Hello, My name is Anita and i am from Europe(Poland),i would like to please you for an advice from every nice people who live or lived in Qatar. I have a boyfriend from Qatar and he was studying for 4 years in myx country, i love him and we are thinking about wedding, but he wants to live in Qatar, but i have a problem with it , because i have never been in arabic country and i dont know what i can expect of it. He is muslim and i am not ,but i respect his and he respects me, we havent a problem with it, but maybe his family or his friends will have a problem with me.But i have to admir, that i am afraid of it , that when i will go there ,he will want from me many things ,that i didnt do before,if you understand me. I would like to ask you, how is your opinion to foreigner in Qatar, and i would like to know how women should behave there and what it will expect me there, i dont want to do a mistake, because i am from different country and i lived in different culture for all life.I will thank you for all opinions...
Where is Anita now???
lolzz....keep dreaming
This is an old thread. Is there any problem at all getting a qatari passport after five year of getting married? If so, what are the obstacles along the way for you to get denied? Tnx
There are many many such cases around the world. However, these are exceptions, rather than the rule..
Don't mind all the ones who were so negative telling you thier advices. First of all, if both of you are in love, then go ahead, and don't ask others' opinions.
By the way, Are you sure that your bf is from Qatar? Qatari or he lives in Qatar? There are two many people who born and live here but they are not Qataris. Ask him or check his ID:). I have been in Eastern Europe for long and I usually tell the people who ask me where I came from that I live and born in Qatar, but I am not a Qatari. They simply refer to me as a Qatari, because for them, someone who born in a country must be a citizen of that country, and I simply pass it and let them consider me a Qatari to avoid further explanation for them. It won't matter for them much if i am from Qatar or Kuwait or Jordan. All are Middle Eastern Counties. Arab countries.
So make sure if he is a Qatari or born in Qatar. This makes a big difference.
Even if he was a Qatari, There are so many open minded Qataris now. They are married to non Qataris and are more into western life..We are in 2010 soon. The current generation is totally different from the old one before.
Also, remember that Muslims are allowed to marry non muslims. No problems at all. Ask him, if you must convert or not? I bet on that he will tell you that its all up to you.
Don't worry about the culture. It is going to be intersting for you and you will love to find more about new culture and new people.
You can simply practice your religion and culture here as well. There are many Christians (tens of thousands if not more) and churches as well. Just try to respect the tradition and culture in Public. He will explain to you and you will adjust to it. For Example, you can not visit his family with a mini skirt:) or you can not drink alcohol in public.. Things like that...It is not complicated and you will easily understand it and asjust to it.
I know many muslims who are married to non muslims and they are living happily and peacfully. Three of my friends are married to Muslims and have thier children and all here in Qatar.
Even if he was a Qatari or an Arab, he won't change his attitude and behaviour just because he came back to Qatar. This if he has a strong personality and his own beliefs. He will simply respect the culture, tradition and religion of the people around him and will explain to you also.
Go ahead and come with him to Qatar. See how it goes and then decide if you should go for it and marry or not.
There are many negative people here. Many who envy and hates Islam and Arabs and they can not show it on real but only behind thier screens. Many who are over religious with thier fanatic beliefs. Don't mind what they tell. Let it get in one ear and out from the other!
Talk to your bf seriously and ask him everything that you want to know. Ask people who are still married with people from other religions, but not on net.
First either you accept his culture and religion beliefs.
Second option you do not accepte his culture and religion beliefs, and then you explain this to him.
He will either accept or refuse.
The understanding between a Muslim man and a Muslim woman who will get married to each other takes place at the engagement period.
An early understanding between couple is the key for long happy life.
Anita it is not necessary for you to convert to Islam and I am sure if you both get married you will be curious and ask about Islam automatically.
well edifis this is how it should be done but the father however wont give his children the freedom to chose their religion
I find one thing very troubling. Why I can't marry a muslim and keep my religion? Why is it required to convert? But the muslim can always retain his religion! What happens if the muslim wants to covert to another religion?
I know a particular case in India where a Hindu Lady(Sharmila Tagore) married a muslim man(Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi). The marriage was 40 years back and she remains a Hindu till today!
Their children (now grown-ups) were free to choose their religion. Why can't this happen in other countries too?
Yeah, I said it can be.
