tax info-resisdency ties and life for kids.

OK. I'm from Canada and looking at an opportunity in Mesaieed for Qatalum. Anyone have opinions about the company?
I've read on a few forums that some have been working in Qatar for a few years and now the rest of the family have decided to join the husband because of extended contracts. I believe in order to work tax free one must give up all residency ties. This means all family members must leave.
Any info would be appreciated. My daughters are 12 and 15yrs old. The youngest lives for dance(jazz,hip-hop,contemporary) and the eldest loves socceer. Both are great kids so quality of life is extremely important. I've also considered leaving them here and travelling when I can.
Qatalum will offer schooling. Hockey will be a bonus sincce I play alot.
here in Qatar. It is extremely safe, and almost everything imaginable is available here. They are soccer crazy here so no problems with that and also dance classes are widely available as is ice hockey and every other sport. Do check the school availability. That would be my main concern.
Qatalum is going to be the largets Aluminium Plant in the World. It is built by NorsK Hydro of Norway together with Qatar Petroleum. I guess QP will be a sleeping partner as Norsk Hydro is the Company with Aluminium Experience(3rd Largets manufacturer in the World).
With regards to Tax, you have to check in Canada, every Country got different rules.