US Aid...

By realsomeone

The United States of America aid...

[mod note : be considerate with what you post]

By Gypsy• 13 May 2008 15:01
Rating: 2/5

Ok then .said, they should pull all of their AID and charity from Sri Lanka (take back the billions they gave after the Tsunami) the billions of dollars of food and medical supplies they pump into Africa, parts of the Middle East, South America, etc etc. They should not send any money to the earthquake relief in China (which they are preparing to do) they should have stopped pulling refugees out of the former Yugoslavia....


By anonymous• 13 May 2008 14:25

"its unfair..To post such picture is unfair---we must respect all nationality"

just because of a simple & harmless photo, then those who insist on posting photos/cartoons just for the sake of insulting other religions/prophets, should all be executed!

Where has the "freedom of expression" gone to?

I also think that it is funny when some people think that America can bring aid, help or peace to a place/country, when all it brings is killing, wars & hatred!

By anonymous• 13 May 2008 11:32

You are classified as being a man with a big heart so why not love them all lol lol lol.

"well cant love them all at same time pal.

need a break for others too na understand man :D"

By catsniper• 13 May 2008 11:31
Rating: 2/5

I don’t know particularly about Somali, but ofcos America is having a reputation of being a big nosy poker into all irrelevent issues part of its propaganda , they messed up a lot of things in world (and they are still doing it) and others had to pay heavily or it. It’s a known truth with historic prove. Most of the time there are big conspiracies and hidden agenda behind their foreign policies which even it’s misjudged by its own people through very well managed deep rooted deliberate negative PR stories….

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

By festerzio• 13 May 2008 11:26

It seems that most of the people here don't know much about foreign policy practices and mechanisms.

Any country in the world that provides any kind of aid to another country has got a hidden agenda and clear political/strategic/economic goals and benefits that it will gain from the poor country. Only non profit organizations don't... and in some cases they even do too.

I'm not saying this because I'm pro or against, but because this is what the Americans have taught me in their own university (majoring in Political Science) and this is what any one in the foreign affairs field will confirm.

Forgiveness and being generous towards any country in politics has got to have a reason behind it. People tend to analyze politics with their own values, from their own angle and by using their hearts and at the end they fight. Unfortunately in foreign policy that's not valid and this is what politicians want you to do.

I repeat, I'm not saying this because I'm pro or against.

Cheers to all.

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 11:20

Ok mghozlan..its deal, let it go all

By mghozlan• 13 May 2008 11:06

with this post, what do u want to do, get US out of somalia affairs, no man,

u will only lose some good ppl here, and u will accomplish nothing, so kindly let it go.

By DaRuDe• 13 May 2008 11:04

oh no wait who gave you permission to insult nations?




By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 11:02

who gave you permission to hijack this thread? isnt it against the so called QL guidelines?

By oabazeed• 13 May 2008 11:00


Every Nation in the world has good people and bad people.

And the most stupid thing is to have a feeling toward a whole nation, it doesn't make any sense when you say: I hate Russians, or Indonesians, Or Thai..

Guess how many great and good people you offended by saying that, just because you don't like one of them..


By mghozlan• 13 May 2008 11:00

world war here, ok, let me get my water balloons, and sticky balls, no pillows are allowed, it should be serious, lol

By DaRuDe• 13 May 2008 10:56

well cant love them all at same time pal.

need a break for others too na understand man :D




By oabazeed• 13 May 2008 10:55

DaRuDe, So you love only Canadians ha? and hate everybody else?


Thanks man.


By anonymous• 13 May 2008 10:55

I'm English and my Lady is Indonesian.....

So what do you have to say now ?


By Scarlett• 13 May 2008 10:55

I have a suggestion for you...there is an saying..

If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem...

I haven't seen ANY suggestions from you as far as solution, only more problems...CAN you say anything that perhaps MIGHT sound like a solution to this problem?

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

By anonymous• 13 May 2008 10:54

Leave Mila alone she never insults anyone, she is the most peace loving bubbly kid amongst us and rarely says a bad word to anyone. If you feel insulted this is your own fault.

By Gypsy• 13 May 2008 10:54

What's worse Realsomeone, the fact that your country is controlled by warlords, or that these warlords get American weapons. You would still have warlords whether the US was giving the weapons or not.


