QatarGas Interview & Expected Salary

Hi guys,
I am new to this site. I am supposed to have an interview for QatarGas within a few days. I am 29 yrs old software senior developer. I have 6+ years of experience in .NET technology.
Could you please give me a rough estimate how much can I negotiate for if they accept me. The position title is a little bit ambgious.
It is called : Senior Software Developer / Analyst.
Anyway, I found on thier web site that they have good pacjage features like 3 bedroom flats and their own buildings and interest fre loan
I need to know salary ranges for software development position.
For example , 5 yrs .NET --> x
3 yrs Java --> y
or any useful details
Sorry for all this headache.
Any hints will be highly appreciated
Thanks alot
i got offer from Ebla, do you recommend me to take it or refuse?
Actually I was employed in qatar arround 9 months ago. I worked for a company called EBLA. I stayed with them for one month , I did a great job with them in this one month and when I told them I will leave they proposed to raise my basic salary to 15K and after 6 month to 18K.
For alot of reasons, I was not comfortable so I left them. I am not sure if it was the right decision or not specially after the price explosion in Egypt recently (0:
As alpina said your basic salary should not be less then QR.14000/- with other Allowances and benefits such as Annual family/self passage, Medical & Life Insurance/ Bonus/ Annual increment and future growth prospectus !
ask for at least 14,000 Basic salary ... by the way, whats ur nationality ?