Do all companies pay Transport Allowance?
Hi everyone,
This is my first post on Qatar Living. I have been working in Doha for 5 years now. My office is in the Industrial Area. Now my company does not pay us any transport allowance and they don't provide transport either. Is that normal? How much do companies in the industrial area normally give as transport allowance?
dear josidon,
as far as i know, your tarnsportation allowance is one of your basic benefits as long as you are on duty.
i mean that your employer is not obliged to pay it during your PTOs..... actually you wont find any article in labour law implying single term for the same but mostly it should be clearly mentioned in your companys compa & benefis policy.
and for my friend who said that his company does not pay him transportation allowance, i believe that he can claim for it even if it is not indicated in his contract, coz this is an obvious breach of labour law & concession for the employee.
Dear Advocatefk,
I saw the exchange of comments and I find it so interesting. I would like to convey a question regarding the same topic. While there are so many employees who utilize their Transportation Allowance for their monthly rent a car or as monthly payment for their car loan. And since Annual Vacation Leave is given the same treatment as working days, is it an implied practice in Doha to provide transportation allowances even if the employee is on paid annual leave? Is there a written document (court/labor memorandum or decisions) that says that transportation allowances should still be paid even if the employee is on paid vacation since there is no clear information regarding this specific issue in the Labor Law? I would appreciate your kind response.
these are your entitlement as per your contract . as far as gratuity is concerned it is mandated by provisons of qatari labour laws.
and what about the gratuity and plane ticket mr advocate..., wasthere any provision for this as per labor law...?
spanky to the BATCAVE!!!
spanky1423's picture
K, thanks a lot advocate
Implore this before your employer…. Hope the company may take consideration.
As far as the areas are concerned please note that under the said article it is stipulated that those areas would be notified by the council of ministers. From my experience I can say that those areas are limited to like working in off shore.. etc. I am nor sure for this! Bit one thing sure industrial area would not come under the purview of said article as it is well equipped with public haulage as they claim. I surmise even this is a fact!!!
we get neither. no allowance or trasnport..sad nah!!!
Yeah so basically i wanna know which are the stipulated areas which are out of city bounds. I don't want to go to court or something, it's just that I wanna try my best to get transport allowance as it's hittin my pocket. It's a bitter and expensive reality :(
Nowadays all the company provides transport allowance for their employees...and on the other hand the company provide transport allowance to the employee if they wishes to not to provide transport....they can either choose transport allowance or car provided by the company! that the policy now here in some of the company...
Let me take liberty of explaining in brief the legal stipulations and implications thereto in Qatar. My friend the said article is not exercisable hereto as this article stipulates for the area(s) which is out bound the city i.e. to the place where no public transportation is available etc.
I am sure that there must be some provision for transportation allowances under your contract, if not you can ask you employer for the same.
This is Qatar my friend and here you are not eligible to file public interest litigation!
I understand and share your concern but this is a bitter reality. Strange but true…
Thanks for your prompt response advocatefk. I understand that it depends on my contract but at the same time, does it not depend on the labor law? Article (106) of the labour law of qatar address transportation, but it does not state the areas in qatar which are said to be distant from city. below is the Article.
The employers employing workers in locations distant from the cities and to which the usual means of transportation are not available shall provide them with the following services:-
1. Suitable means of transportation or suitable accommodation or both.
2. Potable water
3. Suitable foodstuff or the means of obtaining thereof.
The said locations shall be specified by a Decision of the Minister.
dear it is actually governed by your terms and provisons of contract of employment. if you are entitled for the same it is your legitimate right to claim it, otherwise......... you may better understand..
should you need any further assistance on legal issue please feel free to contact me on 6695392. but only after 6.30 pm