Rachel Ray Ad pulled she's a terrorist
Too funny, a Dunkin Donut ad was pulled of Rachel Ray due to the arabic scarf she is wearing its tooooooo funny read it at:
The world has really gone nuts!! Whats next so much for tolerance and understanding. I bet she had no idea she would be called a terrorist over a scarf. I remember when they also called Hanan Ashrawi the Palestinian Peace Negotiater a terrorist. Toooooooooo funny and I bet Americans eat it up as usual. They are swayed so easily by the press because they get no outside media. Wow the brainwashing machine called FOX is really getting their job done, they are becoming tooooooooo powerful.
but to laugh at how can people be judged because of their dress code ...
If I would wear something like, ... hmmm what can I say ... I don't want to ... enough of these issues ... even the silly comics does not sell that ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
She used to work in a strip joint across the street too :/
"There's good in everyone, sometimes people just get diverted to the wrong path"
They should take their ad and keep showing it in Denmark because it is the land of "freedom of expression"!!!
For clarification: there is no shame at all in beheading or taking some hostages from the terrorist armies/forces who come to invade a country. It is 100% justified. This is why the Koufiyah, and the Palestinean Jihad, are 2 things to be proud of, in this case.
Interesting someone pointed out that US troops now wear these scarves would they too be perceived as terrorists. Just shows who runs America and their power! Sad but true.
Better be careful in the US wearing that terrorist garb Alexa. Next thing you know we will be seeing you on Fox news with the Headline "QatarLiving - Communication Forum for the Axis of Evil". And of course it would be true - after all it is Fox News.
~I know nothing!~
Sergeant Schults from Hogan's Heros
I hope not! I've got Osama Bin Laden on mine (the brand name is Osama Bin Linen) :P
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Talking about Rachel Ray. She is a tomboy or shim as I see her.
The scarf issue have me wondering. Are the terrosits and suspected terrorists assessed and judged also by their underwear?
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Yes, I think the sooner everyone realises that the extreme far right of American politics is the only way, the world will be a much better place.
looks bloody awful anyway......we have beggars in the streets in the UK and they always have a dog....the dogs wear these things in that style round their necks...like a trade mark!...nice...call the fashion police!...
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
She's part of that whole Oprah Winfrey/Barrack Obama thing. A subversive attempt to bring Shariah Law into power in the US. :P
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Lol, Tweety, I was just thinking the same thing...and don't you think with her choice of recipes there's subliminal messages going on.
Ha ha. I laughed when I saw the source of this--Michelle Malkin! She and Ann Coulter say all kinds of stuff just to stir the pot (cooking pun intended).
I knew it. I just knew that Rachel Ray had terrorist affiliations. I mean, come on, isn't it obvious the way she slices and dices that she has been trained by a professional. The way she wields a knife - that screams terrorist training camp. :P
~I know nothing!~
Sergeant Schults from Hogan's Heros
It was only a matter of time before the truth came out. She's been serving those 30 Minute Meals to the taliban for years. Oh what columinsts will start just to stay relevant...
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
They are not banned here!! HEAD OR NECK!!
They are not banned in Germany either if they wear them on their head. They are banned only as far as I recollect for people in teaching and in gouvernment positions. Correct me if I am wrong
It does of course not portray the opinion of the American people that is sure, on the other hand Dunkins is present in the Middle East and in the Gulf where they are making a profit, this does represent the stand of the company though, spreading an image that this part of the world is full of terorists because they may have this colour and design of scarf.
I think it is Dunkins own special problem and they should deal with it. I am sure they will receive more than enought publicity for this don't you think?
"However, as of this past weekend, we are no longer using the online ad because the possibility of misperception detracted from its original intention to promote our iced coffee."
In her column, Malkin also noted that it could appear at times that actor Colin Farrell, rapper Kanye West and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean have been photographed in similar scarves that were "distinctive hate couture."
They aren't banned if you wear them around your neck.
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alyson, this is really interesting. didnt think scarves coild be IN in europe. werent they banned in france and maybe germany?
I am an American living in germany getting ready for our move in July. I have a 12 year old daughter and those scarves are totally IN here. She has them in every color!! Trends usually do start in EUROPE anyway.. just took some time to make it to the US!!
Nice to hear you have SUCH a lovely opinion of the intelligence of American people, of which you ARE one...from your profile.
I don't know of many Americans that actually are that ignorant to be swayed by what the media says...we all know its propaganda, from ANY country, not just our own.
perhaps you'd like to switch your nationality and passport to another country if you feel so strongly that we are all sheep...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
i think it's abt time brains and common sense is put to full use but then again nothing seems to surprise me anymore these days........shallow is as shallow gets
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
This does not resemble anything arabic at all. What I want to know is will Dunkin Dougnuts now stop selling their doughnuts in Arabic countries too where they are makeing a helluvalot of money??????
terrorist at all...jeez, maybe some people have waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too much time on their hands.
Try this link, there are lots of colours now, they are a fashion item....
The bit i find funny is , on amazon they are charging GBP 14.50 for a shemagh, in the Bahrain souk they are BD1.(GBP 1.35)
Robbing gets !!
The scarf doesn't look anything like a guttrah....it's got frilly bits. Now my friend, he wears a Palestinain guttrah as a scarf and frankly it looks good.
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