By Rizks• 13 May 2008 10:53
Rating: 4/5

PEACE Guyz ..........

No World War IV here. Plzzzz.........!!!

By Scarlett• 13 May 2008 10:50

I have a son that was going to be going over there with the Peacecorps...and risking HIS life for YOUR people.

If they are sending troops then perhaps there was more to what you see than you are saying. And yes, America IS sending food to Gypsy said...its being held by your wonderfully noncorrupt government.

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

By Scarlett• 13 May 2008 10:47
Rating: 2/5

thank you...yes, we do, just as all the other countries do too..make mistakes, that is. No government is pure good...all are out for what they want or can get..that's politics, plain and simple.

Its just tough to swallow each time, people coming on here saying how the world's problems are all caused by the one will pull up their big boy panties and admit there were issues and try and correct them. I guess pointing the finger is so much easier than trying to fix what is broken. Reminds me of small children who are caught with a broken lamp...HE DID IT!!!

America is trying to get back on will take time..we've had a rough 7 years with the current leadership to deal with. That will soon change, thank goodness. If people will attempt to let the ruckus die down and stop with the hate cartoons and comments, it would happen so much quicker that everyone would get along. Hopefully that will happen..Godwilling/Inshallah.

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

By mghozlan• 13 May 2008 10:45

Mila, if ur talking to me, no hate and love are very far from each other, maybe close only between man\woman, but in other matters, no

By oabazeed• 13 May 2008 10:45

Novita's words are not threatening, She is always the first in helping other's request.

God Bless All of you,

And may peace spread all over the world.

By Gumby• 13 May 2008 10:44

Ummm, anyone have a copy of the initial pic for those of us who came late?

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:42

Scarlet America is not sending food in Somalia they send 50,0000 Ethiopian troops with latest tanks and sending bombs from the sky. should i be gratefull to America for this.

and hey i dont hate your people, i hate your administration. and please research the facts before you just claim America is doing good.

our people were killed by warlords funded by US, and you cant say this is our fault.

By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 10:41

you know there is fine line between love and hate??? be carefull you dont mistaken one. hehehhehehehe

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By mghozlan• 13 May 2008 10:39
Rating: 4/5

Guys lets agree that USA has made some mistakes, and still does, but what i believe is that the american ppl are good and nice ppl in general, and that some gov.'s go wrong, and still USA will go back to the role it should be doing, extremist are on both sides.

yes all nationa has it own interests, but when u take u must give in return, don't think that i hate US no i study in an american university, and have great frinds there,

By Scarlett• 13 May 2008 10:38

first you have to forgive yourself before you can forgive others. Its like Abu said...somalians were killing each other a long time before the Americans were involved. Retribution is trying to be made..can't you see that? Posting cartoons such as you did, just spread more mistrust and hatred. I can't comment on others on here because I haven't been on line for the past few weeks, but I CAN on this thread. It is totally uncalled for. I COULD say that America should stop sending food aid to Somalia, but you know what??? I can't and won't because I believe that if someone is starving then you are obliged to help them out..its human nature and an obligation to humankind. Our Peace corps are there trying to teach YOUR people how to raise crops so that Somalians can raise food for themselves the own risk of losing THEIR lives...and yet you still have such an attitude towards our people. I just do NOT understand a person like you at all. Americans aren't looking for a thank you, but we are certainly not expecting a knife in our backs either for attempting to help your country and its people.

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:38

I dont have separate God other then the one who created you, me and this world.

P.S: this is not religious discussion

By DaRuDe• 13 May 2008 10:38

oh and i hate English too :D




By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 10:37

i love all countries even somalia

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 10:36

have you ever wonder how many people you get offended by your posts??? by your comments that your GOD is the one true path???

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By DaRuDe• 13 May 2008 10:35




By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:32

Mila you deeply insulted me by saying I love America.. I dont dislike people of America and I dont have love for America.

Naiyer I did not offended any nationality here , i just posted a picture of the US aid in Africa..that is not unfair as you said.

By Gypsy• 13 May 2008 10:32
Rating: 3/5

Isn't funny how when the US interferes with a foreign despotic government everyone says "Hey Get Out it's none of your business!" but when they don't come to the rescue, everyone says "Hey why is the US doing nothing!"

