Fishing and Boating

Hi All.
I am led to believe and also from past experience with my own Zodiac, that one cannot operate any craft near and around Sealine Resort. However I have recently seen Jet Skis and some boats doing fishing in that area. Does anyone know if the law has changed and also where I could get first hand information, as I have called almost all the Councils numbers and no one can assist me.
is that you cannot cruise in areas where people swim, besides areas near oil platforms. other than that there should be no ristrictions.
also. usually fishermen start their business early in the morning before sunrise. at that time everybody is sleeping and the crowd start to show up in the afternoons.
Yeah, too late for tears. Got to eat what we bit off.
However, I have been around Qatars coast line and that area seems to be the best for fishing. During this time of the year and especially on a Saturday the idiots tend to stay at the coffee shops in the malls, so its suprisingly quite pleasant. However I still need to find out the restictions in that area.
at Sealine. So possibly it could be the resorts you were seeing. I was there a few weekends ago. The resorts had several going, some idiot was going inbetween them (they had little kids on them) about 100 miles per hour. There was also a boat or two there. I couldn't tell if it belonged to the resort or not.
Call Sealine and ask them your questions.
Why don't you go somewhere else? I thought that people went there to avoid listening to all the noise from idiots on jet skies - it's annoying enough to hear the jerks on quad bikes in the distance
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe