buying a car in qatar.

By speedycarlito •
i am going down to qatar soon and will buy a car there to ship to sweden but i havent consider which car i gonna buy so?. just wonder what should i think about when buying a car in qatar?
regards carlos de la vega
fishermanalex what you say is not 100% true. I can agree if you buy Japanese or Korean Cars here and try to import to Scandinavia, but a European Car might not be the biggest problem. I got a Mercedes SL which with only 2 tiny modifications would be ready for import to Scandinavia, I also got a Ford that would cost a fortune to get up to Euro Spec.
Speedycarlito, PM me if you need to discuss various Cars and Specification, I might give some advice as I have imported a few Cars to Scandinavia in my previous life.
Gulf Spec might not be a big Head Ache for you. I have a couple of friends that imported Cars to Norway from KSA a few years back
all the cars here is made for gulf
it is not subtable for Europe
it is not gona work
have a car for qatar , use it ,enjoy it then sale it
I would go for a Mercedes, Audi or BMW for you to take back to Sweden. Prices of German Cars are low here, and German Cars are highly valued in Sweden.
But you need to find cars which got heated seats, Wipers for the Head Lights, Back fog Lights. You should also find one which is easy to install "Always on Lights" which is also mandatory for Sweden.
You should also check with Customs how long you have to be the owner before it can be imported. In your Neighbouring Countries you have to own the car for a year to import it favorably.
I would also assume it is better for you to import a Diesel Car (which got lower Taxes, than petrol cars)
thx for all the good answers. i think is easy to be tricked by the low costs in qatar. if im very unlucky i have to destroy the car when i arrive to sweden if it dont fits swedish standards. "or something like that they said." så were can i find what the car needs to have so i dont have to destroy it in sweden later.
think about the custom which you will pay at your sweden
cars you will find all brand but i guess you cant export less than 3years old model
all the cars in qatar are gulf specification,it is made according to the gulf weather.
preferable go for a some europe brand car, as ur from sweden.but check with the swedish agent based on which car