About marriage? - It can be fun, chinx.
what do you think boston?
Marriage = Prison?
I think she got married to this guy and is not allowed to post on QL anymore :p
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
lol anita seems to hav given from answering and got fed up
Sandy - lol....
She must be either with some other boyfren by now....
as the above posters mst have scared hell out of her...
Or must be roaming in Abaya in Souq Waqif around us and we don even know :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
Errrr I am just guessing but in the 17 months since she posted this, she may have made her decision already..
i second brit and PH, stay away from in-laws!
can't have civil marriage in qatar, try other country, but think about approving and endorsing your marriage contract in Qatar later on. if your hubby is qatari, if not.
you will have a culture shock, from poland to qatar? why can't you live there?
Does it really matter?
Christmas or new year? it is now full of fake laughs and smiles trying to find its way through people to convince them of the true humanity they already lost.
anita , it is your decision here , you know better than anyone , you are just looking for some one to support what you think , that is all .
Hope for you the good decision.
just look deep in your heart and you will know.
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it
But it is not a cultural ignorance
and it is not blind following ....
well it's better if you understand the meaning of islam first coz the fundamental factor here is your belief and custom in contrast to his.there are different aspects that you need to consider so try to picture yourself in the situation and reflect...goodluck!
damn! i can say you've been trying to get yourself into a big mess lol, trust me! girl, don't try put a end-up, so would you like to go for it???
i really don't think, you are gonna do?
remember, i'm sure about ya gonna miss a lot of thngs in your life girl!!! especially the Christmas & the New Year! don't even think about that, because it's all about your, what i'm saying? just stay where you are right now! got me?
and non of them had to convert they just said we converted so people would not bug lolol and will there be problem yes sure it is a marriage and in every relationship there is a problem may be big one or small one and many of them work and 3 or 4 of them have businesses lol how nice. and u can get the qatari passport but the polish passport would be terminated
and i think u should listen to people that have married a qatar no people that have not so of them r just speculating what is going to happen ....
but u must know not all marriages . it does not matter if ur married to a muslim or any other religion or nationality some relationship r not meant to be
so give it a try
i know lots of qatari with nonqataries wife and they r just fine .... but u may dress different . i know like more than 10 family in the same shoe so it's ok just dress properly and be nice to ur in law .
hope the best :)
to contribute my opinion, your problem wont be Islam but Arab culture, if you will face problem it wont be from Islam because if he is a man of God he has to respect your faith.
secondly, I have gathered these points from Islamic website about what to discuss before marriage between Non Muslim women and Muslim man.
1. Ideas about roles in the marriage. Will this be a traditional marriage, with a stay-at-home wife with and a working husband? Or, will both spouses work?
2. Will the wife be free to continue practicing her religion? Will there be pressure for her to learn about Islam? Is the husband willing to learn about her religion? Does the wife ever intend to become Muslim? Does the husband expect her to?
3. Will the wife be expected to live an Islamic life, even if she is not Muslim? Will she be expected to give up pork and alcohol? Will she be expected to dress more conservatively?
4. How will holidays be handled? Will both holidays be celebrated?
5. How will the children be raised? Will they be taught Islam, the mother's religion, both, or neither? Will the children celebrate the holidays of both religions?
6. How will interactions with the opposite sex be handled? Will the wife have to give up friendships with men? Will she be expected to give up certain cultural traditions, such as hugging men, shaking hands, and dancing at weddings?
I hope it helps.
"He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah" prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
hi Anita....after all the comments given which are very informative....I would advise you to listen to your hart. Whatever happen in future depends on your present decision.
You will never know things will turn out good or bad until u give it a try and with no regret later.
Life is an experience journey till you reach your destination!
If your boy friend in a Qatari and this will be his first marrige it will be almost impossible for him to get approval for his marriage from the Government of Qatar. It is very difficult for the Qatri national to get approval to marry a non Qatari.
If you marry him without approval and without converting to Isalm you do not get any rights of a wife, you do not even get to inherit any of his money in the event of (God forbid) death.
I know if cases of Qataris married unofficially to non Qatri nationals, the relation is always at risk, life is always a threat and the wife is worrying all time, what if any thing happens to the husband, his family will not have mercy on her as she bacame now a wife competeing with 3 others, two of them are Qatari nationals .. so she ranks as a no. 2 wife .. no citizenship .. no rights .. what a life !!!
