By tanveer009 •
now that i have ur attention :P i wud like to know, are there any anti kissing laws in the copuntry? i mean, kissing in public, stuff like that...
i heard sum dude and dudette got busted :S and im like new to the place u know, so i just wanted to be on the safe side. please reply :)
I dony believe on that why there are some people kissing in heart of doha but they re not in trouble may be you will be get caught if you kiss the wife of others hehehehe
Nice way to get attention. Few days back there was one more "OHH MY GOSH!!! NAKED WOMEN!!!!" at least that was for a good cause. A title like "Kissing in Qatar." would have been more appropriate and would get more attention.
you really catch my attention
so where's my free lamborgini?
< >
Simply respect the traditions and non written laws here,
you feel deep effections ,
Thats your right, but not public
Live and let live,
respect and be respected
Math 4 All
It is not allwed for anybody to do like these actions....It is forbidden. You know that you live in a preserved country...and our religion and culture fight these things...Thats it...
P - public
D - display of
A - affection
is definitely a "no-no" in this country.. better do it in private or inside your house...
what sort of people would snog in public? Disgusting...get a room!!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
haha ahh :P damn man, can i get prosequted or sumfin? or just slapped arnd the head? or let of with a warning?
this is a muslim country and it is against their religion so it just a must that we should respect it right?
anyway, why would you want to show such affection in public?
HappY and In Love!
just go for it man. i pity the poor soul that catches me showing affection.
Yes I believe it's an offence to kiss (passionately)in public, I've heard there is a hotline number that can be called to complain about 'acts of passion'-kissing,illicit relationships etc,- and undercover police officers will swoop on the offenders.
May your dreams take you travelling all through your life.
Well don't take my word for it, but a friend of mine told me her brother got in trouble for "Public shows of affection"...
She lies alot though..