Do women really hate problems?
Women hate problems.
In Chinese, the symbol for crisis is the same as opportunity. I haven’t looked that up, but I heard it from a man so it’s probably true because us men have something called integrity. This means that in a time of crisis, we men are at our show stopping best. Take a flat tire on a moonless night for instance. While a man is out changing nuts and bolts and doing all manner of screwing on the side of the road, will a woman so much as think to grab a flashlight and help? No.
That’s because women hate holding flashlights, because they are complete rubbish at it. Force a woman to hold a flashlight when it matters and you’re likely to catch her aiming it into the sky for absolutely no damn reason. You’re better off just duct taping it to a mailbox and catapulting it into space.
I most of picked a sore subject...... You just can't let it go can you? Well, if I did find a less than average woman on a silver plater, I would take it, cause that just might be the most worthwhile woman here in doha compared to what i've seen. Honestly I'm proud of those that said something in this post just to prove a point, that there are real women out there. thanks Alexa.
I do come from village LOL. Me disgrace to women of substance
Village Idiot.
Cada povo tem su bruto e acabo de conhecer e bruto de este povo....(can't write portuguese)
now that was a saying i was taught in Mozambique.
every village has its idiot and I have just met the idiot from this village...
now tell me the name of your village BJ so I can stick a pin in my map
Now I would like to see BJ in the Congo,Sudan and up the Zambeze etc..... LOL LOL LOL
let's leave the curling irons, and bobby pins, that you want to stick in me, at home. I thought this was different from the PUK that ALexa ususally reads. Seriously Alexa, anorexia, is no joking matter, so please take control of the puking,LOL.
It's simple, I'm trying to weed out the village idiots, from the better than average woman, that could change a tire.
What sh*t! I can change a tire faster than ur pop! Take a hike dude! While ur at it hope u get run over by a lady driver!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
No seriously though, what kind of women does this blazingjesse guy hang out with? :S (though thinking he may be just such a twat the girls are enjoying him stumbling around in the dark)
ahhh John of the cross....what nerve does it hit? can't change a tyre either?...too bad...
that's nice, this article hits a nerve.
Oh I read it. But Alexa, everyone is soooo serious on it! It's soooo sad!
am here am here tell me where
Hey at least at the end of the day we can hijack some of these dumbarse threads.
on the other thread? I will have to take a look.
Pretty sad when even the trolls are boring.
Sigh I know. Maybe if were lucky Renee will rear her ugly head...although she never has anything new to say either.
Me too. Been feeling like being Biotch all day and itching for a good argument. Maybe its all the dust we have been breathing in. But I agree Gypsy - no fun with Air Supply/Molae. He never has anything new to say. :(
It's like fish in a barrel Alexa, Come on, you know you want to. :P
I don't know. I go through phases actually. I'll go months not bothering with this crap, then I feel cranky and need to be sarcastic Beeatch to someone. :)
I'm bored, and in the mood to prove to some people how stupid they are. I can always stick to Molae I guess...although that not really more intellectually challenging.
Actually if you pay attention in most cases in Disney (since Little Mermaid on) it's the Chick saving the woozy Prince Charming.
which is why... disney is investing millions in developing characters that will build "prince charming" in the minds of little girls.
That could be the reason why disney developed the stories the way it is... so that they will capture the market.
you gave me a laugh...
Well only woosy women need guys... that's why we tend to hang out with them.
Tell me about it. All the boys I know are Big Girls Blouses. Don't know what kind of women you lot are hanging with.
you guys must know some woosy women..I can change my own flat tire with a flashlight propped upon a rock if needed or balance the flashlight in one hand while changing fuses with the other. Any other ladies out there not reduced to tears by such a crisis:))) I think we do ask questions starting with why and how come such as "why are you being such a girl, just change the tire or let me do it"
okay... you are an exception... sorry for agreeing immediately to this statement ...
WTF is this sexist horsepatootie. Not only do I know how to hold a flashlight I can probably change the tire faster then you.
it's a bit true... based on my experience... they usually cry and talk about it a lot... talk and mostly complain and ask questions like "why.... howcome... "