Bone Operations - Advise

Hi All,
Yesterday unforutnatly my mother, brother, sister and her husband kids met an accident, while they were driving in Sharjah, an idtion on pickup took the U Turn in red signal when he was only suppose to go straight, obvisouly the signal from other side was also open from, it hit from side and my brother suffered some face injuries but doing ok, Thanks Allah all are fine, my mother had a right arm problem, they put plaster, we did furtehr x-rays today adn Dr in Dubai have advised to under go a minor operations as they are concnered that later her arm may pull out again and this minor operation would ensure this does nto happen.
I need your advise as
a) my mother is around 55 plus, she also have diabatics and high BP problem,
they said they will monitor her and do oeprations while her sugar is low,
However my question is I heard that Drs in Dubai may not necessary be very professional, obviously i am sure there are very good drs, and they may create unncessary complation some times.
I am personally aware of a case where one of our driver had a leg injrty the Drs in Dubai did lots of operations eventually decided that they have to cut the leg, he went to Pakistan and now he is walking !!
While I will get my mother in Dubai to another main Dubai hospital and take second openiong, we did first test from Iranian Hospital in Dubai, w hich is quite big
however i am double mided as to should i send her back to Pakistan and she may get decent health care there vs getting opertions in Dubai, while I am sure health care standards are very decent in Dubai, its the drs blunders that i am worred about.
Appericate if you guys could shed soem light?
and please pray for her and all,
Regards, Irfan
Thanks, Guys today we are going to get second opion, unforutnatly she is in Dubai with my younger brother but if required I can also bring her to Doha.
Let's see what the second opion says. thanks
Thanks, Guys today we are going to get second opion, unforutnatly she is in Dubai with my younger brother but if required I can also bring her to Doha.
Let's see what the second opion says. thanks
always get second opinion!!!
well i am a doctor and i work in orthopaedic surgery..
you want my opinion, if u live in doha, then take her to the new Aspire hospital next to villagio..
it the best.. and its not expensive.. (by the way i don't work at that hospital)