doctor question

Hello there!!
We are moving July 16th(finally)!! I have everything prepared EXCEPT a good doctor!! I have a 6 yr old boy who has broken his arm 2 times this year and want to come prepared. Where do you go incase of an emergency?? Are there western doctors too in doha?? Would love some information if you have some!! Thank you so much inadvace.
and if you have your medical insurance, I think some hospital or medical clinics do accepts them
Doha Clinic, Family Medical Clinic, Apollo Clinic, Al Ahli Hospital, Hamad Hospital, etc.
Once you get a MARHABA booklet/phamplet (available in groceries/supermarkets and bookstores). All info in MARHABA will give you all the details you need....good luck
better go to hamad hospital or al ahli good luck
be careful...Doctor Panadol are common here in Middle East.(they can't diagnose-will give u panadol)
Emergency and OPD are is available at HMC, AL AHli and other Private Medical facilities are available in Doha. However, once you get establish and maintain contact with a Private Paediatrician to ensure that your child has the best care.
We have the best equiped Hospitals and Clinics
Less said about the Doctors the better
Hamad is the best. they have a fully equipped Emergency centre.....
But also, I think the Al Alhi hospital is a good bet if u are covered under some insurance plan...