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
most of the members said already ...
You two need to sit and discuss all of these things together, you would think that everything will go fine because you two love each other so much. Sorry, but the culture here and the traditions are completely different.
What is acceptable in Poland is not here, if you two used to hold hands, kiss in public or hug then forget about those here. He might even feel not comfortable any more doing those here in front of the people who would be having a different look to you.
The family would be sometimes an issue, if they won't agree or support their son. Some are still believing in relatives marriage and they see that his cousin is the one who got the privilege over any other strange girl to marry their son. They don't know what do this strange girl wants and believe that she is going to steal their son away.
Religion is one of the issues, if you two have no kids and agreed on respecting each other religion for now. What would happen when you have children? Would they follow the father's religion or your religion? Don't tell me that you will leave the kids like that, confusing them between the two religions or fighting over it would be an early source of disturbance for them.
Your family, are they completely supporting you? Are they aware of what might happen in the future? Like the possibility of you converting and embracing Islam? Would they be fine with you moving to another country and live there?
Now you, would you be able to adjust? Would you be open minded and try to ... let's say not adopting the culture at first but to try to understand it? Would it be fine with you if the people around you would interfere with with your life? Would you be able to sit and talk, try to understand from him what is the problem or the issue with what happened just a while ago? That he has to balance between his family and the life of both of you?
There are many and many points to discuss ... but I hope that those helped somehow ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
i hope its okay :)....This thread is really interesting and the comments are very informative...
"To defeat your opponent, observe his style, copy & apply towards him"
Hi Anita,
My advice, since this mixed marraige is an outcome of love, you need to seriously sit and discuss a few points before marrying.
He is Muslim, then you may have to convert also.
Once married you cannot dress the Western way, but go in for longer skirts/shirts, or trousers etc. Also you will have to wear a headscarve.
Religiously speaking both religions do not have much of a difference. But what you need to do is ask yourself are you willing to give up your way of living and follow a new Religion/Traditions and their hopes in you.
People make a lot of comments, Islam lets a man marry 4 times, but again there are reasons why he is allowed to do so. Just at the whim he cannot go and marry another woman.
If you truly love the man, than go ahead, but you need to sacrifice yourself a lot.
Anyhow is he qatari? this is his first marriage?
Forget it, LOVE IS BLIND if you love him then surely you will trust him .dont think too much that will make decisions far as religions are concerned nobody will force you it is all about faith,you have to find the truth in all religions that is comparative study of religions.
Qatar is a nice country not so strict as compared to saudi where women have to wear hijab they respect women they have restricted for bachelors visiting family parks ,and even they started restricting shopping malls.
Qatari people are genlte, kind hearted and royal type
first of all are u ready to convert islam ? or is he ready to convert as a cristian ? it's religion matter and we both are staying so far . If u came to doha u may face problems
1. You may convert as a muslim
2. You may face problems from his parents or his relatives
3. You do have any relatives or great friends?
4. Are u rich ? if anything happened ? if u dont like here can u go back with ur won flight tickets and visa problems ?????????
5. Do agree ur parents for all those things ?
6 . What is the garentee for u ?
7 . Where is security for u ?
Who know's what will happened?
If he loves u very much and if he wil support 100% to u , then also u have to face some problems ............................
If u don't mind ..... Take him to ur land if possible
Take him to ur land if u really like him.
Here rule is strict . Nobody can do nothing againest rules.
Before u come here ...... think abt problems and discuss with ur lover .\
think more and more
hi, anita. i am almost in the same situation as you. i am also from europe, from a country very close to yours and i came to qatar following my love who is now my husband. i can say that his family is great and that they accepted me right away and they love me so much. but if ur boyfriend is original qatari then u might experience some problems, since they are usually not allowed to marry other nationalities. the only thing i can advise you is just to think twice. i can not tell you don't do it because i know how painful it would be to see your love just go away and maybe never see him. but you have to be very sure before you decide to follow him to his country, there are a lot of problems that you might face, it's a whole different culture and a whole different life style. Religion is not at all the issue. and also know that he might change a lot after he will return to his country, even if now he is a very open minded person. :) But if you really love him and after you think really well about it, you can give it a try. I guess better than living all your life in regret for pushing away the man that you loved. Good luck, dear, you will need it! All the best!
