High traffic fines and implications
There isn't a forum on sociology here to which i think this topic can belong to, so i'm positng it on the politics and culture forum.
I know the high fines are meant to
discourage people from being rash and adventourous on the roads and hence protecting the lives of others. The
normal fines previously used to be like QR500 ... was not proving to be enough of a
discouragement for a large number of people (very rich ofcourse) so they increased it to
something like 3000 to 6000 (if i am not mistaken). However, due to the
ever widening rich - poor divide, such a high fine on a poor guy
(consider the taxi drivers) is the end of everything.
I think a solution must be found that is fair to all.
How about sort of an insurance for this? I don't know how it should work.
But i guess that would once again take away the purpose of the fine in the first place.
Maybe these fines can be linked to something like the tax bill and the higher a person earns, the higher the fine for him. Ofcourse there are no taxes here but any alternative mechanism like this one?
Share your thoughts.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Most counties use point system. Don't they have that in place? I agree fines are a racket. Using points you'll soon see cowboys with no cars.
I just ain't happy at the idea of those poor taxi drivers being fined. They make like a 1000 bucks a month and if they have to pay up 6000 !!! Obviously, humans can make mistakes..
I still think that the punishment should be proportionate.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
high fines stop "some" people in doing so...
***** I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it. ******
Fines r just another stupid way to steal money. They should put laws like prison sentences only. Do u really think this fine thing is helping??? any local who knows someone at the traffic department can get his fine taken. Last time I got into a car crash, it was a Qatari's fault, the cop took his lisence information and let him go without asking him to check his radar or fines. I dont think these fines have anything to do with unappropriate driving, its more for buying new LCD's and paying off the salaries now that the traffic department is functional. But then its just my opinion.
Novi, they would fine anyone they want, last time my friend told me that his brother knows a guy who got fined 6000 riyals on the spot for crossing a yellow light, it wasnt even red, but because the guy was indian, he got pulled over.
Best just dont break the traffic laws .... KHALAS ....