LOL!!!
DaRude, LOL, good one paaji, _|_ LOL!!!!!!!!!Paaji what doing...you people...?
food last night?i had some onion rings, H20 and a cappuchino, next time i will try proper food in the menu , was nice to see you folks last night and thank you again DaRuDe
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Sue this lazy fat azz for a dinner quick quick now. and i will set the place and members.
Hey KSA, I'm hanging in there, been kind of busy.
Ok now you've really hurt my feelings man :-(
And you're probably off the hook for "next time" because hopefully next time I'll be in the good old U S of A...
DaRuling...ohhh i though one of them was for me...
thn i m saved,...both are for KSA.....
i learned a new emoticons......
If you look at what you do not have in life;
You don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in life;
You have everything.
Remember last night _|_
so today once again _|_ both hands up _|_ :D
It was initially a bit humid but then a little breeze picked up and it was a good evening, always good to sit with your friends and have a good old Sheesha and a nice Fresh Orange Juice and just TALK and LAUGH about stuff...
I think thats how Life is designed to be, and I think DArude You are the designer, so thanks to you my friend...
OK OK OK I cant be more nice to your azz sorry...!!!LOL!!!
will like you to tell those who missed last night because they were telling me the weather would be hot.
yea it was for a while in the behinning but later it was damn good.
Damn...I m so sorry I must admit...slipped out i thought Darude would have sent it across to you, but you know what, next time I have that on my mind...for sure...
How are you by the way...LOL!!!
i am getting ur mails now Darude
and in my INBOX...
and is it he confirmed that we would join you
oh i am so sorry i didn't know and i think he didn't remind me coz i went to bed early last night as i am suffring from cold and sore throat in hot summer.
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....
i did get a reply from your better half that he will come along with you and kids.
and i did sayi want every one to come. and you are a member means you too got the email some where in junk or spam if not in inbox.
Yeah I missed it too because I still haven't received the promised VIP pass from...ahem ahem.... someone I won't name.
Ah, empty promises.
Anyway, dont' I have enough pts now?????
The new comers should find it interesting the only thing I aint seeing anyone from last night on board here...LOL!!!
i missed the event
i so wanted to come and meet all of u :(
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....
i liked it enjoyed it and sure the new comers also did enjoy.
i called chicken chef (4688804) asking for their location..
Here are my observations:
1. the person who picked it up first does not speak english.
2. he passed the phone on to somebody else. The second person said that it was near a junction as if it was the only junction in qatar and then slammed the phone down..
i dont care about how healthy or wonderful the food might be, but they do have some staff that were rude and did not know on how to speak on the phone..
Well last night was really nice, ofcourse Khanan and Irrysa on each side, and ofcourse Murali and Harsha opposite is just an icing...to the cake of company...LOL!!!
And food last night, damn man, I ordered some Chips and passed it to Murali for a "TASTE" but hell I didnt get it back....GRRRR!!!LOL!!!
But yes last night was nice...thanks DaRuLing...
yesterday night was fantastic....
it was 1st time for me there so i really enjoy it....
the weather was fine...and thanks once again for interesting gatherings....
If you look at what you do not have in life;
You don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in life;
You have everything.
so where is this place located?
Are you promoting your business??...atleast you should have not written that on your profile... that you own Chicken Chef Resturant..lol
Anywayz we will try it and let you know our comments later.
You guys didnt tell me.
last night from an istanbul restaurant, was really good but don't want to come here and eat English grub, much prefer to taste lots of different food :)