Well, you need to discuss with him what he expects of you if you live in Doha with him so there will not be any surprises. Also it is important to know what his family is like. Are they openminded? Conservative?
Another important issue is children, how will you raise the children? Just have an open and honest discussion about all these important issues.
As long as you both respect eachother and are willing to both compromise it should not be a problem. If hos family is accepting and welcomes you life will be a lot easier. There are many couples where the husband is muslim and the wife is christain and like all other marriages it takes patience and understanding!
tra la la
okk...umm....Why don't you just give his religion (Islam) a try? I mean its probably a big thing to do...but just cuz your getting married, doesn't mean u gotta stay christian and he's gotta stay muslim. Islam is a great religion to be part of and I'm real proud to be Muslim. That way, you won't feel left out or anything, and I'm really sure you'll like being muslim. Your probably thinking " I don't wanna cover my hair" or " I don't wanna wear abaya" or stuff like that. First of all, go with the main idea of believing in God if you don't believe in that and go through each step to be a better muslim. Just give it a try. Hey, you never know...
“The rise of Islam offers perhaps the most impressive example in world history of the power of words to alter human behavior in sudden, surprising ways.”
William H. McNeill quotes
Brit, you hit the nail on the head! We dont live near his family! It helps a lot... no in-laws! lol
But again, that's due more to family baggage than religious issues. And many people of every religion would say the same I'm sure!
PH, I agree with you completely, and that's exactly what I said in my first post. It's all about communication. If they cant' communicate now, they will not be able to communicate later.
Certainly, not every Muslim man is like my husband, but not every Muslim man is like some of those described above, either.
And actually, I would describe my husband and his family (and our children) as religious. Observant, but not extreme.
You are very fortunate and must cherish what you have.
I can also say from experience of living in many countries and knowing many many muslims who have married non muslims, that it is far from an easy ride.
I don't know whether your husband is Qatari, but ost problems are when you live in his home ountry with the immediate family in close proxmity.
Of course I agree with you Abu American that cultural problems is the biggest problem for marriage breakups between muslim and inter-religious marriages.
However, unlike you most born muslim people raised in the east are not as open minded and understanding of other religions.
Not from here.. it sounds like you have great communication with your spouse. And his family are not very strict or religious. However, it really isn't the case with every family and husband. And she needs to make sure who she is marrying and know the possible outcomes should she find out she never really knew him.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
princess habibah, I'm glad I didn't ask you before I married my husband. And yes, of course I trust him completely. Why would anyone marry someone they don't trust??
The men that you and others are describing are nothing like my husband or other Muslim men I know. You make them sound like a bunch of lying, conniving, controlling men who woo a woman and then suddenly change the rules once they get married.
You guys should be writing Hollywood movies!!!
I read your post and understand the questions you have. Rightly so. I will try to answer as I am a European, now muslim but became Muslim out of my own conviction and has lived in this country for 17 years so I understand a lot about both sides of the coin.
You must understand that when you met your bf, he was in Poland and tried to adapt to your way of life. When he comes back to Doha and you are married to him, you will have to adapt to his way of live. Here in Qatar there will be 2 issues that will play a big role. The first one is the cultural difference and the second which intermingles is religion. Both are so interconnected that they are often confused as one or the other.
The culture is in a way much more backward and closed than life in Europe. You could more compare it with life in Europe before the world wars.Families are very important and tight knitted.They are very conservative, conservative in thinking, acting, and living. Women are not in the foreground, they usually stay at home and take care of the kids. Women do not go to many places on their own, so a family member usually goes with them. Women here are also covered. Their beauty is for their husbands only. This would mean that the woman should have her hair and body covered. i.e. long skirt and long sleeves. However here it would mean abaya which is the local custom. I am sure that your husband will not insist that you wear abaya, but might ask you to cover.He might also ask you not to go out alone, which should not be a problem as you do not know your way yet. Muslims do not go to bars, clubs etc because alcohol is forbidden in islam. We do go to restaurants and coffeeshops, but again not alone.Basically you would show your husband respect and this is a way of doing that. At home, live is much more open. But again this depends on the family. Usually men gather together and when your husband receives his friends, it is male only. The same goes for you, when you receive your female friends, he stays away. For this reason the houses usually have a womans receptionroom and a male receptionroom and then the family area where the whole family mixes.
