May move to Doha
By melissaphoto •
My husband was just offered a job in Education City. We are thinking of moving and visiting in a week and a half.
Can someone tell me what life is like in Doha? We have a 16 month old and plan to have another in a year or so. How is life with children? What is the cluture like. So far I've only heard good thing about Doha and Qatar.
if your child that age you wont have problem to find school which a problem here in doha
Try doing a search on here. There is so much information on here about this topic. Also try It'll give you a good idea of what we've got going on here. :) Also lots of info on there about having a baby here, mom's groups, etc.
If you are still negotiating your contract, get schooling paid for. Even if your son may only go to nursery a few days a week. Try to get it paid for.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.