A new problem!!!
By Alendronat •
This a new problem about numbers.
Asuume that u r a bus driver. The bus is going from A locatin to the B location and there is 10 stops along the road.Initially there are 3 passengers on the bus at A location. and the bus starts to go from A to B with its 3 passengers In every bus stop the bus takes
If the number of passengers inside the bus is an even number it takes 3 people
If the number of passengers inside the bus is an odd number it takes 2 people
If the number of passengers inside the bus is a prime number it drops 1 person
And finally the bus arrives to the B location. So according to this info what is the age of the driver.
LOLZZZ... it reminds me my early school days...
Grow up sweetzzzz...
“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”
Martin Luther King.
why ask this kind of question to us?
if you don't know forget it, if you know than memorize it
don't make us confuse
don't waste our valuable times
trigonometry?yikes no pls spare me ?AMEN
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
COunting, no problem. Long division-forget it. Geometry, physics, okay, but algebra...still trying to figure out how you can mulitply LETTERS!
so forget about the driver try to answer these how many people are there at the B location??
You know what happens when you ass u me something.
Asuume that u r a bus driver ........... need i say more .......... btw i am sweet 16 lol
hey gumby me too flunk math and i cant count for peanuts really>winks
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Aaaaagh, make it stop! Please....I'm having flashbacks to grade 9 math class...and the 36% I got.
and simple too...
this problem has been solved again and again..
if u r driving the bus, then u r the driver and u have to tell ur age..
but smart QL ladies wont say their age..
never ask a lady her age and a man his wage..