Again, it is not so difficult. Only if you are a person who likes to go out, meet friends (male) and party I would say this is not your kind of live. If you are sure you want him and think you can live this way, do it.
The religious part id also very important but I suggest you start reading about islam and you will understand what that is all about.
I can only tell you that for me having become a muslim was the best choice I have made in my life and to be a muslim is easy if you believe in God.
If you want to discuss more and have question, feel free to PM me.
Very well put..In Riyadh, I worked wth a Saudi who was married to an American lady, but did not bring her tothe country. He said that there would be too many problems. He was the only son and was waiting for his elderly parents to pass away before returning to sette in the USA.
THe sad fact is that even with all the best intentions in the world, cultural and family pressures/expectations can be overwhelming.
Anita24,as so often happens on QL many people post comments based on their assumptions rather than on actual knowledge of the topic... sigh..
Like AbuAmerican said, the issues that might arise have more to do with the culture or the family traditions rather than the religion itself.
You need to discuss all the possible issues with your boyfriend so you aren't surprised by differences after marriage take place. Each needs to know what the other's expectations are. Each needs to know what he or she would be willing to sacrifice for the other, or look for compromises when possible. Isn't that true of any 2 people planning to be married, regardless of religion?
My husband is Arab Muslim (not Qatari), I am Christian. We have been married for nearly 20 years and have children.
NO, Islam does not require you to convert. However, your husband might expect you to. Something you'd definitely want to know about someone before you marry them.
YES, Islam does require the children of a Muslim man to be raised as Muslim.
Will your husand expect you to dress a certain way? Ask him!
Will his family have a problem with it? Ask him!
Qatar is very open to foreigners. The majority of the population are foreigners and there are many mixed marriages. I know many Western women who are married to Arab Muslim men, who have not converted, do not wear abaya ar hijab, and are quite happily raising their children as Muslims.
And dgmigtyslolmon, I've seen previous posts by you stating that the difference in religions will cause problems. Sorry, but that's just not necessarily true.
For goodness sake, EVERY marriage has differences, has ups and downs, but in my case, the religion is just about the ONLY issue that has never been a problem for us.
Good luck to you Anita.
whatz so nice in the whole foucking situation Baka..
skdk very nice...
I have to disagree with Abu american about problem more with the culture than the religion.
If you do not plan to convert to Islam then you will have a problem. Yes culture is a big problem between both muslim marriages and inter religious marriages. However, christian wives hold less rights then a muslim women.
1.) in islam she is not allowed to have custody of her children
2.) she will have no authority over the way the children are raised (i.e. the father has the right to enforce an islamic lifestyle)
3.) she will not have any remittance when in need in most muslim countries although admittedly this is very unislamic
4.) you will probably have to listen and obey him if he commands you to cover your hair, wear abaya, not talk to men, stay in the house, only go shopping with him blah blah blah (not all muslim men are like that but if he is then you'll be screwed)
All in all, a christian women does not hold the status and respect given to a muslim women who believes in Islam as her religion.
And then of course, are the cultural problems that could either work for or against you. It depends on how clever you are and the mindset of your husband to be. (which changes on a whim) And he will all of a sudden become islamic when it suits his fancy. Or perhaps you may have to look for the future in which he starts to practice and again this could have negative results if you are not happy with the islamic lifestyle.
For these reasons I never recommend a non muslim girl to marry a muslim guy. Unless he has converted from Islam. Or you trust him completely and are happy with the set up. Just remember to take birth control and have a get out plan should anything go wrong. (i.e. take/hide enough money for a plane ticket)
If you are happy with all of the above then by all means get married to him and enjoy your life.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Hi Anita,
Allow me to give my 2 cents.
Many things are already advised to you but just for a thought have you considered the below situation:
You guys live in Poland or anywhere else & not in Qatar or for that matter anywhere in ME. This will solve many present & future problems like
1 - Even if you convert, there is not much cultural change one has to do in case you guys settle anywhere but Middle East.
2 - Remember, in Qatar he can & most likely will have more wives (allowed in religion & permitted by law) in future and you can do nothing AND now imagine you guys are living in a neutral country of your choice then both of you are bound to adher to a common law not advantageous to only one party unlike here.