The reason food and medical supplies aren't getting to the African people is because of the corrupt African governments (or lack thereof) not because of a lack of effort on the part of the US.


By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 10:28

texgary, you are right 100% but with realsomeone, he would not understand your point as he is have his own world.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 10:27

you are such hypocrite realsome, you said to novita: your words are threatening

what about your words to me: Mila you are insulting me by saying i love carefull.

thats sound threatening to me.

you are really got twisted mind. I hope GOD have mercy on you. Amin

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By naiyerharoon• 13 May 2008 10:25

To post such picture is unfair---we must respect all nationality--

By DaRuDe• 13 May 2008 10:25

 ah i was in the bar and you know its so crowded there must have missed you sitting some where in corner watching the show.



By anonymous• 13 May 2008 10:23

Why didn't I bump into you when I was in Isreal, I was all over and never met you. lol lol

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:19

scarllet there is guidelines to forgiveness one most important of that is when the person quits what he was doing. so how will you tell me to forgive US when they did not quit their killing of Somali people?

secondly i have always said i have no hatred to soceity or a community, if you read with a clear mind what these folks commented to me is obvious what makes someone feel hatred.

Love comes when peace comes...thanks

By TexGary• 13 May 2008 10:16

this is a really unfortunate thread...anyone that judges someone based on where they are from or the color of their skin or anything else without KNOWING that person should proabably take a look at themselves instead of lashing out at others.

I saw the picture that was posted and intended to just ignore the thread completely but I can't help myself.

By Scarlett• 13 May 2008 10:14
Rating: 2/5

you make a mockery of Somalia with your hatred towards others...When American tries to help with food donations, you say they do it when food is plenty..ever heard of biting the hand that feeds you? yes, America has made a lot of mistakes, but at least they are trying to help...ever heard of forgiveness? I KNOW that's in every religion in the world. Might try it some time and let go of your anger and hatred or it will consume you from the inside out and you will become a burnt out shell of hatred. The supreme Being gave us the ability to forgive and love one another..try using it instead of useing what the Devil gives us...hatred and anger.

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:12

your words are threatening...why did they say you are the cool girl in QL?

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:10

Darube your profile says you are from obviously i am not suprised with your words. worthless.

By novita77• 13 May 2008 10:09
Rating: 4/5

realsomeone, you better becareful yourself ... behave otherwise you will get banned permanently.

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:07

AbuAmerican that may be true for the rest of Africa but that is not true on Somalia, everything from 1993 (after Black Hawk Down) is to be blamed for the US.

killing of thousands of innocent somalis and fuelling their long time enemy is an event that the US will not be forgiven atleast from our eyes.

Mila you are insulting me by saying i love carefull.

By DaRuDe• 13 May 2008 10:04

He is angry coz he cant have a white chick or a blond as his girlfriend.

He is angry coz the US embassy might have rejected his visa application several times.

he is angry coz he cant be there right now in his country to help his country mate. and he will not coz he is scared to face them.




By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 10:01
realsomeone i am , and i will not be different from who i was.

Mr AbuAmerican..its him.

By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 09:59

because you love america so much.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 09:58

he just cannot help himself to be pittiful and crawled back to QL. I bet Qatari is laughin out loud to see you here again.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By britexpat• 13 May 2008 09:58

the cartoon is a bit harsh. The fact is that nothing is free. Governments give aid and expect something in return. Sorry, but I feel that Africa has to blame itself for a lot of its ills.

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 09:58

seems you feel too superior to convict someone with guilty. though i dont get angry with your nonsense.

why the hell on earth would i use a name with America..

By DaRuDe• 13 May 2008 09:57

and guess your words werent worth while thats why you got banned twice or thrice.




By anonymous• 13 May 2008 09:56
Rating: 2/5

You are back again at your old tricks - you decided to say good bye sometime ago and yet here you are with yuor propoganda again.

By catsniper• 13 May 2008 09:55
Rating: 4/5

the pic itself speaks alot abt state's foreign policy...

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 09:55

only people with guilty consciences get angry with my question. seems like you the one.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

By realsomeone• 13 May 2008 09:50

Mila...what makes you think something like this? it seems you finished your words in QL and turn to nonsense

By dragonfly212• 13 May 2008 09:48

are you two same people?? i have noticed everytime one posted the other one replied. very strange.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.

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