Negative Filipino [deleted by mod]
I figured out the formula of how to get the most points on QL! Post one of three things:
1. Something negative
2. Something about Filipinos
3. Something about [deleted by mod]
TIC - Tongue in Cheek
Seriously though, this is a great site, thanks again to those that 'keep the lights on' and those that actively participate.
about food? or fashion? or geeks stuff..oh so far in QL is abt relation, religion, politics and party..
Since the entire thread wasn't deleted, the third topic is about an activity that usually occurs between a man and a women in the bedroom to make new people.
Yeah right!
Another thread that will be surely a HOT TOPIC is
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
guys seems to me that you are all out of topic!!!!
Pope: get busy with ur parakeet :P
Southland, we can talk about u too u know :D.
"There's good in everyone, sometimes people just get diverted to the wrong path"
"Sometimes, when we open up to people, you let the bad in with the good, thats all."
Be careful with the Pinoy mafia..
To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
I'm looking in the bible, for the other adjectives of the word ---s**e**x----.
I found it, Procreation, fornication, adultery, prostitution..etc, etc.
I love my bible is always mentioning the word s*E*X all the time.
To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
Or just 'get busy' . . schwing :D
If we can get a picture of Julia Roberts in a thong, we can get a picture of this weirdo."
He doesn't want to be famous? Then I'll make him infamous!"
"Get busy living, or get busy dying""
"get busy living"
To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
Add 'in bed' after each one ;)
the subjects which arouse most debate in or out of a forum.
and if you have ever played 'word association' it doesn't matter if the first word is as innocent as 'table' you will have noticed that it ALWAYS ends up with sex ;D
Can't change human nature, isn't it? :D
BTW - With an Avatar like yours, you can rule the undead and possibly the living. . .I belieeeeve mastah :>
Sad but True !
Which thread has gotten the most posts on QL? Surely that can be queried.
when he posted it in his thread topic the other day ...
Surely it's all for one and one for all here?
Sorry, SouthLand, I couldn't resist it :D
I noticed too lol! Add the Indians...