3 - If you both love each other so much... then why should only you change. Marriage is to accomodate and synchronize with your partner but why should only one partner bear the brunt.
4 - You will have to wear the abaya - not by law but due to social pressure
5 - You will have many social/personal/family pressure to handle here
My 2 cents is based only on one pretext and that is ur would be husband has already lived out of his country and his adjustments to a foreign country & culture will not be an issue compared to what you will have to go through here.
i think it's ganna be so hard and this love wont stand...
coz love is different than marridge ...
why u wanna bring to urself all this???
i've beev in ur shoe and i know what will happen...
it's difficult for qatari to marry an arabic, how about marring an europe lady?? ia can't imagin...
in the end use ur head not ur heart...
and hope u'll choose the write...
well,..... just have the main things cleared wid him..
fat cat is rite.. marraying a chirstian is not a big deal but children will be muslims more sure..
i dont think if u clear this covering ur head things wid him, it shld be a problem.
wht u can do is, just visit qatar wid him , stay here for 2-3 months wid his family , get to know them, and then if u think u can fit in and they can accept u, than take a dicision and get married.
best of my knowledge it is very difficult to get marry a Qatar person
it is a long process u should read abt the law in Qatar marriage.
it looks u have to sacrifice a lot Different cultures people marry and living any other country thats another story, but in Islamic country you have less chances to choose.
Definitely u have to fallow the family customs tooo. soo talk to ur fancy clearly
any way all the best
The AdMan
4 ur advertising needs
call me
Are you prepared to raise your future children as Muslims? For what I understand Muslims can marry Christians or Jews and they don't have to convert, but their children need to be brought up as Muslims.
As you said Anita24 that you both are from different country and different culture - so one of you have to give in and adapt the other culture - there is no win win case here as I can see, one of you need to sacrifice to adapt to the other, and please bear in mind if its you who are giving in to adapt to his culture - you still have a long way to go - do you know you still have to get approval from the authority here before marriage, you must convert to muslim and many others necessary adaptation.
Please think hard and do more study of his background and have thorough discussion with him before making any decision. Good luck for your future.
There is no law that you must cover your head but there may be, I stress maybe, family pressure for you to do so. If you have children then they will be brought up as muslims, if you get divorced then your husband has custody of the children by law, I believe. Your future husband may take other wives in the future if he wishes and there is not much you can do about this. Also, I am not sure about your citizenship rights, though I don't think they will be much.
I am just pointing out worst case scenarios for you as you have to talk to your boyfriend about this.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
if u realy love each other
u will obey him
and he will protect u
My Dear, first of all be prepared to convert to Islam. And secondly, if you marry him you have to marry his family. The Qatari's are very lovely people; you have to be prepared to learn some Arabic so to say the least. You have to have a mindset that you are part of his family. He might want you to wear the Abaya and cover your face, so be prepared. If you really love him like you said, then you should be prepared to adjust and change your life to suit your new environment.
Trust me; things will change when you get here. It will not be the same like before, but hopefully better. Don't worry, as long as you have an opened mind to Adjust to a new culture and a new way of thinking, and also to respect his family, his religion then you will be fine.
Good luck.
First learn more about Islam.Then yes,its true,to stay in a Islamic Country like Qatar is maybe not easy for you in the beginning.But with his help you will make it.And please visit Qatar to be sure you will like it to be here.Maybe in Poland he was more free and open minded but back home now he has to respect the Qatar and Islamic rules and laws and so maybe he would be not the same person like he was in Poland.I dont hope so but it can be.Yes,think very serious about it and make sure how much you are ready to give up for him and to be with him
All the best and good luck.
i think it will be a problem, i would like to have only civil marriage, if you understand me, i said to him i will respect everything in his country, but i want to be same like before and i wont cover my head, do you think it is impossible there?
or later because of the difference in religion. Maybe difference in culture can be remedied but once the religious practice (if he is really an Islam practitioner), that is where some problem will rise-up.
Think of it many times and really deep and seriously, my dear. Marrriage is a life-long agreement and if you suddenly realized that you can't continue at all and you are here in their country, maybe, even going to your native country will be a mess.
Goodluck to you, Anita. For this question of your, use your head more than your heart. MY SUGGESTION!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
firstly are you prepared if he ask you to convert to islam?
that is his demand in near future when he comes to his senses if you know what i mean....